[quest] id=36 AILife=20 Repeat=true Wins=15 Card Reward=3 artifact rares Credit Reward=500 HumanExtras=Helm of Awakening|Helm of Awakening AIExtras=Helm of Awakening|Helm of Awakening|Darksteel Forge [metadata] Name=quest36 Title=Helm of Awakening Difficulty=hard Description=The game starts with four copies of Helm of Awakening on the battlefield, which reduces the cost of all spells by 4 generic mana. Put lots of expensive spells into your deck and enjoy the discount! Icon=Helm of Awakening.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 20 Forest 1 Desert Twister 1 Dosan's Oldest Chant 1 Nissa's Renewal 1 Reach of Branches 1 Primeval Bounty 1 Kavu Titan 1 Adaptive Snapjaw 1 Deadly Insect 1 Garruk's Packleader 1 Geist Trappers 1 Kurgadon 1 Mitotic Slime 1 Rhox Maulers 1 Rotted Hystrix 1 Silverglade Elemental 1 Stingerfling Spider 1 Tajuru Pathwarden 1 Thragtusk 1 Watcher in the Web 1 Great Oak Guardian 1 Greenwarden of Murasa 1 Multani, Maro-Sorcerer 1 Paleoloth 1 Phytotitan 1 Primeval Titan 1 Primordial Sage 1 Rampaging Baloths 1 Roughshod Mentor 1 Skysnare Spider 1 Soul of the Harvest 1 Thundering Tanadon 1 Ancient Ooze 1 Chancellor of the Tangle 1 Elderscale Wurm 1 Gaea's Revenge 1 Garruk's Horde 1 Hornet Queen 1 Moldgraf Monstrosity 1 Pelakka Wurm 1 Archetype of Endurance [sideboard]