[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Suspended Sentence Description=Ever wished you could control time? While playing the "Suspended Sentence" deck, you'll use suspend, vanishing, and cards that manipulate time counters to knock the timestream on its ear! Deck Type=constructed Set=FUT Image=suspended_sentence.jpg [main] 10 Island|TSP 9 Swamp|TSP 3 Terramorphic Expanse|TSP 2 Zoetic Cavern|FUT 2 Timebender|PLC 2 Dream Stalker|TSP 1 Unblinking Bleb|FUT 4 Infiltrator il-Kor|FUT 1 Riftwing Cloudskate|TSP 2 Augur of Skulls|FUT 1 Deathspore Thallid|TSP 1 Deadly Grub|PLC 1 Shimian Specter|FUT 1 Nihilith|FUT 2 Clockspinning|TSP 3 Paradox Haze|TSP 3 Reality Acid|PLC 2 Reality Strobe|FUT 1 Lost Hours|FUT 3 Ichor Slick|FUT 2 Festering March|FUT 1 Death Rattle|FUT 2 Mindstab|TSP 1 Phthisis|TSP [sideboard]