[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Ghostly Tide Description=Ghostly Tide - Shadows over Innistrad W/U intro pack. Deck Type=constructed Set=SOI Image=ghostly_tide.jpg [Main] 1 Rattlechains|SOI 2 Seagraf Skaab|SOI 2 Dauntless Cathar|SOI 2 Spectral Shepherd|SOI 2 Niblis of Dusk|SOI 1 Reckless Scholar|SOI 2 Apothecary Geist|SOI 2 Nearheath Chaplain|SOI 1 Silent Observer|SOI 2 Emissary of the Sleepless|SOI 2 Stormrider Spirit|SOI 1 Drogskol Cavalry|SOI 1 Chaplain's Blessing|SOI 2 Not Forgotten|SOI 1 Pore Over the Pages|SOI 1 Essence Flux|SOI 2 Puncturing Light|SOI 1 Silverstrike|SOI 1 Catalog|SOI 1 Deny Existence|SOI 2 Vessel of Ephemera|SOI 2 Bound by Moonsilver|SOI 1 Sleep Paralysis|SOI 13 Plains|SOI 12 Island|SOI [Sideboard]