[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Furious Forces Description=Furious Forces - Dragons of Tarkir R/G intro pack. Deck Type=constructed Set=DTK Image=furious_forces.jpg [Main] 2 Atarka Beastbreaker|DTK 2 Glade Watcher|DTK 1 Dragonlord's Servant|DTK 2 Colossodon Yearling|DTK 2 Hardened Berserker|DTK 1 Dragonloft Idol|DTK 2 Sabertooth Outrider|DTK 1 Summit Prowler|DTK 2 Lurking Arynx|DTK 2 Stampeding Elk Herd|DTK 1 Harbinger of the Hunt|DTK 1 Scion of Ugin|DTK 2 Savage Ventmaw|DTK 1 Epic Confrontation|DTK 1 Tread Upon|DTK 1 Draconic Roar|DTK 1 Dragon Fodder|DTK 1 Magmatic Chasm|DTK 1 Roast|DTK 1 Atarka Monument|DTK 1 Seismic Rupture|DTK 2 Tail Slash|DTK 1 Press the Advantage|DTK 2 Sarkhan's Rage|DTK 1 Berserkers' Onslaught|DTK 1 Evolving Wilds|DTK 12 Forest|DTK 12 Mountain|DTK