[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Crusher Description=Before Urza can complete the Legacy and build the famed ship Weatherlight, the planeswalker must overcome some large obstacles: hulking worms and treefolk. They're big, they're bad, and they're worth the wait. Once you bring them out, "Crusher" is bound to leave your opponents hurting. Deck Type=constructed Set=ULG Image=crusher.jpg [main] 1 Argothian Swine|USG 2 Cradle Guard|USG 1 Crosswinds|USG 1 Defense of the Heart|ULG 1 Disenchant|USG 3 Drifting Meadow|USG 1 Elvish Herder|USG 1 Erase|ULG 17 Forest|USG 1 Gaea's Bounty|USG 1 Gaea's Embrace|USG 1 Gang of Elk|ULG 2 Humble|USG 1 Lone Wolf|ULG 2 Mother of Runes|ULG 2 Pacifism|USG 4 Plains|USG 1 Radiant's Judgment|ULG 1 Rancor|ULG 1 Silk Net|ULG 3 Simian Grunts|ULG 1 Symbiosis|USG 1 Ticking Gnomes|ULG 1 Treetop Village|ULG 1 Weatherseed Treefolk|ULG 1 Wing Snare|ULG 2 Yavimaya Granger|ULG 2 Yavimaya Scion|ULG 3 Yavimaya Wurm|ULG [sideboard]