[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Cho-Manno's Resolve Description=Let your enemies' aggression be their own undoing. You'll parry every strike, neutralize every creature, and roadblock every assault in your foe's arsenal, then win by a well-aimed stroke. Remember Cho-Manno's motto: "The first principle of war is to be the last to die." Deck Type=constructed Set=10E Image=cho-mannos_resolve.jpg [main] 1 Ancestor's Chosen|10E 2 Angel of Mercy|10E 1 Angel's Feather|10E 2 Benalish Knight|10E 1 Cho-Manno, Revolutionary|10E 1 Condemn|10E 1 Ghost Warden|10E 1 Icy Manipulator|10E 2 Loxodon Mystic|10E 2 Pacifism|10E 1 Pariah|10E 17 Plains|10E 1 Serra's Embrace|10E 2 Skyhunter Patrol|10E 1 Venerable Monk|10E 2 Wild Griffin|10E 2 Youthful Knight|10E [sideboard]