[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Armada Description=The "Armada" deck lets you build your own army of Soldiers and Angels. To win with this deck, play your small creatures as quickly as you can to deal some early damage. If your opponent manages to hold off your attackers, establish a strong defense. Then you can start cautiously attacking again to get in those final points of damage. Deck Type=constructed Set=7ED Image=armada.jpg [main] 1 Angelic Page|7ED 1 Crossbow Infantry|7ED 1 Disenchant|7ED 2 Eager Cadet|7ED 1 Glorious Anthem|7ED 2 Healing Salve|7ED 1 Heavy Ballista|7ED 2 Knight Errant|7ED 2 Longbow Archer|7ED 1 Master Healer|7ED 2 Pacifism|7ED 15 Plains|7ED 1 Razorfoot Griffin|7ED 2 Samite Healer|7ED 1 Serra Advocate|7ED 2 Serra's Embrace|7ED 1 Spirit Link|7ED 2 Standing Troops|7ED [sideboard]