BasicLandPercentage=37 [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=20] Auriok Glaivemaster Kitesail Apprentice Kor Duelist Leonin Den-Guard Sunspear Shikari Stoneforge Mystic [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=2 Percentage=16] Kemba, Kha Regent Loxodon Punisher Myr Adapter Skyhunter Cub Steelshaper Apprentice Raksha Golden Cub [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=8] Adventuring Gear Bone Saw Bonesplitter Leonin Scimitar Shuko Sylvok Lifestaff [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=9] Basilisk Collar Bladed Pinions Blight Sickle Darksteel Axe Gorgon Flail Kitesail Neurok Hoversail Runed Stalactite Specter's Shroud Spidersilk Net Sword of the Meek Trailblazer's Boots Trusty Machete Viridian Claw Vorrac Battlehorns Vulshok Morningstar [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=4 Percentage=8] Accorder's Shield Darksteel Plate Fireshrieker Loxodon Warhammer No-Dachi Quietus Spike Slagwurm Armor Strider Harness Sword of Body and Mind Sword of Feast and Famine Sword of Fire and Ice Sword of Light and Shadow Sword of Vengeance Vulshok Battlegear [/Group] [Group MaxCnt=1 Percentage=2] Argentum Armor Ogre's Cleaver Warlord's Axe [/Group] End