[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Name=Liliana, Death Wielder Description=Liliana, Death Wielder - GB Amonkhet Planeswalker Deck Deck Type=constructed Set=AKH Image=liliana_death_wielder.jpg [Main] 1 Liliana, Death Wielder|AKH 1 Festering Mummy|AKH 2 Dune Beetle|AKH 4 Tattered Mummy|AKH 1 Channeler Initiate|AKH 2 Baleful Ammit|AKH 3 Desiccated Naga|AKH 2 Gravedigger|AKH 1 Crocodile of the Crossing|AKH 2 Giant Spider|AKH 2 Decimator Beetle|AKH 2 Liliana's Influence|AKH 2 Splendid Agony|AKH 1 Edifice of Authority|AKH 1 Luxa River Shrine|AKH 1 Oracle's Vault|AKH 2 Trial of Ambition|AKH 2 Cartouche of Ambition|AKH 2 Cartouche of Strength|AKH 1 Gift of Paradise|AKH 4 Foul Orchard|AKH 1 Grasping Dunes|AKH 11 Swamp|AKH 9 Forest|AKH