[duel] [metadata] Name=Imperial Guard 3 Title=Imperial Guard Difficulty=hard Description=WG Human deck Icon=Imperial Guard.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 1 Canopy Vista 4 Cavern of Souls 3 Forest 1 Fortified Village 4 Plains 4 Sunpetal Grove 1 Temple Garden 4 Windswept Heath 2 Angelic Overseer 3 Avacyn's Pilgrim 3 Champion of Lambholt 4 Champion of the Parish 3 Fiend Hunter 4 Hamlet Captain 2 Heron's Grace Champion 2 Mentor of the Meek 1 Riders of Gavony 1 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 4 Thalia's Lieutenant 3 Veteran Armorer 3 Descendants' Path 3 Oblivion Ring [sideboard]