Gorgon Flail Helm of the Gods Sigil of Valor Aegis Angel Soul of Theros Enlightened Ascetic Ajani's Chosen Herald of the Pantheon Ajani Steadfast Ajani's Sunstriker Akroan Jailer Akroan Sergeant Anchor to the AEther Blood-Cursed Knight Daxos the Returned Daxos's Torment Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas Gideon's Avenger Gideon's Lawkeeper Gideon's Phalanx Grasp of the Hieromancer Kytheon's Irregulars Kytheon's Tactics Kytheon, Hero of Akros Hixus, Prison Warden Iroas's Champion Kalemne's Captain Magmatic Insight Oath of the Ancient Wood Prickleboar Shadows of the Past Starfield of Nyx Suppression Bonds Valor in Akros Pharika's Disciple Celestial Flare Pharika's Disciple Erebos's Titan Harbinger of the Tides Tidebinder Mage Claustrophobia Tragic Arrogance Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis Xathrid Gorgon