[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Deck Type=constructed Set=M14 Image=psychic_labyrinth.jpg Name=Psychic Labyrinth Description=This tactical deck focuses on controlling the flow of combat. Efficient flying creatures backed up by versatile support spells will allow you to sculpt your path to victory. [Main] 2 Air Servant|M14 1 Archaeomancer|M14 3 Claustrophobia|M14 1 Clone|M14 3 Coral Merfolk|M14 1 Divination|M14 2 Frost Breath|M14 1 Glimpse the Future|M14 2 Illusionary Armor|M14 16 Island|M14 1 Jace's Mindseeker|M14 2 Master of Diversion|M14 1 Messenger Drake|M14 9 Plains|M14 1 Rod of Ruin|M14 2 Scroll Thief|M14 2 Seacoast Drake|M14 3 Show of Valor|M14 1 Solemn Offering|M14 1 Staff of the Mind Magus|M14 2 Stonehorn Chanter|M14 2 Warden of Evos Isle|M14 1 Water Servant|M14