[shop] WinsToUnlock=0 Credits=1200 MinDifficulty=0 MaxDifficulty=5 [metadata] Deck Type=constructed Set=M14 Image=lightforce.jpg Name=Lightforce Description=Enhance your creatures with Auras to become powerhouses in combat. Any damage your opponent deals to you will quickly be undone with your life-gain spells. [Main] 1 Ajani's Chosen|M14 1 Angelic Accord|M14 1 Auramancer|M14 2 Banisher Priest|M14 2 Brave the Elements|M14 2 Capashen Knight|M14 1 Charging Griffin|M14 1 Congregate|M14 2 Dawnstrike Paladin|M14 1 Divine Favor|M14 1 Elixir of Immortality|M14 9 Forest|M14 2 Fortify|M14 1 Hunt the Weak|M14 1 Indestructibility|M14 3 Pacifism|M14 3 Pillarfield Ox|M14 16 Plains|M14 2 Serra Angel|M14 2 Soulmender|M14 1 Staff of the Sun Magus|M14 3 Trollhide|M14 2 Voracious Wurm|M14