[metadata] Code=HOU Date=2017-07-14 Name=Hour of Devastation Code2=HOU Type=Expansion MciCode=hou BoosterCovers=5 Booster=10 Common:!fromSheet("HOU Planeswalker Decks and Toolkit"), 3 Uncommon:!fromSheet("HOU Planeswalker Decks and Toolkit"), 1 RareMythic:!fromSheet("HOU Planeswalker Decks and Toolkit"), 1 BasicLand AdditionalSheetForFoils=fromSheet("MPS Hour of Devastation Invocations") AdditionalSetUnlockedInQuest=MPS_AKH TreatAsSmallSet=true [cards] 1 C Act of Heroism 2 R Adorned Pouncer 3 R Angel of Condemnation 4 U Angel of the God-Pharaoh 5 C Aven of Enduring Hope 6 M Crested Sunmare 7 C Dauntless Aven 8 U Desert's Hold 9 C Disposal Mummy 10 R Djeru, With Eyes Open 11 C Djeru's Renunciation 12 C Dutiful Servants 13 U Gideon's Defeat 14 C God-Pharaoh's Faithful 15 R Hour of Revelation 16 C Mummy Paramount 17 C Oketra's Avenger 18 R Oketra's Last Mercy 19 M Overwhelming Splendor 20 C Sandblast 21 U Saving Grace 22 R Solemnity 23 C Solitary Camel 24 C Steadfast Sentinel 25 U Steward of Solidarity 26 U Sunscourge Champion 27 U Unconventional Tactics 28 U Vizier of the True 29 C Aerial Guide 30 C Aven Reedstalker 31 R Champion of Wits 32 C Countervailing Winds 33 C Cunning Survivor 34 U Eternal of Harsh Truths 35 R Fraying Sanity 36 R Hour of Eternity 37 U Imaginary Threats 38 U Jace's Defeat 39 R Kefnet's Last Word 40 R Nimble Obstructionist 41 U Ominous Sphinx 42 C Proven Combatant 43 U Riddleform 44 C Seer of the Last Tomorrow 45 U Sinuous Striker 46 C Spellweaver Eternal 47 C Strategic Planning 48 C Striped Riverwinder 49 U Supreme Will 50 R Swarm Intelligence 51 C Tragic Lesson 52 M Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign 53 C Unquenchable Thirst 54 C Unsummon 55 U Vizier of the Anointed 56 U Accursed Horde 57 R Ammit Eternal 58 R Apocalypse Demon 59 U Banewhip Punisher 60 R Bontu's Last Reckoning 61 C Carrion Screecher 62 U Doomfall 63 R Dreamstealer 64 C Grisly Survivor 65 R Hour of Glory 66 C Khenra Eternal 67 C Lethal Sting 68 U Liliana's Defeat 69 C Lurching Rotbeast 70 C Marauding Boneslasher 71 U Merciless Eternal 72 C Moaning Wall 73 M Razaketh, the Foulblooded 74 U Razaketh's Rite 75 C Ruin Rat 76 C Scrounger of Souls 77 R Torment of Hailfire 78 U Torment of Scarabs 79 C Torment of Venom 80 U Vile Manifestation 81 C Without Weakness 82 C Wretched Camel 83 U Abrade 84 C Blur of Blades 85 U Burning-Fist Minotaur 86 U Chandra's Defeat 87 R Chaos Maw 88 C Crash Through 89 C Defiant Khenra 90 R Earthshaker Khenra 91 U Fervent Paincaster 92 C Firebrand Archer 93 C Frontline Devastator 94 C Gilded Cerodon 95 C Granitic Titan 96 R Hazoret's Undying Fury 97 R Hour of Devastation 98 R Imminent Doom 99 U Inferno Jet 100 C Khenra Scrapper 101 C Kindled Fury 102 U Magmaroth 103 U Manticore Eternal 104 M Neheb, the Eternal 105 C Open Fire 106 C Puncturing Blow 107 U Sand Strangler 108 C Thorned Moloch 109 R Wildfire Eternal 110 C Ambuscade 111 C Beneath the Sands 112 C Bitterbow Sharpshooters 113 U Devotee of Strength 114 U Dune Diviner 115 C Feral Prowler 116 C Frilled Sandwalla 117 C Gift of Strength 118 C Harrier Naga 119 U Hope Tender 120 R Hour of Promise 121 C Life Goes On 122 M Majestic Myriarch 123 U Nissa's Defeat 124 C Oasis Ritualist 125 U Overcome 126 R Pride Sovereign 127 U Quarry Beetle 128 C Rampaging Hippo 129 R Ramunap Excavator 130 R Ramunap Hydra 131 R Resilient Khenra 132 R Rhonas's Last Stand 133 C Rhonas's Stalwart 134 C Sidewinder Naga 135 U Sifter Wurm 136 U Tenacious Hunter 137 M Uncage the Menagerie 138 U Bloodwater Entity 139 M The Locust God 140 M Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh 141 U Obelisk Spider 142 U Resolute Survivors 143 U River Hoopoe 144 M Samut, the Tested 145 M The Scarab God 146 M The Scorpion God 147 U Unraveling Mummy 148 U Farm // Market 149 U Consign // Oblivion 150 U Claim // Fame 151 U Struggle // Survive 152 U Appeal // Authority 153 R Leave // Chance 154 R Reason // Believe 155 R Grind // Dust 156 R Refuse // Cooperate 157 R Driven // Despair 158 R Abandoned Sarcophagus 159 U Crook of Condemnation 160 U Dagger of the Worthy 161 R God-Pharaoh's Gift 162 C Graven Abomination 163 R Hollow One 164 C Manalith 165 R Mirage Mirror 166 U Sunset Pyramid 167 C Traveler's Amulet 168 C Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs 169 U Crypt of the Eternals 170 C Desert of the Fervent 171 C Desert of the Glorified 172 C Desert of the Indomitable 173 C Desert of the Mindful 174 C Desert of the True 175 U Dunes of the Dead 176 R Endless Sands 177 U Hashep Oasis 178 R Hostile Desert 179 U Ifnir Deadlands 180 U Ipnu Rivulet 181 U Ramunap Ruins 182 R Scavenger Grounds 183 U Shefet Dunes 184 C Survivors' Encampment 185 L Plains 186 L Island 187 L Swamp 188 L Mountain 189 L Forest 190 L Plains 191 L Plains 192 L Island 193 L Island 194 L Swamp 195 L Swamp 196 L Mountain 197 L Mountain 198 L Forest 199 L Forest 200 M Nissa, Genesis Mage 201 U Avid Reclaimer 202 C Brambleweft Behemoth 203 R Nissa's Encouragement 204 C Woodland Stream 205 M Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver 206 U Wasp of the Bitter End 207 C Zealot of the God-Pharaoh 208 R Visage of Bolas 209 C Cinder Barrens