[duel] [metadata] Name=Mister Fantastic 3 Title=Mister Fantastic Difficulty=hard Description=UG Intruder Alarm deck with Imperious Perfect and mana elves Icon=Mister Fantastic.jpg Deck Type=constructed [main] 4 Misty Rainforest 4 Tropical Island 7 Island|M12 5 Forest|M12 4 Dryad Arbor 4 Intruder Alarm 4 Seedborn Muse 4 Murkfiend Liege 4 Imperious Perfect 2 Ant Queen 1 Rhys the Redeemed 4 Noble Hierarch 3 Llanowar Elves 3 Fyndhorn Elves 4 Dormant Gomazoa 2 Apes of Rath 1 Walking Dream [sideboard]