Name:Cunning Giant ManaCost:5 R Types:Creature Giant PT:4/4 R:Event$ DamageDone | ValidTarget$ Player.attackedBySourceThisCombat | ValidSource$ Card.Self+unblocked | IsCombat$ True | ReplaceWith$ ChooseVictim | Optional$ True | OptionalDecider$ You | Description$ If CARDNAME is unblocked, you may have it assign its combat damage to a creature defending player controls. R:Event$ DamageDone | ValidTarget$ Planeswalker.attackedBySourceThisCombat | ValidSource$ Card.Self+unblocked | IsCombat$ True | ReplaceWith$ ChooseVictim | Optional$ True | OptionalDecider$ You | Secondary$ True | Description$ If CARDNAME is unblocked, you may have it assign its combat damage to a creature defending player controls. SVar:ChooseVictim:DB$ ChooseCard | ChoiceZone$ Battlefield | Choices$ Creature.DefenderCtrl | Amount$ 1 | ChoiceTitle$ Choose a card to deal the damage to | SubAbility$ CunningDmg SVar:CunningDmg:DB$ ReplaceEffect | VarName$ Affected | VarValue$ ChosenCard | VarType$ Card SVar:RemAIDeck:True SVar:Picture: Oracle:If Cunning Giant is unblocked, you may have it assign its combat damage to a creature defending player controls.