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synced 2025-03-09 06:57:00 +01:00
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Name=Modern Masters 2017
Booster=11 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 RareMythic
1 C Attended Knight
2 U Banishing Stroke
3 R Blade Splicer
4 M Entreat the Angels
5 C Eyes in the Skies
6 U Flickerwisp
7 C Gideon's Lawkeeper
8 C Graceful Reprieve
9 U Intangible Virtue
10 C Kor Hookmaster
11 C Kor Skyfisher
12 U Lingering Souls
13 M Linvala, Keeper of Silence
14 C Lone Missionary
15 U Master Splicer
16 C Momentary Blink
17 U Path to Exile
18 C Pitfall Trap
19 R Ranger of Eos
20 R Restoration Angel
21 C Rootborn Defenses
22 R Seance
23 C Sensor Splicer
24 C Soul Warden
25 R Stony Silence
26 R Terminus
27 U Urbis Protector
28 C Wake the Reflections
29 C Youthful Knight
30 C Augur of Bolas
31 U Azure Mage
32 R Cackling Counterpart
33 U Compulsive Research
34 C Crippling Chill
35 R Cyclonic Rift
36 R Deadeye Navigator
37 U Familiar's Ruse
38 C Forbidden Alchemy
39 C Ghostly Flicker
40 R Gifts Ungiven
41 C Grasp of Phantoms
42 C Kraken Hatchling
43 C Mist Raven
44 C Mystical Teachings
45 U Opportunity
46 R Phantasmal Image
47 C Rewind
48 C Sea Gate Oracle
49 U Serum Visions
50 M Snapcaster Mage
51 C Spell Pierce
52 C Spire Monitor
53 C Tandem Lookout
54 M Temporal Mastery
55 R Venser, Shaper Savant
56 U Wall of Frost
57 U Wing Splicer
58 C Wingcrafter
59 U Abyssal Specter
60 C Bone Splinters
61 U Corpse Connoisseur
62 C Cower in Fear
63 R Damnation
64 R Death's Shadow
65 C Delirium Skeins
66 R Desecration Demon
67 C Dregscape Zombie
68 U Entomber Exarch
69 R Extractor Demon
70 C Falkenrath Noble
71 C Gnawing Zombie
72 M Griselbrand
73 C Grisly Spectacle
74 C Grixis Slavedriver
75 U Inquisition of Kozilek
76 M Liliana of the Veil
77 R Mind Shatter
78 C Mortician Beetle
79 C Night Terrors
80 C Ogre Jailbreaker
81 C Pit Keeper
82 C Recover
83 U Seal of Doom
84 R Sever the Bloodline
85 U Unburial Rites
86 C Vampire Aristocrat
87 U Vampire Nighthawk
88 U Ancient Grudge
89 C Battle-Rattle Shaman
90 R Blood Moon
91 M Bonfire of the Damned
92 C Chandra's Outrage
93 C Dragon Fodder
94 C Dynacharge
95 U Goblin Assault
96 R Goblin Guide
97 C Hanweir Lancer
98 R Hellrider
99 C Madcap Skills
100 C Magma Jet
101 R Mizzium Mortars
102 C Mogg Flunkies
103 U Molten Rain
104 C Mudbutton Torchrunner
105 M Past in Flames
106 U Pyrewild Shaman
107 U Pyroclasm
108 R Pyromancer Ascension
109 C Rubblebelt Maaka
110 C Scorched Rusalka
111 C Scourge Devil
112 U Skirsdag Cultist
113 C Thunderous Wrath
114 C Traitorous Instinct
115 U Vithian Stinger
116 R Zealous Conscripts
117 U Arachnus Spinner
118 C Arachnus Web
119 C Avacyn's Pilgrim
120 U Baloth Cage Trap
121 R Call of the Herd
122 M Craterhoof Behemoth
123 C Death-Hood Cobra
124 C Druid's Deliverance
125 C Explore
126 C Fists of Ironwood
127 U Gaea's Anthem
128 U Harmonize
129 C Hungry Spriggan
130 U Might of Old Krosa
131 C Penumbra Spider
132 R Primal Command
133 C Revive
134 R Scavenging Ooze
135 C Seal of Primordium
136 C Slaughterhorn
137 C Slime Molding
138 C Strength in Numbers
139 R Summoning Trap
140 C Sylvan Ranger
141 M Tarmogoyf
142 U Thornscape Battlemage
143 R Thragtusk
144 R Ulvenwald Tracker
145 U Vital Splicer
146 R Abrupt Decay
147 R Advent of the Wurm
148 R Aethermage's Touch
149 U Agent of Masks
150 C Agony Warp
151 C Auger Spree
152 U Bronzebeak Moa
153 R Broodmate Dragon
154 C Call of the Conclave
155 U Carnage Gladiator
156 C Centaur Healer
157 C Coiling Oracle
158 R Cruel Ultimatum
159 C Deputy of Acquittals
160 C Dinrova Horror
161 M Domri Rade
162 R Evil Twin
163 R Falkenrath Aristocrat
164 R Fiery Justice
165 U Ghor-Clan Rampager
166 C Goblin Electromancer
167 U Golgari Germination
168 C Golgari Rotwurm
169 C Ground Assault
170 U Gruul War Chant
171 U Izzet Charm
172 C Kathari Bomber
173 U Moroii
174 U Mystic Genesis
175 R Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
176 R Obzedat, Ghost Council
177 M Olivia Voldaren
178 C Pilfered Plans
179 U Putrefy
180 U Rhox War Monk
181 U Sedraxis Specter
182 R Simic Sky Swallower
183 U Sin Collector
184 C Skyknight Legionnaire
185 U Soul Manipulation
186 U Soul Ransom
187 M Sphinx's Revelation
188 C Spike Jester
189 U Sprouting Thrinax
190 R Stoic Angel
191 U Sunhome Guildmage
192 C Talon Trooper
193 U Teleportal
194 U Terminate
195 U Thundersong Trumpeter
196 U Tower Gargoyle
197 U Unflinching Courage
198 U Urban Evolution
199 U Vanish into Memory
200 M Voice of Resurgence
201 U Wall of Denial
202 U Wayfaring Temple
203 U Woolly Thoctar
204 R Zur the Enchanter
205 C Aethertow
206 R Boros Reckoner
207 C Burning-Tree Emissary
208 C Giantbaiting
209 C Gift of Orzhova
210 U Mistmeadow Witch
211 C Sundering Growth
212 U Tattermunge Witch
213 U Torrent of Souls
214 R Wort, the Raidmother
215 U Azorius Signet
216 R Basilisk Collar
217 U Boros Signet
218 R Damping Matrix
219 U Dimir Signet
220 U Golgari Signet
221 R Grafdigger's Cage
222 U Gruul Signet
223 U Izzet Signet
224 U Orzhov Signet
225 U Rakdos Signet
226 U Selesnya Signet
227 U Simic Signet
228 U Arcane Sanctum
229 R Arid Mesa
230 C Azorius Guildgate
231 C Boros Guildgate
232 M Cavern of Souls
233 U Crumbling Necropolis
234 C Dimir Guildgate
235 C Golgari Guildgate
236 C Gruul Guildgate
237 C Izzet Guildgate
238 U Jungle Shrine
239 R Marsh Flats
240 R Misty Rainforest
241 C Orzhov Guildgate
242 C Rakdos Guildgate
243 U Savage Lands
244 R Scalding Tarn
245 U Seaside Citadel
246 C Selesnya Guildgate
247 C Shimmering Grotto
248 C Simic Guildgate
249 R Verdant Catacombs