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synced 2025-03-09 06:57:00 +01:00
371 lines
7.1 KiB
371 lines
7.1 KiB
Name=Eighth Edition
Booster=10 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 Rare, 1 BasicLand
117 U Abyssal Specter
59 U Air Elemental
291 R Aladdin's Ring
118 U Ambition's Cost
175 C Anaba Shaman
1 U Angel of Mercy
2 C Angelic Page
60 R Archivist
3 U Ardent Militia
4 R Avatar of Hope
5 C Aven Cloudchaser
61 C Aven Fisher
6 C Aven Flock
62 R Balance of Power
176 C Balduvian Barbarians
292 R Beast of Burden
233 R Birds of Paradise
234 U Blanchwood Armor
177 U Blaze
7 R Blessed Reversal
8 R Blinding Angel
178 R Blood Moon
179 R Bloodshot Cyclops
119 C Bog Imp
120 U Bog Wraith
180 U Boil
63 C Boomerang
293 R Brass Herald
64 R Bribery
235 R Call of the Wild
236 C Canopy Spider
181 C Canyon Wildcat
121 U Carrion Wall
65 C Catalog
9 U Chastise
237 U Choke
182 C Cinder Wall
10 U Circle of Protection: Black
11 U Circle of Protection: Blue
12 U Circle of Protection: Green
13 U Circle of Protection: Red
14 U Circle of Protection: White
322 R City of Brass
66 C Coastal Hornclaw
67 R Coastal Piracy
323 U Coastal Tower
294 R Coat of Arms
122 C Coercion
238 R Collective Unconscious
68 U Concentrate
69 U Confiscate
70 C Coral Eel
71 R Cowardice
239 C Craw Wurm
240 U Creeping Mold
15 C Crossbow Infantry
295 U Crystal Rod
72 U Curiosity
73 R Daring Apprentice
123 C Dark Banishing
124 R Death Pit Offering
125 R Death Pits of Rath
126 U Deathgazer
127 C Deepwood Ghoul
296 R Defense Grid
74 R Deflection
75 C Dehydration
183 U Demolish
16 C Demystify
128 U Diabolic Tutor
297 R Dingus Egg
298 R Disrupting Scepter
299 R Distorting Lens
17 C Diving Griffin
129 C Drudge Skeletons
130 C Dusk Imp
184 U Dwarven Demolition Team
C Eager Cadet
131 R Eastern Paladin
324 U Elfhame Palace
18 R Elite Archers
19 U Elite Javelineer
241 R Elvish Champion
242 U Elvish Lyrist
243 C Elvish Pioneer
244 R Elvish Piper
245 U Elvish Scrapper
246 R Emperor Crocodile
U Enormous Baloth
185 U Enrage
300 R Ensnaring Bridge
76 R Evacuation
132 U Execute
133 R Fallen Angel
134 C Fear
247 U Fecundity
248 C Fertile Ground
77 U Fighting Drake
78 C Flash Counter
186 U Flashfires
79 R Fleeting Image
80 C Flight
301 R Flying Carpet
302 U Fodder Cannon
249 U Foratog
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
81 C Fugitive Wizard
250 R Fungusaur
187 R Furnace of Rath
251 U Fyndhorn Elder
252 R Gaea's Herald
253 C Giant Badger
135 C Giant Cockroach
254 C Giant Growth
C Giant Octopus
255 C Giant Spider
20 R Glorious Anthem
21 C Glory Seeker
136 U Gluttonous Zombie
188 C Goblin Chariot
189 U Goblin Glider
190 R Goblin King
191 C Goblin Raider
137 R Grave Pact
138 C Gravedigger
256 C Grizzly Bears
192 U Guerrilla Tactics
193 R Hammer of Bogardan
22 C Healing Salve
82 U Hibernation
194 C Hill Giant
23 C Holy Day
24 C Holy Strength
25 C Honor Guard
257 C Horned Troll
83 C Horned Turtle
303 R Howling Mine
195 U Hulking Cyclops
258 U Hunted Wumpus
84 C Index
196 R Inferno
85 C Inspiration
26 R Intrepid Hero
86 R Intruder Alarm
87 U Invisibility
304 U Iron Star
335 L Island
335 L Island
335 L Island
335 L Island
305 U Ivory Cup
27 R Ivory Mask
306 R Jayemdae Tome
28 U Karma
139 R Larceny
197 C Lava Axe
198 R Lava Hounds
199 U Lesser Gargadon
259 R Lhurgoyf
200 U Lightning Blast
201 C Lightning Elemental
260 U Living Terrain
261 U Llanowar Behemoth
262 C Lone Wolf
140 C Looming Shade
141 R Lord of the Undead
263 U Lure
142 C Maggot Carrier
88 R Mahamoti Djinn
202 R Mana Clash
89 C Mana Leak
264 R Maro
29 C Master Decoy
30 R Master Healer
143 U Megrim
91 U Merchant Scroll
90 C Merchant of Secrets
265 R Might of Oaks
307 R Millstone
92 R Mind Bend
144 C Mind Rot
145 U Mind Slash
146 U Mind Sludge
203 R Mogg Sentry
266 C Monstrous Growth
267 C Moss Monster
345 L Mountain
345 L Mountain
345 L Mountain
345 L Mountain
147 R Murderous Betrayal
268 C Nantuko Disciple
269 R Natural Affinity
270 C Naturalize
148 C Nausea
149 U Nekrataal
150 R Nightmare
31 R Noble Purpose
271 C Norwood Ranger
204 R Obliterate
205 U Ogre Taskmaster
206 R Okk
32 R Oracle's Attendants
207 U Orcish Artillery
208 C Orcish Spy
33 C Pacifism
209 C Panic Attack
308 U Patagia Golem
34 U Peach Garden Oath
151 R Persecute
93 U Phantom Warrior
152 R Phyrexian Arena
309 R Phyrexian Colossus
310 U Phyrexian Hulk
153 R Phyrexian Plaguelord
154 C Plague Beetle
155 R Plague Wind
331 L Plains
331 L Plains
331 L Plains
331 L Plains
311 R Planar Portal
272 R Plow Under
273 R Primeval Force
156 U Primeval Shambler
94 U Puppeteer
210 U Pyroclasm
211 U Pyrotechnics
212 C Raging Goblin
35 U Rain of Blades
157 C Raise Dead
274 C Rampant Growth
158 C Ravenous Rats
36 C Razorfoot Griffin
37 C Redeem
213 C Reflexes
275 C Regeneration
214 R Relentless Assault
95 C Remove Soul
276 U Revive
96 U Rewind
277 R Rhox
215 C Ridgeline Rager
312 U Rod of Ruin
38 R Rolling Stones
159 R Royal Assassin
216 R Rukh Egg
278 C Rushwood Dryad
217 C Sabretooth Tiger
39 R Sacred Ground
40 C Sacred Nectar
98 C Sage Owl
97 R Sage of Lat-Nam
325 U Salt Marsh
41 C Samite Healer
42 U Sanctimony
43 R Savannah Lions
160 C Scathe Zombies
C Sea Eagle
99 C Sea Monster
218 R Searing Wind
44 U Seasoned Marshal
219 R Seismic Assault
161 C Serpent Warrior
45 R Serra Angel
162 U Sever Soul
163 C Severed Legion
220 C Shatter
100 R Shifting Sky
221 R Shivan Dragon
326 U Shivan Oasis
222 C Shock
223 C Shock Troops
U Silverback Ape
224 C Sizzle
313 R Skull of Orm
164 U Slay
101 C Sneaky Homunculus
46 C Solidarity
165 U Soul Feast
314 U Spellbook
102 U Spiketail Hatchling
279 C Spined Wurm
166 C Spineless Thug
47 U Spirit Link
280 U Spitting Spider
281 U Spreading Algae
48 C Standing Troops
315 U Star Compass
49 U Staunch Defenders
103 U Steal Artifact
225 C Stone Rain
104 C Storm Crow
50 R Story Circle
282 U Stream of Life
226 U Sudden Impact
51 C Suntail Hawk
52 R Sunweb
340 L Swamp
340 L Swamp
340 L Swamp
340 L Swamp
167 U Swarm of Rats
53 U Sword Dancer
316 R Teferi's Puzzle Box
105 U Telepathy
106 R Temporal Adept
227 R Thieves' Auction
107 U Thieving Magpie
283 R Thorn Elemental
317 U Throne of Bone
108 R Tidal Kraken
109 R Trade Routes
284 C Trained Armodon
110 U Treasure Trove
228 C Tremor
54 C Tundra Wolves
111 C Twiddle
229 R Two-Headed Dragon
168 R Underworld Dreams
169 C Unholy Strength
112 C Unsummon
327 U Urborg Volcano
318 R Urza's Armor
328 U Urza's Mine
329 U Urza's Power Plant
330 U Urza's Tower
170 R Vampiric Spirit
55 C Venerable Monk
U Vengeance
285 R Verduran Enchantress
286 R Vernal Bloom
319 R Vexing Arcanix
230 U Viashino Sandstalker
171 C Vicious Hunger
287 C Vine Trellis
R Vizzerdrix
231 C Volcanic Hammer
113 U Wall of Air
320 U Wall of Spears
232 U Wall of Stone
56 U Wall of Swords
172 R Warped Devotion
173 R Western Paladin
114 C Wind Drake
288 U Wing Snare
289 C Wood Elves
321 U Wooden Sphere
57 R Worship
58 R Wrath of God
115 U Wrath of Marit Lage
290 U Yavimaya Enchantress
174 U Zombify
116 R Zur's Weirding