mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 11:06:22 +01:00
364 lines
7.4 KiB
364 lines
7.4 KiB
Booster=11 Common, 3 Uncommon, 1 Rare
227 R AEther Rift
226 R Absorb
91 U Addle
181 C Aggressive Urge
92 C Agonizing Demise
1 R Alabaster Leech
297 U Alloy Golem
136 C Ancient Kavu
319 C Ancient Spring
93 R Andradite Leech
2 U Angel of Mercy
228 U Angelic Shield
94 U Annihilate
320 U Archaeological Dig
3 C Ardent Soldier
229 C Armadillo Cloak
230 R Armored Guardian
231 R Artifact Mutation
295 U Assault // Battery
4 R Atalya, Samite Master
232 R Aura Mutation
233 U Aura Shards
234 U Backlash
235 R Barrin's Spite
46 C Barrin's Unmaking
5 U Benalish Emissary
6 U Benalish Heralds
7 C Benalish Lancer
8 C Benalish Trapper
137 R Bend or Break
182 R Bind
236 R Blazing Specter
47 R Blind Seer
9 U Blinding Light
298 U Bloodstone Cameo
183 R Blurred Mongoose
95 C Bog Initiate
48 R Breaking Wave
138 U Breath of Darigaaz
139 R Callous Giant
184 U Canopy Surge
10 C Capashen Unicorn
237 R Captain Sisay
238 U Cauldron Dance
140 U Chaotic Strike
239 U Charging Troll
299 U Chromatic Sphere
240 U Cinder Shade
241 R Coalition Victory
321 U Coastal Tower
141 R Collapsing Borders
49 R Collective Restraint
96 U Cremate
11 C Crimson Acolyte
300 U Crosis's Attendant
242 R Crosis, the Purger
142 C Crown of Flames
12 R Crusading Knight
97 R Crypt Angel
50 R Crystal Spray
98 C Cursed Flesh
301 U Darigaaz's Attendant
243 R Darigaaz, the Igniter
13 R Death or Glory
99 U Defiling Tears
100 R Desperate Research
101 R Devouring Strossus
14 C Dismantling Blow
51 U Disrupt
52 R Distorting Wake
15 R Divine Presence
102 R Do or Die
302 U Drake-Skull Cameo
53 C Dream Thrush
103 U Dredge
303 U Dromar's Attendant
244 R Dromar, the Banisher
245 R Dueling Grounds
104 C Duskwalker
322 U Elfhame Palace
185 U Elfhame Sanctuary
186 R Elvish Champion
54 R Empress Galina
55 U Essence Leak
56 C Exclude
105 C Exotic Curse
187 C Explosive Growth
57 U Fact or Fiction
58 C Faerie Squadron
188 C Fertile Ground
16 R Fight or Flight
143 U Firebrand Ranger
246 U Fires of Yavimaya
106 C Firescreamer
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
347 L Forest
247 C Frenzied Tilling
248 C Galina's Knight
323 C Geothermal Crevice
144 R Ghitu Fire
17 C Glimmering Angel
18 R Global Ruin
145 U Goblin Spy
107 U Goham Djinn
146 U Halam Djinn
249 R Hanna, Ship's Navigator
189 C Harrow
19 R Harsh Judgment
108 U Hate Weaver
250 U Heroes' Reunion
20 C Holy Day
147 C Hooded Kavu
251 U Horned Cheetah
252 U Hunting Kavu
109 C Hypnotic Cloud
324 C Irrigation Ditch
338 L Island
338 L Island
338 L Island
338 L Island
190 R Jade Leech
304 R Juntu Stakes
253 R Kangee, Aerie Keeper
148 C Kavu Aggressor
191 U Kavu Chameleon
192 C Kavu Climber
193 R Kavu Lair
149 R Kavu Monarch
150 U Kavu Runner
151 C Kavu Scout
194 R Kavu Titan
325 R Keldon Necropolis
21 U Liberate
152 U Lightning Dart
195 C Llanowar Cavalry
196 C Llanowar Elite
254 C Llanowar Knight
197 C Llanowar Vanguard
153 R Loafing Giant
255 U Lobotomy
305 R Lotus Guardian
154 R Mages' Contest
59 R Mana Maze
155 C Maniacal Rage
60 U Manipulate Fate
110 R Marauding Knight
61 R Metathran Aerostat
62 U Metathran Transport
63 C Metathran Zombie
256 R Meteor Storm
198 U Might Weaver
199 R Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
343 L Mountain
343 L Mountain
343 L Mountain
343 L Mountain
111 C Mourning
112 C Nightscape Apprentice
113 R Nightscape Master
257 R Noble Panther
200 C Nomadic Elf
156 R Obliterate
22 C Obsidian Acolyte
64 C Opt
258 U Ordered Migration
23 C Orim's Touch
259 R Overabundance
157 C Overload
294 U Pain // Suffering
65 C Phantasmal Terrain
306 R Phyrexian Altar
114 C Phyrexian Battleflies
115 R Phyrexian Delver
116 R Phyrexian Infiltrator
307 R Phyrexian Lens
117 C Phyrexian Reaper
118 C Phyrexian Slayer
201 C Pincer Spider
119 U Plague Spitter
260 C Plague Spores
333 L Plains
333 L Plains
333 L Plains
333 L Plains
308 R Planar Portal
24 U Pledge of Loyalty
158 C Pouncing Kavu
309 U Power Armor
25 C Prison Barricade
66 C Probe
67 C Prohibit
26 C Protective Sphere
68 R Psychic Battle
202 U Pulse of Llanowar
27 R Pure Reflection
261 R Pyre Zombie
203 C Quirion Elves
204 C Quirion Sentinel
205 C Quirion Trailblazer
159 U Rage Weaver
262 R Raging Kavu
69 U Rainbow Crow
28 C Rampant Elephant
120 C Ravenous Rats
29 C Razorfoot Griffin
263 R Reckless Assault
121 U Reckless Spite
264 C Recoil
122 C Recover
70 C Repulse
206 R Restock
30 C Restrain
31 C Reviving Dose
265 U Reviving Vapors
32 U Rewards of Diversity
33 R Reya Dawnbringer
266 U Riptide Crab
310 U Rith's Attendant
267 R Rith, the Awakener
160 C Rogue Kavu
207 U Rooting Kavu
34 R Rout
161 R Ruby Leech
35 U Ruham Djinn
268 R Sabertooth Nishoba
326 U Salt Marsh
269 U Samite Archer
36 U Samite Ministration
71 R Sapphire Leech
208 R Saproling Infestation
209 R Saproling Symbiosis
162 C Savage Offensive
163 C Scarred Puma
123 C Scavenged Weaponry
164 C Scorching Lava
210 U Scouting Trek
165 U Searing Rays
311 U Seashell Cameo
270 U Seer's Vision
211 C Serpentine Kavu
37 C Shackles
72 C Shimmering Wings
166 U Shivan Emissary
167 U Shivan Harvest
327 U Shivan Oasis
271 C Shivan Zombie
73 C Shoreline Raider
272 U Simoon
168 U Skittish Kavu
169 R Skizzik
74 U Sky Weaver
273 U Sleeper's Robe
170 C Slimy Kavu
274 U Slinking Serpent
275 U Smoldering Tar
124 C Soul Burn
312 U Sparring Golem
276 R Spinal Embrace
39 U Spirit Weaver
38 R Spirit of Resistance
293 U Spite // Malice
125 R Spreading Plague
277 R Stalking Assassin
292 U Stand // Deliver
171 R Stand or Fall
278 U Sterling Grove
75 C Stormscape Apprentice
76 R Stormscape Master
40 C Strength of Unity
172 C Stun
212 U Sulam Djinn
328 C Sulfur Vent
41 C Sunscape Apprentice
42 R Sunscape Master
342 L Swamp
342 L Swamp
342 L Swamp
342 L Swamp
77 U Sway of Illusion
126 C Tainted Well
213 U Tangle
173 R Tectonic Instability
43 U Teferi's Care
279 R Teferi's Moat
78 R Teferi's Response
313 R Tek
79 R Temporal Distortion
214 R Thicket Elemental
215 C Thornscape Apprentice
216 R Thornscape Master
174 C Thunderscape Apprentice
175 R Thunderscape Master
80 C Tidal Visionary
314 U Tigereye Cameo
329 C Tinder Farm
81 U Tolarian Emissary
82 C Tower Drake
217 C Tranquility
83 C Traveler's Cloak
218 U Treefolk Healer
127 U Trench Wurm
315 U Treva's Attendant
280 R Treva, the Renewer
176 C Tribal Flames
316 U Troll-Horn Cameo
281 R Tsabo Tavoc
128 R Tsabo's Assassin
129 R Tsabo's Decree
317 R Tsabo's Web
177 C Turf Wound
130 R Twilight's Call
282 R Undermine
283 U Urborg Drake
131 U Urborg Emissary
132 C Urborg Phantom
133 U Urborg Shambler
134 C Urborg Skeleton
330 U Urborg Volcano
318 R Urza's Filter
178 R Urza's Rage
219 R Utopia Tree
220 R Verdeloth the Ancient
221 U Verduran Emissary
179 C Viashino Grappler
284 U Vicious Kavu
222 C Vigorous Charge
285 R Vile Consumption
84 U Vodalian Hypnotist
85 C Vodalian Merchant
86 C Vodalian Serpent
286 C Vodalian Zombie
287 R Void
288 U Voracious Cobra
223 U Wallop
224 C Wandering Stream
87 U Wash Out
296 U Wax // Wane
44 U Wayfaring Giant
88 R Well-Laid Plans
225 C Whip Silk
289 C Wings of Hope
45 R Winnow
89 C Worldly Counsel
290 C Yavimaya Barbarian
291 U Yavimaya Kavu
135 R Yawgmoth's Agenda
90 U Zanam Djinn
180 C Zap