
265 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File

class Building_model extends MO_Model
function __construct()
function get_building($buildingid)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE id='$buildingid'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($q->num_rows())
return $q->row_array();
return FALSE;
function set_build_in_progress($slotid, $villageid)
$sql = "INSERT INTO village_buildings
VALUES(default, '$villageid', '$slotid', '2')";
function building_list($villageid)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings
WHERE rank='1'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
$res = $q->result_array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM village_buildings WHERE villageid='$villageid'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
$vb = $q->result_array();
//checking requirements
foreach ($res as $row)
if ($this->can_build($villageid, $row, $vb, FALSE))
$build[] = $row;
//requirements are met
$tech = $this->get_village_technologies($villageid);
foreach ($build as $row)
if ($row['req_tech'])
foreach ($tech as $trow)
if ($row['req_tech'] == $trow['technologyid'])
$data[] = $row;
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
//returns 0 if upgrade in progress
//returns 1 if technology requirement not met
//returns 2 if not enough resources
//returns 3 if can be built
function can_be_upgraded($event, $res, $building, $villageid, $query = FALSE)
if ($query)
//this means we have to get building from the db,
//and $building is only the id
//check if upgrade in progress
//we can just do this, since event is filtered to update events
if ($event)
return 0;
if (!$this->has_req_tech($building['req_tech'], $villageid))
return 1;
if ($res['food'] < $building['cost_food'] ||
$res['wood'] < $building['cost_wood'] ||
$res['stone'] < $building['cost_stone'] ||
$res['iron'] < $building['cost_iron'] ||
$res['mana'] < $building['cost_mana'])
return 2;
//can be built
return 3;
function can_build($villageid, $buildingid, $data = 0, $is_buildingid = TRUE)
//STUB requirements aren't implemented
return TRUE;
function is_valid_slot($slotid, $villageid)
if ($slotid > parent::TOTAL_BUILDINGS)
return FALSE;
$sql = "SELECT id FROM village_buildings
WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND slotid='$slotid'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($q->num_rows())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function get_building_ranks_admin()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE id > 2";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
$res = $q->result_array();
$data[0] = 'Nothing';
foreach ($res as $row)
if (!$row['next_rank'])
$name = $row['name'] . ' R: ' . $row['rank'];
$data[$row['id']] = $name;
return $data;
function list_buildings_admin()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
return $q->result_array();
function get_building_admin($id)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE id='$id'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
return $q->row_array();
function edit_building_admin($data)
$sql = "UPDATE buildings
SET name='" . $data['name'] . "',
description='" . $data['description'] . "',
icon='" . $data['icon'] . "',
rank='" . $data['rank'] . "',
next_rank='" . $data['next_rank'] . "',
time_to_build='" . $data['time_to_build'] . "',
creates='" . $data['creates'] . "',
num_creates='" . $data['num_creates'] . "',
score='" . $data['score'] . "',
defense='" . $data['defense'] . "',
ability='" . $data['ability'] . "',
cost_food='" . $data['cost_food'] . "',
cost_wood='" . $data['cost_wood'] . "',
cost_stone='" . $data['cost_stone'] . "',
cost_iron='" . $data['cost_iron'] . "',
cost_mana='" . $data['cost_mana'] . "',
mod_max_food='" . $data['mod_max_food'] . "',
mod_max_wood='" . $data['mod_max_wood'] . "',
mod_max_stone='" . $data['mod_max_stone'] . "',
mod_max_iron='" . $data['mod_max_iron'] . "',
mod_max_mana='" . $data['mod_max_mana'] . "',
mod_rate_food='" . $data['mod_rate_food'] . "',
mod_rate_wood='" . $data['mod_rate_wood'] . "',
mod_rate_stone='" . $data['mod_rate_stone'] . "',
mod_rate_iron='" . $data['mod_rate_iron'] . "',
mod_rate_mana='" . $data['mod_rate_mana'] . "',
mod_percent_food='" . $data['mod_percent_food'] . "',
mod_percent_wood='" . $data['mod_percent_wood'] . "',
mod_percent_stone='" . $data['mod_percent_stone'] . "',
mod_percent_iron='" . $data['mod_percent_iron'] . "',
mod_percent_mana='" . $data['mod_percent_mana'] . "',
assignment1='" . $data['assignment1'] . "',
assignment2='" . $data['assignment2'] . "',
assignment3='" . $data['assignment3'] . "',
assignment4='" . $data['assignment4'] . "',
assignment5='" . $data['assignment5'] . "',
req_tech='" . $data['req_tech'] . "',
tech_group='" . $data['tech_group'] . "',
tech_secondary_group='" . $data['tech_secondary_group'] . "'
WHERE id='" . $data['id'] . "'";
function add_building_admin($data)
$sql = "INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(default,
'" . $data['name'] . "',
'" . $data['description'] . "',
'" . $data['icon'] . "',
'" . $data['rank'] . "',
'" . $data['next_rank'] . "',
'" . $data['time_to_build'] . "',
'" . $data['creates'] . "',
'" . $data['num_creates'] . "',
'" . $data['score'] . "',
'" . $data['defense'] . "',
'" . $data['ability'] . "',
'" . $data['cost_food'] . "',
'" . $data['cost_wood'] . "',
'" . $data['cost_stone'] . "',
'" . $data['cost_iron'] . "',
'" . $data['cost_mana'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_max_food'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_max_wood'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_max_stone'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_max_iron'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_max_mana'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_rate_food'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_rate_wood'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_rate_stone'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_rate_iron'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_rate_mana'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_percent_food'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_percent_wood'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_percent_stone'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_percent_iron'] . "',
'" . $data['mod_percent_mana'] . "',
'" . $data['assignment1'] . "',
'" . $data['assignment2'] . "',
'" . $data['assignment3'] . "',
'" . $data['assignment4'] . "',
'" . $data['assignment5'] . "',
'" . $data['req_tech'] . "',
'" . $data['tech_group'] . "',
'" . $data['tech_secondary_group'] . "')";