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class Hero_model extends MO_Model
function __construct()
function get_heroes($userid)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE userid = ? AND deleted = '0'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($userid));
if ($q->num_rows())
return $q->result_array();
return FALSE;
function select_hero($id, $userid)
$sql = "SELECT userid,deleted FROM heroes WHERE id = ?";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($id));
if (!$q->num_rows())
return FALSE;
$res = $q->row_array();
if ($res['userid'] != $userid || $res['deleted'])
return FALSE;
$sql = "UPDATE heroes SET selected = 0 WHERE userid = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array($userid));
$sql = "UPDATE heroes SET selected = 1 WHERE id = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array($id));
return TRUE;
function get_hero($id, $userid)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE id = ? AND userid = ?";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($id, $userid));
if ($q->num_rows())
return $q->row_array();
return FALSE;
function delete_hero($id, $userid)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE id = ?";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($id));
if (!$q->num_rows())
return FALSE;
$res = $q->row_array();
if ($res['deleted'])
return FALSE;
if ($userid != $res['userid'])
return FALSE;
if ($res['selected'])
$sql = "SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE userid = ? AND deleted = '0'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($userid));
if (!$q->num_rows())
return TRUE;
$data = $q->result_array();
foreach ($data as $row)
if ($row['id'] != $id)
$sql = "UPDATE heroes SET selected = '1' WHERE id = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array($row['id']));
$sql = "UPDATE heroes SET deleted='1', delete_name = '" . $res['name'] . "', name=''
WHERE id = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array($id));
return TRUE;
// function get_hero_admin($id)? or gm?
function create($data, $userid)
$name = ucfirst(mb_strtolower($data['name'], 'UTF-8'));
if ($gender == 1)
$av = 'characters/base/male.png';
$avt = 'characters/base/male_thumb.png';
$av = 'characters/base/female.png';
$avt = 'characters/base/female_thumb.png';
$sql = "UPDATE heroes SET selected='0' WHERE userid = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array($userid));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM hero_templates WHERE id = ?";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($data['class']));
if (!$q->num_rows())
return FALSE;
$cd = $q->row_array();
//getting inventory template, and applying the stats
$sql = "INSERT INTO heroes
VALUES(default, '$userid', ?, default, default,
?, default, '" . $cd['max_health'] . "', '" . $cd['max_mana'] . "', '" . $cd['max_health'] . "',
'" . $cd['max_mana'] . "', default, default, '" . $cd['nomod_max_health'] . "',
'". $cd['nomod_max_mana'] . "',
default, '" . $cd['agility'] . "', '" . $cd['strength'] . "', '" . $cd['stamina'] . "',
'" . $cd['intellect'] . "',
'" . $cd['spirit'] . "', default, default, default, default,
default, '" . $cd['agility'] . "', '" . $cd['strength'] . "', '" . $cd['stamina'] . "',
'" . $cd['intellect'] . "',
'" . $cd['spirit'] . "', default, default, default, default,
default, '" . $cd['attackpower'] . "', default, '" . $cd['nomod_attackpower'] . "',
'" . $cd['armor'] . "',
default, '" . $cd['armor'] . "', '" . $cd['dodge'] . "', '" . $cd['nomod_dodge'] . "',
'" . $cd['parry'] . "',
'" . $cd['nomod_parry'] . "', '" . $cd['hit'] . "',
'" . $cd['crit'] . "', '" . $cd['nomod_crit'] . "', '" . $cd['damage_min'] . "',
'" . $cd['damage_max'] . "', default, default, '" . $cd['nomod_damage_min'] . "',
'" . $cd['nomod_damage_max'] . "',
'" . $cd['ranged_damage_min'] . "', '" . $cd['ranged_damage_max'] . "', default, default,
'" . $cd['nomod_ranged_damage_min'] . "',
'" . $cd['nomod_ranged_damage_max'] . "', '" . $cd['heal_min'] . "',
'" . $cd['heal_max'] . "', default, default,
'" . $cd['nomod_heal_min'] . "', '" . $cd['nomod_heal_max'] . "', default, default, ?,
default, ?, ?, default, '')";
$this->db->query($sql, array($name, $data['class'], $data['gender'], $av, $avt));
//add invertory here
//add starter spells
//make actionbar entry
function hero_name_is_unique($name)
$name = ucfirst(mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8'));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE name = ? LIMIT 0, 1";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($name));
if ($q->num_rows())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function all_hero_templates_admin()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM hero_templates";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($q->num_rows())
return $q->result_array();
return FALSE;
function get_template_admin($id)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM hero_templates WHERE id = '$id'";
$q = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($q->num_rows())
return $q->row_array();
return FALSE;
function edit_template_admin($d)
$c = $this->template_calc_stats($d, 'edit');
$sql = "UPDATE hero_templates
SET classname = '" . $d['classname'] . "',
nomod_max_health = '" . $d['nomod_max_health'] . "',
nomod_max_mana = '" . $d['nomod_max_mana'] . "',
max_health = '" . $c['max_health'] . "',
max_mana = '" . $c['max_mana'] . "',
agility = '" . $d['agility'] . "',
strength = '" . $d['strength'] . "',
stamina = '" . $d['stamina'] . "',
intellect = '" . $d['intellect'] . "',
spirit = '" . $d['spirit'] . "',
nomod_attackpower = '" . $d['nomod_attackpower'] . "',
attackpower = '" . $c['attackpower'] . "',
armor = '" . $c['armor']. "',
dodge = '" . $c['dodge'] . "',
nomod_dodge = '" . $d['nomod_dodge'] . "',
parry = '" . $c['parry'] . "',
nomod_parry = '" . $d['nomod_parry'] . "',
hit = '" . $d['hit'] . "',
crit = '" . $c['crit'] . "',
nomod_crit = '" . $d['nomod_crit'] . "',
nomod_damage_min = '" . $c['nomod_damage_min'] . "',
nomod_damage_max = '" . $c['nomod_damage_max'] . "',
damage_min = '" . $c['damage_min'] . "',
damage_max = '" . $c['damage_max'] . "',
ranged_damage_min = '" . $c['ranged_damage_min'] . "',
ranged_damage_max = '" . $c['ranged_damage_max'] . "',
nomod_ranged_damage_min = '" . $c['nomod_ranged_damage_min'] . "',
nomod_ranged_damage_max = '" . $c['nomod_ranged_damage_max'] . "',
nomod_heal_min = '" . $c['nomod_heal_min'] . "',
nomod_heal_max = '" . $c['nomod_heal_max'] . "',
heal_min = '" . $c['heal_min'] . "',
heal_max = '" . $c['heal_max'] . "'
WHERE id = '" . $d['id'] . "'";
function add_template_admin($d)
//0 armor is being added, because when adding a new class, eqipments shouldn't exists in db
//think about this!
//maybe this is uniform in template and normal mode! or can be made uniform
$c = $this->template_calc_stats($d, 'add');
$sql = "INSERT INTO hero_templates
VALUES(default, '" . $d['classname'] . "', '" . $d['nomod_max_health'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_max_mana'] . "', '" . $c['max_health'] . "',
'" . $c['max_mana'] . "', '" . $d['agility'] . "', '" . $d['strength'] . "',
'" . $d['stamina'] . "', '" . $d['intellect'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_attackpower'] . "', '" . $c['attackpower'] . "',
'" . $d['spirit'] . "', '0', '" . $c['dodge'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_dodge'] . "', '" . $c['parry'] . "', '" . $d['nomod_parry'] . "',
'" . $d['hit'] . "', '" . $c['crit'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_crit'] . "', '" . $d['nomod_damage_min'] . "', '" . $d['nomod_damage_max'] . "',
'" . $c['damage_min'] . "', '" . $c['damage_max'] . "',
'" . $c['ranged_damage_min'] . "', '" . $c['ranged_damage_max'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_ranged_damage_min'] . "', '" . $d['nomod_ranged_damage_max'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_heal_min'] . "',
'" . $d['nomod_heal_max'] . "', '" . $c['heal_min'] . "', '" . $c['heal_max'] . "')";
//this is for templates (calculating all stats)
//type can be add and edit -> edit does thing like armor calc, and damage
function template_calc_stats($d, $type)
$class = $d['classname'];
$c['max_health'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'max_health', $d);
$c['max_mana'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'max_mana', $d);
$c['attackpower'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'attackpower', $d);
$c['crit'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'crit', $d);
$c['parry'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'parry', $d);
$c['dodge'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'dodge', $d);
$c['damage_min'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'damage_min', $d);
$c['damage_max'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'damage_max', $d);
$c['ranged_damage_min'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'ranged_damage_min', $d);
$c['ranged_damage_max'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'ranged_damage_max', $d);
$c['heal_min'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'heal_min', $d);
$c['heal_max'] = $this->hero_stat($class, 'heal_max', $d);
if ($type == 'edit')
//armor, damage, heal from items
$c['armor'] = 0;
$c['nomod_damage_min'] = $d['nomod_damage_min'];
$c['nomod_damage_max'] = $d['nomod_damage_max'];
$c['nomod_ranged_damage_min'] = $d['nomod_ranged_damage_min'];
$c['nomod_ranged_damage_max'] = $d['nomod_ranged_damage_max'];
$c['nomod_heal_min'] = $d['nomod_heal_min'];
$c['nomod_heal_max'] = $d['nomod_heal_max'];
return $c;