weather = FALSE; $this->weathers = FALSE; $this->weather_change = FALSE; $this->village_data = FALSE; } function update($vdata, $d = FALSE) { //TODO make helpers for get_next_event and alike functions and remove this if if ($d) { $villageid = $vdata['id']; $this->village_data = $vdata; } else { $villageid = $vdata; $sql = "SELECT * FROM villages WHERE id='$villageid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $this->village_data = $q->row_array(); } $this->get_resources($villageid); $this->get_weathers(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE villageid='$villageid' ORDER BY end ASC"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$q->num_rows()) { $this->update_resources(time()); $this->update_weather(time()); $this->write_weather(); $this->write_resources(); $data['resources'] = $this->resources; $data['events'] = FALSE; $data['weather'] = $this->weather; return $data; } $events = $q->result_array(); $time = time(); $log = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($events as $row) { if ($row['end'] < $time) { switch ($row['type']) { case (parent::EVENT_BUILD): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_build_finished($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; case (parent::EVENT_UPGRADE): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_upgrade_finished($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; case (parent::EVENT_CREATE): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_create_finished($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; case (parent::EVENT_SPELL_END): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_spell_end($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; case (parent::EVENT_RESEARCH_END): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_research_end($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; case (parent::EVENT_ATTACK): $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->_attack($row); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; default: $this->update_resources($row['end']); $this->update_weather($row['end']); $this->delete_event($row['id']); unset($events[$i]); break; } } $i++; } $this->update_resources(time()); $this->update_weather(time()); $this->unitq_write(); $this->write_resources(); $this->write_weather(); //TODO this can probably simplified, need some research if the array will be unsetted when all of its //content is unsetted if (isset($events)) { if ($events) { //this is to start at index 0 foreach ($events as $row) { $fevents[] = $row; } $data['events'] = $fevents; } else { $data['events'] = FALSE; } } else { $data['events'] = FALSE; } $data['resources'] = $this->resources; $data['weather'] = $this->weather; return $data; } function get_weathers() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM weathers ORDER BY id ASC"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $this->weathers = $q->result_array(); foreach ($this->weathers as $row) { if ($this->village_data['weather'] == $row['id']) { $this->weather = $row; break; } } } function update_weather($time = FALSE) { if (!$time) $time = time(); //first time weather calculation if (!$this->village_data['last_weather_change'] && !$this->village_data['weather']) { $r = rand(0, (sizeof($this->weathers) - 1)); $this->weather = $this->weathers[$r]; $this->add_modifiers($this->weather, $this->village_data['id'], 'weather', 1, TRUE); $this->village_data['last_weather_change'] = $time; $this->village_data['weather'] = $this->weather['id']; $this->weather_change = TRUE; } //if this happens its a spell, which means we have to only set this if ($this->village_data['weather_change_to'] && ($time == time() || ($time + 1) == time() || ($time + 2) == time())) { //just making sure 1-2 sec delay can happen $w = $this->village_data['weather_change_to']; $this->substract_modifiers($this->weather, $this->village_data['id'], 'weather', 1, TRUE); foreach ($this->weathers as $row) { if ($row['id'] == $w) { $this->weather = $row; break; } } $this->add_modifiers($this->weather, $this->village_data['id'], 'weather', 1, TRUE); $this->village_data['last_weather_change'] = $time; $this->village_data['weather'] = $this->weather['id']; $this->village_data['weather_change_to'] = 0; $this->weather_change = TRUE; } //changing weather every hour $nc = $this->village_data['last_weather_change'] + 3600; //if more than a hour if ($nc < $time) { $r = rand(0, (sizeof($this->weathers) - 1)); $this->substract_modifiers($this->weather, $this->village_data['id'], 'weather', 1, TRUE); $this->weather = $this->weathers[$r]; $this->add_modifiers($this->weather, $this->village_data['id'], 'weather', 1, TRUE); $this->village_data['last_weather_change'] = $time; $this->village_data['weather'] = $this->weather['id']; $this->weather_change = TRUE; if ($time == time() || ($time + 1) == time() || ($time + 2) == time()) { //process abilities here like fires } } } function write_weather() { if (!$this->weather_change) return; $sql = "UPDATE villages SET weather='" . $this->weather['id'] . "', last_weather_change='" . $this->village_data['last_weather_change'] . "', weather_change_to='" . $this->village_data['weather_change_to'] . "' WHERE id='" . $this->village_data['id'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); } function delete_event($evid) { $sql = "DELETE FROM events WHERE id='$evid'"; $this->db->query($sql); } //gets events by slotid function get_events($slotid, $villageid) { $this->update($villageid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND slotid='$slotid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if ($q->num_rows()) return $q->result_array(); return FALSE; } function has_event($slotid, $villageid) { $this->update($villageid); $sql = "SELECT id FROM events WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND slotid='$slotid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if ($q->num_rows()) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //gets the next event for display function get_next_event($villageid) { $this->update($villageid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE villageid='$villageid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$q->num_rows()) return FALSE; $res = $q->result_array(); $min = 0; foreach ($res as $row) { if (!$min) $min = $row; if ($row['end'] < $min['end']) $min = $row; } return $min; } function check_event($event, $type) { if (!$event) return FALSE; if ($type == 'build') $type = parent::EVENT_BUILD; elseif ($type == 'upgrade') $type = parent::EVENT_UPGRADE; elseif ($type == 'create') $type = parent::EVENT_CREATE; foreach ($event as $row) { if ($row['type'] == $type) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function _build_finished($data) { //delete build_in progress tile $sql = "DELETE FROM village_buildings WHERE villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "' AND slotid='" . $data['slotid'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); //data1 should contain the buildingid $sql = "INSERT INTO village_buildings VALUES(default, '" . $data['villageid'] . "', '" . $data['slotid'] . "', '" . $data['data1'] . "')"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->add_modifiers($data['data1'], $data['villageid']); } function _upgrade_finished($data) { //initialize unitq $this->unitq_initialize($data['villageid']); //deassign everything $this->_deassign_all($data); //remove prev rank's modifier $this->substract_modifiers($data['data2'], $data['villageid']); //update entry $sql = "UPDATE village_buildings SET buildingid='" . $data['data1'] . "' WHERE villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "' AND slotid='" . $data['slotid'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); //add new modifiers $this->add_modifiers($data['data1'], $data['villageid']); } function _create_finished($data) { $this->unitq_initialize($data['villageid']); $this->unitq_change('+', $data['data1'], $data['data2']); } function _deassign_all($data) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM building_assignments LEFT JOIN assignments ON WHERE slotid='" . $data['slotid'] . "' AND villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$q->num_rows()) return; $ass = $q->result_array(); //deleting assignments $sql = "DELETE FROM building_assignments WHERE slotid='" . $data['slotid'] . "' AND villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); foreach ($ass as $row) { $this->substract_modifiers($row, $data['villageid'], 'assignment', $row['num_bonus'], TRUE); //giving units back $this->unitq_change('+', $row['unitid'], $row['num_unit'], TRUE); } //take away spells $sql = "DELETE FROM building_spells WHERE villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "' AND slotid='" . $data['slotid'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); } function _spell_end($data) { $this->substract_modifiers($data['data1'], $data['villageid'], 'spell'); } function _research_end($data) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM technologies WHERE id='" . $data['data1'] . "'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$q->num_rows()) return; $tech = $q->row_array(); $this->add_modifiers($tech, $data['villageid'], 'technology', 1, TRUE); $this->add_technology($data['data1'], $data['data2'], $tech, $data['slotid'], $data['villageid']); } function _attack($data) { $this->unitq_initialize($data['villageid']); //get village units who can defend $defenders = $this->_get_defenders(); $userid = $this->userid; $attackers = $this->_get_attackers($data['data1'], $data['villageid']); $village = $this->_get_village($data['villageid']); $log = $this->_combat($defenders, $attackers, $village, $data['data2'], $data['villageid'], $userid); $this->add_combat_log($log, $data['villageid']); //delete attack from the db $sql = "DELETE FROM attacks WHERE villageid='" . $data['villageid'] . "' AND attackid='" .$data['data1'] . "'"; $this->db->query($sql); } function _get_defenders() { $units = $this->unitq_get_units(); $vu = $this->unitq_get_village_units(); if (!$vu) return FALSE; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($vu); $i++) { foreach ($units as $u) { if ($vu[$i]['unitid'] == $u['id']) { $d[$i] = $u; $d[$i]['unitcount'] = $vu[$i]['unitcount']; } } } if (!isset($d)) return FALSE; foreach ($d as $row) { if ($row['can_defend']) $data[] = $row; } if (isset($data)) return $data; else return FALSE; } function _get_attackers($atkid, $villageid) { $sql = "SELECT attacks.ai_unitcount AS unitcount,ai_units.* FROM attacks LEFT JOIN ai_units ON WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND attackid='$atkid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); return $q->result_array(); } function _get_village($villageid) { $sql = "SELECT buildings.*,village_buildings.slotid FROM village_buildings LEFT JOIN buildings on WHERE villageid='$villageid'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $res = $q->result_array(); $i = 1; for ($y = 1; $y <= parent::BUILDING_ROW; $y++) { for ($x = 1; $x <= parent::BUILDING_CULOMN; $x++) { $found = FALSE; foreach ($res as $row) { if ($row['slotid'] == $i) { $found = TRUE; $data[$x][$y] = $row; } } if (!$found) $data[$x][$y] = FALSE; $i++; } } return $data; } function _combat($defenders, $attackers, $village, $dir, $villageid, $userid) { $this->load->helper('date'); $datestring = "%Y.%m.%d - %H:%i:%s"; $log = "Attack (" . mdate($datestring, time()) . "):

"; $log .= $this->_def_atk_list($defenders, $attackers); //combat with defenders if ($defenders) { //save some sizeof() calls $def_size = sizeof($defenders) - 1; $atk_size = sizeof($attackers) - 1; //using the smaller if ($def_size < $atk_size) { $iter = $defenders; $iter_t = 'def'; } else { $iter = $attackers; $iter_t = 'atk'; } //generating who fight with who for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($iter); $i++) { $found = FALSE; while(!$found) { if ($iter_t == 'def') $r = rand(0, $atk_size); else $r = rand(0, $def_size); if (!isset($d[$r])) { if ($iter_t == 'def') { $turn_a = $attackers[$r]['turn']; $turn_p = $defenders[$i]['turn']; } else { $turn_a = $attackers[$i]['turn']; $turn_p = $defenders[$r]['turn']; } if ($turn_a > $turn_p) $turn = 'pl'; elseif ($turn_p > $turn_a) $turn = 'ai'; else $turn = 'sa'; if ($iter_t == 'def') { $unit_a = $attackers[$r]; $unit_p = $defenders[$i]; } else { $unit_a = $attackers[$i]; $unit_p = $defenders[$r]; } $hit = $this->_hit($unit_a, $unit_p, $turn); $log .= $hit['log']; $log .= "
"; //write back hit if ($iter_t == 'def') { $attackers[$r]['unitcount'] -= $hit['ai']; $defend = $defenders[$i]; } else { $attackers[$i]['unitcount'] -= $hit['ai']; $defend = $defenders[$r]; } $d[$r] = TRUE; $found = TRUE; } } } } else { $log .= "You doesn\'t have any defenders, attackers attack your village.
"; } //there is no unsetting in the above part, so this will always be true //leftover atackers go for the village //if ($attackers) //{ //ability 1 means they can't stole //} $buildings = FALSE; //create an array with these, containing the first building in every row or culomn //it has to be foreachable if ($dir == parent::ATTACK_UP) { for ($x = 1; $x <= parent::BUILDING_CULOMN; $x++) { $found = FALSE; for ($y = 1; $y <= parent::BUILDING_ROW; $y++) { $building = $village[$x][$y]; if ($building) { $buildings[] = $building; $found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$found) $buildings[] = FALSE; } } elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_LEFT) { for ($y = 1; $y <= parent::BUILDING_ROW; $y++) { $found = FALSE; for ($x = 1; $x <= parent::BUILDING_ROW; $x++) { $building = $village[$x][$y]; if ($building) { $buildings[] = $building; $found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$found) $buildings[] = FALSE; } } elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_RIGHT) { for ($y = 1; $y <= parent::BUILDING_ROW; $y++) { $found = FALSE; for ($x = parent::BUILDING_ROW; $x >= 1; $x--) { $building = $village[$x][$y]; if ($building) { $buildings[] = $building; $found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$found) $buildings[] = FALSE; } } elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_DOWN) { for ($x = 1; $x <= parent::BUILDING_CULOMN; $x++) { $found = FALSE; for ($y = parent::BUILDING_ROW; $y >= 1; $y--) { $building = $village[$x][$y]; if ($building) { $buildings[] = $building; $found = TRUE; break; } } if (!$found) $buildings[] = FALSE; } } //calc the enemy's remainder power, and how much they can steal //they should steal that much if they hit something without ability 1 $remainder['pow'] = 0; $remainder['steal'] = 0; foreach ($attackers as $row) { $remainder['pow'] += ($row['unitcount'] * $row['attack']); $remainder['steal'] += ($row['unitcount'] * $row['can_carry']); } if ($remainder['pow'] || $remainder['steal']) { $log .= "The remainder of attackers attack your village from "; if ($dir == parent::ATTACK_UP) $log .= "up"; elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_LEFT) $log .= "left"; elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_RIGHT) $log .= "right"; elseif ($dir == parent::ATTACK_DOWN) $log .= "down"; $log .= ".

"; //hit buildings $log .= $this->_hit_building($buildings, $remainder, $villageid); } //ballists should attack here once $ballist = FALSE; foreach ($attackers as $row) { if ($row['ability'] == 1) $ballist = $row; } if ($ballist) { if ($ballist['unitcount']) { $r_x = rand(1, parent::BUILDING_CULOMN); $r_y = rand(1, parent::BUILDING_ROW); $rem['pow'] = $ballist['unitcount'] * $ballist['attack']; $rem['steal'] = 0; //$log .= "
"; $log .= $this->_hit_building_ability($village[$r_x][$r_y], $rem, $villageid); } } //return log for writing return $log; } function _hit($ai, $pl, $turn) { if ($turn == 'ai') { $first = $ai; $second = $pl; } elseif ($turn == 'pl') { $first = $pl; $second = $ai; } else { $first = $ai; $second = $pl; } if ($turn == 'ai') { $log = $first['name'] . "s (" . $first['unitcount'] . ")"; $log .= " ambushes your " . $second['name'] . "s"; $log .= " (" . $second['unitcount'] . "):
"; } elseif ($turn == 'pl') { $log = "Your " . $first['name'] . "s (" . $first['unitcount'] . ")"; $log .= " ambushes " . $second['name'] . "s"; $log .= " (" . $second['unitcount'] . "):
"; } else { $log = "Your " . $pl['name'] . "s (" . $pl['unitcount'] . ")"; $log .= " attacks " . $ai['name'] . "s"; $log .= " (" . $ai['unitcount'] . ")
"; } //calc stuff $first_atk = $first['attack'] * $first['unitcount']; if ($first['strong_against'] == $second['id']) $first_atk *= 1.2; if ($first['weak_against'] == $second['id']) $first_atk *= 0.8; //critical 5% if (rand(0, 100) > 95) { $first_atk *= 1.5; $first_crit = TRUE; } else $first_crit = FALSE; //abilities here too? //calc how much dies $second_d = floor($first_atk / $second['defense']); if ($second_d > $second['unitcount']) $second_d = $second['unitcount']; //if ambush if ($turn == 'ai' || $turn == 'pl') { $second['unitcount'] -= $second_d; } $second_atk = $second['attack'] * $second['unitcount']; if ($second['strong_against'] == $first['id']) $second_atk *= 1.2; if ($second['weak_against'] == $first['id']) $second_atk *= 0.8; //critical 5% if (rand(0, 100) > 95) { $second_atk *= 1.5; $second_crit = TRUE; } else $second_crit = FALSE; //some abilities can be processed here //calc how much dies $first_d = floor($second_atk / $first['defense']); if ($first_d > $first['unitcount']) $first_d = $first['unitcount']; //sa == same if ($turn == 'sa') { //in this case $first = $ai, $second = pl, but the order doesn't matters //players first $log .= "Your " . $second['name'] . "s hits for " . $second_atk; if ($second_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $first_d . " enemy dies.
"; //now ai $log .= "Enemy " . $first['name'] . "s hits for " . $first_atk; if ($first_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $second_d . " of your units dies.
"; } else { if ($turn == 'pl') { $log .= "Your " . $first['name'] . "s hits for " . $first_atk; if ($first_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $second_d . " enemy dies.
"; $log .= "Enemy " . $second['name'] . "s hits for " . $second_atk; if ($second_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $first_d . " of your units dies.
"; } else { $log .= "Enemy's " . $first['name'] . "s hits for " . $first_atk; if ($first_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $second_d . " of your units dies.
"; $log .= "Your " . $second['name'] . "s hits for " . $second_atk; if ($second_crit) $log .= " (critical)"; $log .= ", " . $first_d . " of your units dies.
"; } } if ($turn == 'ai') { $ai_d = $first_d; $pl_d = $second_d; $uid = $second['id']; } elseif ($turn == 'pl') { $pl_d = $first_d; $ai_d = $second_d; $uid = $first['id']; } else { $ai_d = $first_d; $pl_d = $second_d; $uid = $second['id']; } $data['ai'] = $ai_d; $data['pl'] = $pl_d; $data['log'] = $log; //unitq is inialized already $this->unitq_change('-', $uid, $pl_d); return $data; } function _hit_building($buildings, $remainder, $villageid) { $log = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $r = rand(0, (sizeof($buildings) -1)); $b = $buildings[$r]; if ($b) { $log .= "The enemy attacked your " . $b['name']; $log .= "(Slot " . $b['slotid'] . ")
"; if ($b['defense'] > $remainder['pow']) { $log .= "They downgraded it.
"; //downgrade $buildings[$r] = $this->_downgrade($b, $villageid); } else { $log .= "They didn\'t do sufficient damage.
"; } //steal if not ability 1 and steal is greated than 0 if ($b['ability'] != 1 && $remainder['steal']) { $s = ($remainder['steal'] / 5); $res['cost_food'] = $s; $res['cost_wood'] = $s; $res['cost_stone'] = $s; $res['cost_iron'] = $s; $res['cost_mana'] = $s; $this->substract_resources($res, $villageid); $log .= "They stole " . $s . " from all of your resources.
"; } else { $log .= "The enemy wasn\'t able to steal from your resources.
"; } } else { if ($remainder['steal']) { $s = ($remainder['steal'] / 5); $res['cost_food'] = $s; $res['cost_wood'] = $s; $res['cost_stone'] = $s; $res['cost_iron'] = $s; $res['cost_mana'] = $s; $this->substract_resources($res, $villageid); $log .= "The enemy found an opening in your village\'s defenses,
"; $log .= "you lost " . $s . " from all resources!
"; } else { $log .= "The enemy found an opening in your village\'s defenses,
"; $log .= "but wasn\t able to steal resources.
"; } } $log .= "
"; } return $log; } function _hit_building_ability($building, $remainder, $villageid) { $log = ""; $b = $building; if ($b) { $log .= "Ballists attacked your " . $b['name']; $log .= "(Slot " . $b['slotid'] . ")
"; if ($b['defense'] > $remainder['pow']) { $log .= "They downgraded it.
"; //downgrade //we don't need the return here, since this is the last function call in the event. $this->_downgrade($b, $villageid); } else { $log .= "They didn\'t do sufficient damage.
"; } } else { $log .= "Ballists attacked your village, but they missed every building."; } return $log; } function _downgrade($building, $villageid) { $slotid = $building['slotid']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE next_rank='" . $building['id'] . "'"; $q = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$q->num_rows()) { //means its rank1 $this->substract_modifiers($building['id'], $villageid, 'building'); //$this->delete_building($slotid, $villageid); //deassign all $d['villageid'] = $villageid; $d['slotid'] = $slotid; $this->_deassign_all($d); $sql = "DELETE FROM village_buildings WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND slotid='$slotid'"; $this->db->query($sql); return; } $prev_r = $q->row_array(); $this->substract_modifiers($building['id'], $villageid, 'building'); //deassign all $d['villageid'] = $villageid; $d['slotid'] = $slotid; $this->_deassign_all($d); //change building $sql = "UPDATE village_buildings SET buildingid='" . $prev_r['id'] . "' WHERE villageid='$villageid' AND slotid='$slotid'"; $this->db->query($sql); $this->add_modifiers($prev_r['id'], $villageid, 'building'); $prev_r['slotid'] = $slotid; return $prev_r; } function _def_atk_list($defenders, $attackers) { $log = ""; if ($defenders) { $log .= "Your defenders:
"; foreach ($defenders as $row) { $log .= $row['name'] . " x " . $row['unitcount'] . "
"; } } else { $log .= "You don\'t have any defenders.
"; } $log .= "
"; $log .= "Attackers:
"; foreach ($attackers as $row) { $log .= $row['name'] . " x " . $row['unitcount'] . "
"; } $log .= "
"; return $log; } } //nowhitesp