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synced 2025-02-02 23:05:54 +01:00
298 lines
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298 lines
7.3 KiB
class Image_model extends MO_Model
function __construct()
function apply_menu_images($data)
$path = './img/generated/';
if ($data['apply_all'])
$this->prepare_dir('menu', $data['file'], $data['menu_group']);
$this->prepare_dir('menu', $data['file'], FALSE, $data['wm_text']);
if (!$data['apply_all'])
$data['source_image'] = $path . $data['wm_text'] . '.png';
//apply all is set
$menu_list = $this->get_menu_list($data['menu_group']);
$menu_file_list = $this->get_menu_file_list($data['menu_group']);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($menu_list); $i++)
$data['source_image'] = $path . $menu_file_list[$i] . '.png';
$data['wm_text'] = $menu_list[$i];
function prepare_dir($for, $sourcefile, $group = 1, $filename = FALSE)
$path = './img/generated/';
$source = './img/imggen/' . $sourcefile;
delete_files($path, FALSE);
if ($for == 'menu')
$img = read_file($source);
if (!$filename)
$menu_list = $this->get_menu_file_list($group);
foreach ($menu_list as $row)
$file = $path . $row . '.png';
write_file($file, $img);
$file = $path . $filename . '.png';
write_file($file, $img);
function get_menu_list($group = 1)
if ($group == 1)
//select village vill be omitted since it will need a different style button with a ˇ
$data[] = 'News';
$data[] = 'Village';
$data[] = 'Select Village';
$data[] = 'Forum';
$data[] = 'Changelog';
$data[] = 'Settings';
$data[] = 'Logout';
$data[] = 'Forum Mod Panel';
$data[] = 'GM Panel';
$data[] = 'Admin Panel';
if ($group == 2)
$data[] = 'Stats';
return $data;
function get_menu_file_list($group = 1)
if ($group == 1)
//select village vill be omitted since it will need a different style button with a ˇ
$data[] = 'news';
$data[] = 'village';
$data[] = 'select_village';
$data[] = 'forum';
$data[] = 'changelog';
$data[] = 'settings';
$data[] = 'logout';
$data[] = 'forum_mod_panel';
$data[] = 'gm_panel';
$data[] = 'admin_panel';
if ($group == 2)
$data[] = 'stats';
return $data;
function get_menu_group_list_drop()
$data = array(
'1' => 'main',
'2' => 'alt1');
return $data;
function apply_slot_images($data)
$path = './img/generated/';
$this->prepare_dir('menu', $data['file'], FALSE, 'gen');
$data['source_image'] = $path . 'gen.png';
$data['wm_type'] = 'text';
$data['wm_text'] = $data['rank_text'];
$data['wm_font_size'] = $data['rank_font_size'];
$data['wm_vrt_alignment'] = $data['rank_v_align'];
$data['wm_hor_alignment'] = $data['rank_h_align'];
$data['wm_hor_offset'] = $data['rank_h_offset'];
$data['wm_vrt_offset'] = $data['rank_v_offset'];
$data['padding'] = $data['rank_padding'];
function get_file_list_drop()
$dir = directory_map('./img/imggen/', 1);
foreach ($dir as $row)
$a = explode('.', $row);
if (isset($a[1]))
if ($a[1] == 'png' || $a[1] == 'PNG')
$data[$row] = $row;
return $data;
function get_font_list_drop()
$dir = directory_map('./system/fonts', 1);
foreach ($dir as $row)
$a = explode('.', $row);
if ($a[1] == 'ttf' || $a['1'] == 'TTF')
$data[$row] = $row;
return $data;
function get_v_align_drop()
$data = array(
'top' => 'top',
'middle' => 'middle',
'bottom' => 'bottom');
return $data;
function get_h_align_drop()
$data = array(
'left' => 'left',
'center' => 'center',
'right' => 'right');
return $data;
function get_overlay_list_drop()
$dir = directory_map('./img/imggen/overlay/', 1);
foreach ($dir as $row)
$data[$row] = $row;
return $data;
function save_menu_data($data)
$a = 'type : ' . $data['wm_type'] . "\n";
$a .= 'quality: ' . $data['quality'] . "\n";
$a .= 'file: ' . $data['file'] . "\n";
$a .= 'padding: ' . $data['padding'] . "\n";
$a .= 'vert alignment: ' . $data['wm_vrt_alignment'] . "\n";
$a .= 'hor alignment: ' . $data['wm_hor_alignment'] . "\n";
$a .= 'hor offset: ' . $data['wm_hor_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'vert offset: ' . $data['wm_vrt_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'text: ' . $data['wm_text'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font path: ' . $data['wm_font_path'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font size: ' . $data['wm_font_size'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font color: ' . $data['wm_font_color'] . "\n";
$a .= 'shadow color: ' . $data['wm_shadow_color'] . "\n";
$a .= 'shadow_distance: ' . $data['wm_shadow_distance'] . "\n";
$a .= 'apply all: ' . $data['apply_all'] . "\n";
$a .= 'Menu Group: ' . $data['menu_group'] . "\n";
write_file('./img/generated/settings.txt', $a);
function save_slot_data($data)
$a = 'type : ' . $data['wm_type'] . "\n";
$a .= 'quality: ' . $data['quality'] . "\n";
$a .= 'file: ' . $data['file'] . "\n";
$a .= 'padding: ' . $data['padding'] . "\n";
$a .= 'vert alignment: ' . $data['wm_vrt_alignment'] . "\n";
$a .= 'hor alignment: ' . $data['wm_hor_alignment'] . "\n";
$a .= 'hor offset: ' . $data['wm_hor_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'vert offset: ' . $data['wm_vrt_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'text: ' . $data['wm_text'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font path: ' . $data['wm_font_path'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font size: ' . $data['wm_font_size'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font color: ' . $data['wm_font_color'] . "\n";
$a .= 'shadow color: ' . $data['wm_shadow_color'] . "\n";
$a .= 'shadow_distance: ' . $data['wm_shadow_distance'] . "\n";
$a .= '------------------------image---------------------------' . "\n";
$a .= 'overlay image: ' . $data['wm_overlay_path'] . "\n";
$a .= 'opacity: ' . $data['wm_opacity'] . "\n";
$a .= 'x transp: ' . $data['wm_x_transp'] . "\n";
$a .= 'y transp: ' . $data['wm_y_transp'] . "\n";
$a .= '------------------------rank----------------------------' . "\n";
$a .= 'text: ' . $data['rank_text'] . "\n";
$a .= 'font size: ' . $data['rank_font_size'] . "\n";
$a .= 'V align: ' . $data['rank_v_align'] . "\n";
$a .= 'H align: ' . $data['rank_h_align'] . "\n";
$a .= 'H offset: ' . $data['rank_h_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'V offset: ' . $data['rank_v_offset'] . "\n";
$a .= 'padding: ' . $data['rank_padding'] . "\n";
write_file('./img/generated/settings.txt', $a);