mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 12:04:19 +01:00
Basic import plugin works. Added gradient parameter to custom node. hsv_adjust now supports alpha channel. Remove deprecated scenes.
308 lines
8.9 KiB
308 lines
8.9 KiB
extends GraphNode
# A class that provides the shader node interface for a node port
class OutPort:
var node = null
var port = null
func get_shader_code(uv):
return node.get_shader_code(uv, port)
func generate_shader():
return node.generate_shader(port)
func get_globals():
return node.get_globals()
func get_textures():
return node.get_textures()
var generated = false
var generated_variants = []
var parameters = {}
var property_widgets = []
const Types = preload("res://addons/material_maker/types/types.gd")
func _ready():
func initialize_properties(object_list):
property_widgets = object_list
for o in object_list:
if o == null:
print("error in node "+name)
elif o is LineEdit:
parameters[o.name] = float(o.text)
o.connect("text_changed", self, "_on_text_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is SpinBox:
parameters[o.name] = o.value
o.connect("value_changed", self, "_on_value_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is HSlider:
parameters[o.name] = o.value
o.connect("value_changed", self, "_on_value_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is OptionButton:
parameters[o.name] = o.selected
o.connect("item_selected", self, "_on_value_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is CheckBox:
parameters[o.name] = o.pressed
o.connect("toggled", self, "_on_value_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is ColorPickerButton:
parameters[o.name] = o.color
o.connect("color_changed", self, "_on_color_changed", [ o.name ])
elif o is Control and o.filename == "res://addons/material_maker/widgets/gradient_editor.tscn":
parameters[o.name] = o.value
o.connect("updated", self, "_on_gradient_changed", [ o.name ])
print("unsupported widget "+str(o))
func get_seed():
return int(offset.x)*3+int(offset.y)*5
func update_property_widgets():
for o in property_widgets:
if parameters.has(o.name) and parameters[o.name] != null:
if o is LineEdit:
o.text = str(parameters[o.name])
elif o is SpinBox:
o.value = parameters[o.name]
elif o is HSlider:
o.value = parameters[o.name]
elif o is OptionButton:
o.selected = parameters[o.name]
elif o is CheckBox:
o.pressed = parameters[o.name]
elif o is ColorPickerButton:
o.color = parameters[o.name]
elif o is Control and o.filename == "res://addons/material_maker/widgets/gradient_editor.tscn":
print("Updating "+o.name+" = "+str(parameters[o.name].to_string()))
o.value = parameters[o.name]
print("Failed to update "+o.name)
func update_shaders():
func _on_text_changed(new_text, variable):
parameters[variable] = float(new_text)
func _on_value_changed(new_value, variable):
parameters[variable] = new_value
func _on_color_changed(new_color, variable):
parameters[variable] = new_color
func _on_gradient_changed(new_gradient, variable):
parameters[variable] = new_gradient
func get_source(index = 0):
for c in get_parent().get_connection_list():
if c.to == name and c.to_port == index:
if c.from_port == 0:
return get_parent().get_node(c.from)
var out_port = OutPort.new()
out_port.node = get_parent().get_node(c.from)
out_port.port = c.from_port
return out_port
return null
func get_source_f(source):
var rv
if source.has("f"):
rv = source.f
elif source.has("rgb") or source.has("rgba"):
rv = "dot("+source.rgb+", vec3(1.0))/3.0"
rv = "***error***"
return rv
func get_source_rgb(source):
var rv
if source.has("rgb") or source.has("rgba"):
rv = source.rgb
elif source.has("f"):
rv = "vec3("+source.f+")"
rv = "***error***"
return rv
func get_source_rgba(source):
var rv
if source.has("rgba"):
rv = source.rgba
elif source.has("rgb"):
rv = "vec4("+source.rgb+", 1.0)"
elif source.has("f"):
rv = "vec4(vec3("+source.f+"), 1.0)"
rv = "***error***"
return rv
func reset():
generated = false
generated_variants = []
func _get_shader_code(uv, slot = 0):
func get_shader_code(uv, slot = 0):
var rv
if slot == 0:
rv = _get_shader_code(uv)
rv = _get_shader_code(uv, slot)
if !rv.has("f"):
if rv.has("rgb"):
rv.f = "(dot("+rv.rgb+", vec3(1.0))/3.0)"
elif rv.has("rgba"):
rv.f = "(dot("+rv.rgba+".rgb, vec3(1.0))/3.0)"
rv.f = "0.0"
if !rv.has("rgb"):
if rv.has("rgba"):
rv.rgb = rv.rgba+".rgb"
rv.rgb = "vec3("+rv.f+")"
if !rv.has("rgba"):
rv.rgba = "vec4("+rv.rgb+", 1.0)"
return rv
func get_shader_code_with_globals(uv, slot = 0):
var code = get_shader_code(uv, slot)
code.globals = get_globals()
return code
func get_globals():
var list = []
for i in range(get_connection_input_count()):
var source = get_source(i)
if source != null:
var source_list = source.get_globals()
for g in source_list:
if list.find(g) == -1:
return list
func get_textures():
var list = {}
for i in range(get_connection_input_count()):
var source = get_source(i)
if source != null:
var source_list = source.get_textures()
for k in source_list.keys():
list[k] = source_list[k]
return list
func serialize_element(e):
if typeof(e) == TYPE_COLOR:
return { type= "Color", r=e.r, g=e.g, b=e.b, a=e.a }
return e
func deserialize_element(e):
if typeof(e) == TYPE_DICTIONARY:
if e.has("type") and e.type == "Color":
return Color(e.r, e.g, e.b, e.a)
elif typeof(e) == TYPE_ARRAY:
var gradient = preload("res://addons/material_maker/types/gradient.gd").new()
return gradient
return e
func generate_shader(slot = 0):
# Reset all nodes
for c in get_parent().get_children():
if c is GraphNode:
return get_parent().renderer.generate_shader(get_shader_code_with_globals("UV", slot))
func serialize():
var type = get_script().resource_path
type = type.right(type.find_last("/")+1)
type = type.left(type.find_last("."))
var data = { name=name, type=type, node_position={x=offset.x, y=offset.y}, parameters={} }
for w in property_widgets:
var variable = w.name
data.parameters[variable] = Types.serialize_value(parameters[variable])
return data
func deserialize(data):
if data.has("node_position"):
offset = Vector2(data.node_position.x, data.node_position.y)
for w in property_widgets:
var variable = w.name
if data.has("parameters") and data.parameters.has(variable):
var value = Types.deserialize_value(data.parameters[variable])
parameters[variable] = value
elif data.has(variable):
var value = Types.deserialize_value(data[variable])
parameters[variable] = value
# Render targets again for multipass filters
func rerender_targets():
for c in get_parent().get_connection_list():
if c.from == name:
var node = get_parent().get_node(c.to)
if node != null and node is GraphNode:
func _rerender():
# Generic code for convolution nodes
func get_convolution_shader(convolution):
var shader_code
shader_code = "shader_type canvas_item;\n"
shader_code += "uniform sampler2D input_tex;\n"
shader_code += "void fragment() {\n"
shader_code += "vec3 color = vec3(0.0);\n"
for dy in range(-convolution.y, convolution.y+1):
for dx in range(-convolution.x, convolution.x+1):
var i = (2*convolution.x+1)*(dy+convolution.y)+dx+convolution.x
var coef = convolution.kernel[i]
if typeof(coef) == TYPE_INT:
coef = float(coef)
if typeof(coef) == TYPE_REAL:
coef = Vector3(coef, coef, coef)
if typeof(coef) != TYPE_VECTOR3 or coef == Vector3(0, 0, 0):
shader_code += "color += vec3(%.9f, %.9f, %.9f) * textureLod(input_tex, UV+vec2(%.9f, %.9f), %.9f).rgb;\n" % [ coef.x, coef.y, coef.z, dx*convolution.epsilon, dy*convolution.epsilon, convolution.epsilon ]
if convolution.has("scale_before_normalize"):
shader_code += "color *= %.9f;\n" % [ convolution.scale_before_normalize ]
if convolution.has("translate_before_normalize"):
shader_code += "color += vec3(%.9f, %.9f, %.9f);\n" % [ convolution.translate_before_normalize.x, convolution.translate_before_normalize.y, convolution.translate_before_normalize.z ]
if convolution.has("normalize") and convolution.normalize:
shader_code += "color = normalize(color);\n"
if convolution.has("scale"):
shader_code += "color *= %.9f;\n" % [ convolution.scale ]
if convolution.has("translate"):
shader_code += "color += vec3(%.9f, %.9f, %.9f);\n" % [ convolution.translate.x, convolution.translate.y, convolution.translate.z ]
shader_code += "COLOR = vec4(color, 1.0);\n"
shader_code += "}\n"
return shader_code;
func get_shader_code_convolution(src, convolution, uv):
var rv = { defs="", code="" }
var variant_index = generated_variants.find(uv)
var need_defs = false
if generated_variants.empty():
need_defs = true
if variant_index == -1:
variant_index = generated_variants.size()
var inputs_code = ""
var code = "vec3 %s_%d_rgb = " % [ name, variant_index ]
rv.code += inputs_code + code
rv.rgb = name+"_"+str(variant_index)+"_rgb"
return rv