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synced 2025-02-27 12:04:19 +01:00
Loader is not a lot more generic and deserialization code moved to generators. There is now a small dice button on nodes that create random patterns that can be used to freeze the seed. Frozen nodes can thus be moved without affecting the seed. Graph nodes can also transmit their seed to their children (this behavior can be enabled/disabled using the dice button at the top right of the graph pane).
232 lines
5.7 KiB
232 lines
5.7 KiB
extends Node
class_name MMGenBase
Base class for texture generators, that defines their API
signal parameter_changed
class InputPort:
var generator : MMGenBase = null
var input_index : int = 0
func _init(g : MMGenBase, i : int) -> void:
generator = g
input_index = i
func to_str() -> String:
return generator.name+".in("+str(input_index)+")"
class OutputPort:
var generator : MMGenBase = null
var output_index : int = 0
func _init(g : MMGenBase, o : int) -> void:
generator = g
output_index = o
func to_str() -> String:
return generator.name+".out("+str(output_index)+")"
var position : Vector2 = Vector2(0, 0)
var model = null
var parameters = {}
var seed_locked : bool = false
var seed_value : int = 0
func _ready() -> void:
func _post_load() -> void:
func can_be_deleted() -> bool:
return true
func toggle_editable() -> bool:
return false
func is_editable() -> bool:
return false
func has_randomness():
return false
func get_seed() -> int:
if !seed_locked:
var s : int = ((int(position.x) * 0x1f1f1f1f) ^ int(position.y)) % 65536
if get_parent().get("transmits_seed") != null and get_parent().transmits_seed:
s += get_parent().get_seed()
return s
return seed_value
func toggle_lock_seed():
if !seed_locked:
seed_value = get_seed()
seed_locked = !seed_locked
return seed_locked
func is_seed_locked():
return seed_locked
func init_parameters() -> void:
for p in get_parameter_defs():
if !parameters.has(p.name):
if p.has("default"):
parameters[p.name] = MMType.deserialize_value(p.default)
if p.type == "size":
parameters[p.name] -= p.first
print("No default value for parameter "+p.name)
func set_position(p) -> void:
position = p
if has_randomness() and !is_seed_locked():
for i in range(get_output_defs().size()):
func get_type() -> String:
return "generic"
func get_type_name() -> String:
return "Unnamed"
func get_parameter_defs() -> Array:
return []
func get_parameter_def(param_name : String) -> Dictionary:
var parameter_defs = get_parameter_defs()
for p in parameter_defs:
if p.name == param_name:
return p
return {}
func set_parameter(n : String, v):
parameters[n] = v
emit_signal("parameter_changed", n, v)
func notify_output_change(output_index : int):
var targets = get_targets(output_index)
for target in targets:
func source_changed(__):
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "__input_changed__", 0)
for i in range(get_output_defs().size()):
func get_input_defs() -> Array:
return []
func get_output_defs() -> Array:
return []
func get_source(input_index : int) -> OutputPort:
return get_parent().get_port_source(name, input_index)
func get_targets(output_index : int) -> Array:
var parent = get_parent()
if parent != null:
return get_parent().get_port_targets(name, output_index)
return []
# get the list of outputs that depend on the input whose index is passed as parameter
func follow_input(input_index : int) -> Array:
var rv = []
for i in range(get_output_defs().size()):
rv.push_back(OutputPort.new(self, i))
return rv
func get_input_shader(input_index : int):
var source = get_source(input_index)
if source != null:
return source.get_shader()
func get_shader(output_index : int, context) -> Dictionary:
return get_shader_code("UV", output_index, context)
func render(output_index : int, renderer : MMGenRenderer, size : int):
var context : MMGenContext = MMGenContext.new(renderer)
var source = get_shader_code("UV", output_index, context)
while source is GDScriptFunctionState:
source = yield(source, "completed")
if source.empty():
source = { defs="", code="", textures={}, rgba="vec4(0.0)" }
var shader : String = renderer.generate_shader(source)
var result = renderer.render_shader(shader, source.textures, size)
while result is GDScriptFunctionState:
result = yield(result, "completed")
return result
func get_shader_code(uv : String, output_index : int, context : MMGenContext) -> Dictionary:
var rv = _get_shader_code(uv, output_index, context)
while rv is GDScriptFunctionState:
rv = yield(rv, "completed")
if !rv.empty():
if !rv.has("f"):
if rv.has("rgb"):
rv.f = "(dot("+rv.rgb+", vec3(1.0))/3.0)"
elif rv.has("rgba"):
rv.f = "(dot("+rv.rgba+".rgb, vec3(1.0))/3.0)"
rv.f = "0.0"
if !rv.has("rgb"):
if rv.has("rgba"):
rv.rgb = rv.rgba+".rgb"
rv.rgb = "vec3("+rv.f+")"
if !rv.has("rgba"):
rv.rgba = "vec4("+rv.rgb+", 1.0)"
return rv
func _get_shader_code(__, __, __) -> Dictionary:
return {}
func _serialize(data: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
print("cannot save "+name)
return data
func serialize():
var rv = { name=name, type=get_type(), parameters={}, node_position={ x=position.x, y=position.y } }
for p in parameters.keys():
rv.parameters[p] = MMType.serialize_value(parameters[p])
if seed_locked:
rv.seed_value = seed_value
if model != null:
rv.type = model
rv = _serialize(rv)
return rv
func _deserialize(data : Dictionary) -> void:
func deserialize(data : Dictionary) -> void:
if data.has("name"):
name = data.name
if data.has("node_position"):
position.x = data.node_position.x
position.y = data.node_position.y
if data.has("parameters"):
for p in data.parameters.keys():
set_parameter(p, MMType.deserialize_value(data.parameters[p]))
for p in get_parameter_defs():
if data.has(p.name) and p.name != "type":
set_parameter(p.name, MMType.deserialize_value(data[p.name]))
if data.has("seed_value"):
seed_locked = true
seed_value = data.seed_value
seed_locked = false