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synced 2025-02-27 12:04:19 +01:00
Moved handling of the "global" definitions of shaders into main shader generation code. Added group creation (does not create inputs yet, and remotes should be cleaned). updated all preview meshes (to fix problems with depth).
144 lines
4.0 KiB
144 lines
4.0 KiB
extends MMGenBase
class_name MMGenRemote
Remote can be used to control parameters from several generators in the same graph
var widgets = null
func set_widgets(w):
widgets = w
var i = 0
for w in widgets:
var param_name = "param"+str(i)
if !parameters.has(param_name):
parameters[param_name] = 0
i += 1
func get_type():
return "remote"
func get_type_name():
return "Parameters" if name == "gen_parameters" else "Remote"
func get_parameter_defs():
var rv = []
var i = 0
for w in widgets:
match w.type:
var p = { name="param"+str(i), label=w.label, type="enum", values=[] }
var configurations = w.configurations.keys()
for c in configurations:
p.values.push_back({ name=c, value=c })
i += 1
var linked = w.linked_widgets[0]
var gen = get_parent().get_node(linked.node)
if gen != null:
var gen_params = gen.get_parameter_defs()
for pd in gen_params:
if pd.name == linked.widget:
var p = pd.duplicate(true)
p.name = "param"+str(i)
p.label = w.label
i += 1
return rv
func set_parameter(p, v):
var parent = get_parent()
var param_index = p.trim_prefix("param").to_int()
var widget = widgets[param_index]
match widget.type:
for w in widget.linked_widgets:
parent.get_node(w.node).set_parameter(w.widget, v)
if v < widget.configurations.size():
var configurations = widget.configurations.keys()
for w in widget.configurations[configurations[v]]:
var node = parent.get_node(w.node)
if node != null:
node.set_parameter(w.widget, MMType.deserialize_value(w.value))
# incorrect configuration index
print("error: incorrect config control parameter value")
.set_parameter(p, v)
if name == "gen_parameters":
get_parent().parameters[p] = v
func _serialize(data):
data.type = "remote"
data.widgets = widgets
return data
func create_linked_control(label):
var index = widgets.size()
widgets.push_back({ label=label, type="linked_control", linked_widgets=[] })
return index
func create_config_control(label):
var index = widgets.size()
widgets.push_back({ label=label, type="config_control", linked_widgets=[], configurations={} })
return index
func can_link_parameter(index, generator, param):
return true
func link_parameter(index, generator, param):
if !can_link_parameter(index, generator, param):
var widget = widgets[index]
widget.linked_widgets.push_back({ node=generator.name, widget=param })
if widget.linked_widgets.size() == 1:
match widget.type:
parameters["param"+str(index)] = generator.parameters[param]
parameters["param"+str(index)] = 0
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func remove_parameter(index):
for i in range(index, widgets.size()-2):
parameters["param"+str(i)] = parameters["param"+str(i+1)]
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func add_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
widget.configurations[config_name] = []
var configurations = widget.configurations.keys()
parameters["param"+str(index)] =configurations.find(config_name)
update_configuration(index, config_name)
func update_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
var c = []
var parent = get_parent()
for w in widget.linked_widgets:
var g = parent.get_node(w.node)
if g != null:
var value = MMType.serialize_value(g.parameters[w.widget])
c.push_back({ node=w.node, widget=w.widget, value=value })
widget.configurations[config_name] = c
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func remove_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)