mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 12:04:19 +01:00
- Fixed compatibility with v0.5 files - Added a randomness parameter to voronoi - Changed tranform order (translate applies first so rotate and scale are relative to the center of the source)
149 lines
4.2 KiB
149 lines
4.2 KiB
extends MMGenBase
class_name MMGenRemote
Remote can be used to control parameters from several generators in the same graph
var widgets = null
func set_widgets(w):
widgets = w
var i = 0
for w in widgets:
var param_name = "param"+str(i)
if !parameters.has(param_name):
parameters[param_name] = 0
i += 1
func get_type():
return "remote"
func get_type_name():
return "Parameters" if name == "gen_parameters" else "Remote"
func get_parameter_defs():
var rv = []
var i = 0
for w in widgets:
match w.type:
var p = { name="param"+str(i), label=w.label, type="enum", values=[] }
var configurations = w.configurations.keys()
for c in configurations:
p.values.push_back({ name=c, value=c })
i += 1
var linked = w.linked_widgets[0]
var p = {}
if linked != null && is_inside_tree():
var gen = get_parent().get_node(linked.node)
if gen != null:
var gen_params = gen.get_parameter_defs()
for pd in gen_params:
if pd.name == linked.widget:
p = pd.duplicate(true)
p.name = "param"+str(i)
p.label = w.label
i += 1
return rv
func set_parameter(p, v):
var parent = get_parent()
var param_index = p.trim_prefix("param").to_int()
var widget = widgets[param_index]
match widget.type:
for w in widget.linked_widgets:
parent.get_node(w.node).set_parameter(w.widget, v)
if v < widget.configurations.size():
var configurations = widget.configurations.keys()
for w in widget.configurations[configurations[v]]:
var node = parent.get_node(w.node)
if node != null:
node.set_parameter(w.widget, MMType.deserialize_value(w.value))
# incorrect configuration index
print("error: incorrect config control parameter value")
.set_parameter(p, v)
if name == "gen_parameters":
get_parent().parameters[p] = v
func _serialize(data):
data.type = "remote"
data.widgets = widgets
return data
func create_linked_control(label):
var index = widgets.size()
widgets.push_back({ label=label, type="linked_control", linked_widgets=[] })
return index
func create_config_control(label):
var index = widgets.size()
widgets.push_back({ label=label, type="config_control", linked_widgets=[], configurations={} })
return index
func set_label(index, new_label):
widgets[index].label = new_label
func can_link_parameter(index, generator, param):
return true
func link_parameter(index, generator, param):
if !can_link_parameter(index, generator, param):
var widget = widgets[index]
widget.linked_widgets.push_back({ node=generator.name, widget=param })
if widget.linked_widgets.size() == 1:
match widget.type:
parameters["param"+str(index)] = generator.parameters[param]
parameters["param"+str(index)] = 0
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func remove_parameter(index):
for i in range(index, widgets.size()-2):
parameters["param"+str(i)] = parameters["param"+str(i+1)]
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func add_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
widget.configurations[config_name] = []
var configurations = widget.configurations.keys()
parameters["param"+str(index)] =configurations.find(config_name)
update_configuration(index, config_name)
func update_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
var c = []
var parent = get_parent()
for w in widget.linked_widgets:
var g = parent.get_node(w.node)
if g != null:
var value = MMType.serialize_value(g.parameters[w.widget])
c.push_back({ node=w.node, widget=w.widget, value=value })
widget.configurations[config_name] = c
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)
func remove_configuration(index, config_name):
var widget = widgets[index]
if widget.type == "config_control":
emit_signal("parameter_changed", "", null)