extends Panel var recent_files = [] var config_cache : ConfigFile = ConfigFile.new() var editor_interface = null var current_tab = null var updating : bool = false var need_update : bool = false onready var projects = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/Projects onready var library = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Library onready var preview_2d = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Preview/Preview2D onready var preview_3d = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Preview/Preview3D onready var preview_2d_background = $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/Preview2D const RECENT_FILES_COUNT = 15 const THEMES = [ "Dark", "Default", "Light" ] const MENU = [ { menu="File", command="new_material", description="New material" }, { menu="File", command="load_material", shortcut="Control+O", description="Load material" }, { menu="File", submenu="load_recent", description="Load recent", standalone_only=true }, { menu="File" }, { menu="File", command="save_material", shortcut="Control+S", description="Save material" }, { menu="File", command="save_material_as", shortcut="Control+Shift+S", description="Save material as..." }, { menu="File", command="save_all_materials", description="Save all materials..." }, { menu="File" }, { menu="File", command="export_material", shortcut="Control+E", description="Export material" }, { menu="File" }, { menu="File", command="close_material", description="Close material" }, { menu="File", command="quit", shortcut="Control+Q", description="Quit" }, { menu="Edit", command="edit_cut", shortcut="Control+X", description="Cut" }, { menu="Edit", command="edit_copy", shortcut="Control+C", description="Copy" }, { menu="Edit", command="edit_paste", shortcut="Control+V", description="Paste" }, { menu="Edit", command="edit_duplicate", shortcut="Control+D", description="Duplicate" }, { menu="Edit" }, { menu="Edit", submenu="set_theme", description="Set theme" }, { menu="View", command="view_center", shortcut="C", description="Center view" }, { menu="View", command="view_reset_zoom", shortcut="Control+0", description="Reset zoom" }, { menu="Tools", submenu="create", description="Create" }, { menu="Tools", command="create_subgraph", shortcut="Control+G", description="Create group" }, { menu="Tools", command="make_selected_nodes_editable", shortcut="Control+W", description="Make selected nodes editable" }, { menu="Tools" }, { menu="Tools", command="add_to_user_library", description="Add selected node to user library" }, { menu="Tools", command="export_library", description="Export the nodes library" }, { menu="Help", command="show_doc", shortcut="F1", description="User manual" }, { menu="Help", command="show_library_item_doc", shortcut="Control+F1", description="Show selected library item documentation" }, { menu="Help", command="bug_report", description="Report a bug" }, { menu="Help" }, { menu="Help", command="about", description="About" } ] signal quit var is_mac = false func _ready() -> void: # Restore the window position/size if values are present in the configuration cache config_cache.load("user://cache.ini") if config_cache.has_section_key("window", "screen"): OS.current_screen = config_cache.get_value("window", "screen") if config_cache.has_section_key("window", "maximized"): OS.window_maximized = config_cache.get_value("window", "maximized") if !OS.window_maximized: if config_cache.has_section_key("window", "position"): OS.window_position = config_cache.get_value("window", "position") if config_cache.has_section_key("window", "size"): OS.window_size = config_cache.get_value("window", "size") # Restore the theme var theme_name : String = "default" if config_cache.has_section_key("window", "theme"): theme_name = config_cache.get_value("window", "theme") set_theme(theme_name) if OS.get_name() == "OSX": is_mac = true # In HTML5 export, copy all examples to the filesystem if OS.get_name() == "HTML5": print("Copying samples") var dir : Directory = Directory.new() dir.make_dir("/examples") dir.open("res://material_maker/examples/") dir.list_dir_begin(true) while true: var f = dir.get_next() if f == "": break if f.ends_with(".ptex"): print(f) dir.copy("res://material_maker/examples/"+f, "/examples/"+f) print("Done") # Upscale everything if the display requires it (crude hiDPI support). # This prevents UI elements from being too small on hiDPI displays. if OS.get_screen_dpi() >= 192 and OS.get_screen_size().x >= 2048: get_tree().set_screen_stretch(SceneTree.STRETCH_MODE_DISABLED, SceneTree.STRETCH_ASPECT_IGNORE, Vector2(), 2) # Set a minimum window size to prevent UI elements from collapsing on each other. # This property is only available in 3.2alpha or later, so use `set()` to fail gracefully if it doesn't exist. OS.set("min_window_size", Vector2(1024, 600)) OS.set_window_title(ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/name")+" v"+ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/release")) load_recents() for m in $VBoxContainer/Menu.get_children(): var menu = m.get_popup() create_menu(menu, m.name) m.connect("about_to_show", self, "menu_about_to_show", [ m.name, menu ]) new_material() func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event.is_action_pressed("toggle_fullscreen"): OS.window_fullscreen = !OS.window_fullscreen func get_current_graph_edit() -> MMGraphEdit: var graph_edit = projects.get_current_tab_control() if graph_edit != null and graph_edit is GraphEdit: return graph_edit return null func create_menu(menu, menu_name) -> PopupMenu: menu.clear() menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "_on_PopupMenu_id_pressed") for i in MENU.size(): if MENU[i].has("standalone_only") and MENU[i].standalone_only and Engine.editor_hint: continue if MENU[i].has("editor_only") and MENU[i].editor_only and !Engine.editor_hint: continue if MENU[i].menu != menu_name: continue if MENU[i].has("submenu"): var submenu = PopupMenu.new() var submenu_function = "create_menu_"+MENU[i].submenu if has_method(submenu_function): submenu.connect("about_to_show", self, submenu_function, [ submenu ]); else: create_menu(submenu, MENU[i].submenu) menu.add_child(submenu) menu.add_submenu_item(MENU[i].description, submenu.get_name()) elif MENU[i].has("description"): var shortcut = 0 if MENU[i].has("shortcut"): for s in MENU[i].shortcut.split("+"): if s == "Alt": shortcut |= KEY_MASK_ALT elif s == "Control": shortcut |= KEY_MASK_CMD if is_mac else KEY_MASK_CTRL elif s == "Shift": shortcut |= KEY_MASK_SHIFT else: shortcut |= OS.find_scancode_from_string(s) menu.add_item(MENU[i].description, i, shortcut) else: menu.add_separator() return menu func create_menu_load_recent(menu) -> void: menu.clear() if recent_files.empty(): menu.add_item("No items found", 0) menu.set_item_disabled(0, true) else: for i in recent_files.size(): menu.add_item(recent_files[i], i) if !menu.is_connected("id_pressed", self, "_on_LoadRecent_id_pressed"): menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "_on_LoadRecent_id_pressed") func _on_LoadRecent_id_pressed(id) -> void: do_load_material(recent_files[id]) func load_recents() -> void: var f = File.new() if f.open("user://recent_files.bin", File.READ) == OK: recent_files = parse_json(f.get_as_text()) f.close() func add_recent(path) -> void: while true: var index = recent_files.find(path) if index >= 0: recent_files.remove(index) else: break recent_files.push_front(path) while recent_files.size() > RECENT_FILES_COUNT: recent_files.pop_back() var f = File.new() f.open("user://recent_files.bin", File.WRITE) f.store_string(to_json(recent_files)) f.close() func create_menu_set_theme(menu) -> void: menu.clear() for t in THEMES: menu.add_item(t) if !menu.is_connected("id_pressed", self, "_on_SetTheme_id_pressed"): menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "_on_SetTheme_id_pressed") func set_theme(theme_name) -> void: theme = load("res://material_maker/theme/"+theme_name+".tres") func _on_SetTheme_id_pressed(id) -> void: var theme_name : String = THEMES[id].to_lower() set_theme(theme_name) config_cache.set_value("window", "theme", theme_name) func create_menu_create(menu) -> void: var gens = mm_loader.get_generator_list() menu.clear() for i in gens.size(): menu.add_item(gens[i], i) if !menu.is_connected("id_pressed", self, "_on_Create_id_pressed"): menu.connect("id_pressed", self, "_on_Create_id_pressed") func _on_Create_id_pressed(id) -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: var gens = mm_loader.get_generator_list() graph_edit.create_gen_from_type(gens[id]) func menu_about_to_show(name, menu) -> void: for i in MENU.size(): if MENU[i].menu != name: continue if MENU[i].has("submenu"): pass elif MENU[i].has("command"): var command_name = MENU[i].command+"_is_disabled" if has_method(command_name): var is_disabled = call(command_name) menu.set_item_disabled(menu.get_item_index(i), is_disabled) func new_pane() -> GraphEdit: var graph_edit = preload("res://material_maker/graph_edit.tscn").instance() graph_edit.node_factory = $NodeFactory graph_edit.editor_interface = editor_interface projects.add_child(graph_edit) projects.current_tab = graph_edit.get_index() return graph_edit func new_material() -> void: var graph_edit = new_pane() graph_edit.new_material() graph_edit.update_tab_title() func load_material() -> void: var dialog = FileDialog.new() add_child(dialog) dialog.rect_min_size = Vector2(500, 500) dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM dialog.mode = FileDialog.MODE_OPEN_FILES dialog.add_filter("*.ptex;Procedural Textures File") dialog.connect("files_selected", self, "do_load_materials") dialog.popup_centered() func do_load_materials(filenames) -> void: for f in filenames: do_load_material(f) func do_load_material(filename) -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() var node_count = 2 # So test below succeeds if graph_edit is null... if graph_edit != null: node_count = 0 for c in graph_edit.get_children(): if c is GraphNode: node_count += 1 if node_count > 1: break if node_count > 1: graph_edit = new_pane() graph_edit.load_file(filename) add_recent(filename) func save_material() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: if graph_edit.save_path != null: graph_edit.save_file(graph_edit.save_path) else: save_material_as() func save_material_as() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: var dialog = FileDialog.new() add_child(dialog) dialog.rect_min_size = Vector2(500, 500) dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM dialog.mode = FileDialog.MODE_SAVE_FILE dialog.add_filter("*.ptex;Procedural Textures File") dialog.connect("file_selected", graph_edit, "save_file") dialog.popup_centered() func close_material() -> void: projects.close_tab() func export_material() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null : graph_edit.export_textures() func export_material_is_disabled() -> bool: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() return graph_edit == null or graph_edit.save_path == null func quit() -> void: dim_window() get_tree().quit() func edit_cut() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: graph_edit.cut() func edit_cut_is_disabled() -> bool: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() return graph_edit == null or !graph_edit.can_copy() func edit_copy() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: graph_edit.copy() func edit_copy_is_disabled() -> bool: return edit_cut_is_disabled() func edit_paste() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: graph_edit.paste() func edit_paste_is_disabled() -> bool: var data = parse_json(OS.clipboard) return data == null func edit_duplicate() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: graph_edit.duplicate_selected() func edit_duplicate_is_disabled() -> bool: return edit_cut_is_disabled() func view_center() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() graph_edit.center_view() func view_reset_zoom() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() graph_edit.zoom = 1 func get_selected_nodes() -> Array: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: return graph_edit.get_selected_nodes() else: return [] func create_subgraph() -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: graph_edit.create_subgraph() func make_selected_nodes_editable() -> void: var selected_nodes = get_selected_nodes() if !selected_nodes.empty(): for n in selected_nodes: if n.generator.toggle_editable(): n.update_node() func add_to_user_library() -> void: var selected_nodes = get_selected_nodes() if !selected_nodes.empty(): var dialog = preload("res://material_maker/widgets/line_dialog.tscn").instance() dialog.set_value(library.get_selected_item_name()) dialog.set_texts("New library element", "Select a name for the new library element") add_child(dialog) dialog.connect("ok", self, "do_add_to_user_library", [ selected_nodes ]) dialog.popup_centered() func do_add_to_user_library(name, nodes) -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() var data if nodes.size() == 1: data = nodes[0].generator.serialize() data.erase("node_position") elif graph_edit != null: data = graph_edit.serialize_selection() var dir = Directory.new() dir.make_dir("user://library") dir.make_dir("user://library/user") data.library = "user://library/user.json" data.icon = library.get_icon_name(name) var result = nodes[0].generator.render(0, 64, true) while result is GDScriptFunctionState: result = yield(result, "completed") result.save_to_file("user://library/user/"+data.icon+".png") result.release() library.add_item(data, name, library.get_preview_texture(data)) library.save_library("user://library/user.json") func export_library() -> void: var dialog : FileDialog = FileDialog.new() add_child(dialog) dialog.rect_min_size = Vector2(500, 500) dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM dialog.mode = FileDialog.MODE_SAVE_FILE dialog.add_filter("*.json;JSON files") dialog.connect("file_selected", self, "do_export_library") dialog.popup_centered() func do_export_library(path : String) -> void: library.export_libraries(path) func get_doc_dir() -> String: var base_dir = OS.get_executable_path().replace("\\", "/").get_base_dir() # In release builds, documentation is expected to be located in # a subdirectory of the program directory var release_doc_path = base_dir.plus_file("doc") # In development, documentation is part of the project files. # We can use a globalized `res://` path here as the project isn't exported. var devel_doc_path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("res://material_maker/doc/_build/html") for p in [ release_doc_path, devel_doc_path ]: var file = File.new() if file.file_exists(p+"/index.html"): return p return "" func show_doc() -> void: var doc_dir = get_doc_dir() if doc_dir != "": OS.shell_open(doc_dir+"/index.html") func show_doc_is_disabled() -> bool: return get_doc_dir() == "" func show_library_item_doc() -> void: var doc_dir : String = get_doc_dir() if doc_dir != "": var doc_name = library.get_selected_item_doc_name() if doc_name != "": var doc_path : String = doc_dir+"/node_"+doc_name+".html" OS.shell_open(doc_path) func show_library_item_doc_is_disabled() -> bool: return get_doc_dir() == "" or library.get_selected_item_doc_name() == "" func bug_report() -> void: OS.shell_open("https://github.com/RodZill4/godot-procedural-textures/issues") func about() -> void: var about_box = preload("res://material_maker/widgets/about/about.tscn").instance() add_child(about_box) about_box.popup_centered() func _on_PopupMenu_id_pressed(id) -> void: var node_type = null if MENU[id].has("command"): var command = MENU[id].command if has_method(command): call(command) # Preview func update_preview() -> void: var status need_update = true if updating: return updating = true while need_update: need_update = false status = update_preview_2d() while status is GDScriptFunctionState: status = yield(status, "completed") status = update_preview_3d([ $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Preview/Preview3D, $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/Preview3D]) while status is GDScriptFunctionState: status = yield(status, "completed") updating = false func update_preview_2d(node = null) -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null: if node == null: for n in graph_edit.get_children(): if n is GraphNode and n.selected: node = n break if node != null: var result = node.generator.render(0, 1024, true) while result is GDScriptFunctionState: result = yield(result, "completed") var tex = ImageTexture.new() result.copy_to_texture(tex) result.release() preview_2d.set_preview_texture(tex) preview_2d_background.set_preview_texture(tex) else: preview_2d.set_preview_texture(null) preview_2d_background.set_preview_texture(null) func update_preview_3d(previews : Array) -> void: var graph_edit : MMGraphEdit = get_current_graph_edit() if graph_edit != null and graph_edit.top_generator != null and graph_edit.top_generator.has_node("Material"): var gen_material = graph_edit.top_generator.get_node("Material") var status = gen_material.render_textures() while status is GDScriptFunctionState: status = yield(status, "completed") for p in previews: gen_material.update_materials(p.get_materials()) var selected_node = null func on_selected_node_change(node) -> void: if node != selected_node: selected_node = node preview_2d.setup_controls(node.generator if node != null else null) update_preview_2d(node) func _on_Projects_tab_changed(tab) -> void: var new_tab = projects.get_current_tab_control() if new_tab != current_tab: if new_tab != null: for c in get_incoming_connections(): if c.method_name == "update_preview" or c.method_name == "update_preview_2d": c.source.disconnect(c.signal_name, self, c.method_name) new_tab.connect("graph_changed", self, "update_preview") if !new_tab.is_connected("node_selected", self, "on_selected_node_change"): new_tab.connect("node_selected", self, "on_selected_node_change") current_tab = new_tab update_preview() func _exit_tree() -> void: # Save the window position and size to remember it when restarting the application config_cache.set_value("window", "screen", OS.current_screen) config_cache.set_value("window", "maximized", OS.window_maximized || OS.window_fullscreen) config_cache.set_value("window", "position", OS.window_position) config_cache.set_value("window", "size", OS.window_size) config_cache.save("user://cache.ini") func _notification(what : int) -> void: if what == MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: dim_window() func dim_window() -> void: # Darken the UI to denote that the application is currently exiting # (it won't respond to user input in this state). modulate = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) func show_background_preview_2d(button_pressed): $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/Preview2D.visible = button_pressed if button_pressed: $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/PreviewUI/Preview3DButton.pressed = false func show_background_preview_3d(button_pressed): $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/Preview3D.visible = button_pressed $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/PreviewUI/Panel.visible = button_pressed if button_pressed: $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/ProjectsPane/PreviewUI/Preview2DButton.pressed = false func set_rect_size(): pass # Replace with function body.