extends GraphEdit class_name MMGraphEdit var editor_interface = null var node_factory = null var save_path = null setget set_save_path var need_save = false var top_generator = null var generator = null var last_selected = null onready var node_popup = $"../AddNodePopup" onready var timer : Timer = $Timer onready var subgraph_ui : HBoxContainer = $GraphUI/SubGraphUI onready var button_transmits_seed : Button = $GraphUI/SubGraphUI/ButtonTransmitsSeed signal save_path_changed signal graph_changed func _ready() -> void: OS.low_processor_usage_mode = true center_view() for t in range(41): add_valid_connection_type(t, 42) add_valid_connection_type(42, t) func _gui_input(event) -> void: if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed: var scancode_with_modifiers = event.get_scancode_with_modifiers() if scancode_with_modifiers == KEY_DELETE or scancode_with_modifiers == KEY_BACKSPACE: remove_selection() return if event is InputEventMouseMotion and event.button_mask == 0: for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode and Rect2(c.rect_global_position, c.rect_size*c.get_global_transform().get_scale()).has_point(event.global_position): hint_tooltip = c.get_slot_tooltip(c.get_global_transform().xform_inv(event.global_position)) # Misc. useful functions func get_source(node, port) -> Dictionary: for c in get_connection_list(): if c.to == node and c.to_port == port: return { node=c.from, slot=c.from_port } return {} func offset_from_global_position(global_position) -> Vector2: return (scroll_offset + global_position - rect_global_position) / zoom func add_node(node) -> void: add_child(node) move_child(node, 0) node.connect("close_request", self, "remove_node", [ node ]) func connect_node(from, from_slot, to, to_slot): var from_node : MMGraphNodeBase = get_node(from) var to_node : MMGraphNodeBase = get_node(to) if generator.connect_children(from_node.generator, from_slot, to_node.generator, to_slot): var disconnect = get_source(to, to_slot) if !disconnect.empty(): .disconnect_node(disconnect.node, disconnect.slot, to, to_slot) .connect_node(from, from_slot, to, to_slot) send_changed_signal() func disconnect_node(from, from_slot, to, to_slot) -> void: if generator.disconnect_children(get_node(from).generator, from_slot, get_node(to).generator, to_slot): .disconnect_node(from, from_slot, to, to_slot) send_changed_signal() func on_connections_changed(removed_connections : Array, added_connections : Array) -> void: for c in removed_connections: .disconnect_node("node_"+c.from, c.from_port, "node_"+c.to, c.to_port) for c in added_connections: .connect_node("node_"+c.from, c.from_port, "node_"+c.to, c.to_port) func remove_node(node) -> void: if generator.remove_generator(node.generator): var node_name = node.name for c in get_connection_list(): if c.from == node_name or c.to == node_name: disconnect_node(c.from, c.from_port, c.to, c.to_port) if node == last_selected: set_last_selected(null) remove_child(node) node.queue_free() send_changed_signal() # Global operations on graph func update_tab_title() -> void: if !get_parent().has_method("set_tab_title"): print("no set_tab_title method") return var title = "[unnamed]" if save_path != null: title = save_path.right(save_path.rfind("/")+1) if need_save: title += " *" if get_parent().has_method("set_tab_title"): get_parent().set_tab_title(get_index(), title) func set_need_save(ns) -> void: if ns != need_save: need_save = ns update_tab_title() func set_save_path(path) -> void: if path != save_path: save_path = path update_tab_title() emit_signal("save_path_changed", self, path) func clear_view() -> void: clear_connections() for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode: if c == last_selected: set_last_selected(null) remove_child(c) c.free() # Center view func center_view() -> void: var center = Vector2(0, 0) var node_count = 0 for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode: center += c.offset + 0.5*c.rect_size node_count += 1 if node_count > 0: center /= node_count scroll_offset = center - 0.5*rect_size func update_view(g) -> void: if generator != null: generator.disconnect("connections_changed", self, "on_connections_changed") clear_view() generator = g if generator != null: generator.connect("connections_changed", self, "on_connections_changed") update_graph(generator.get_children(), generator.connections) subgraph_ui.visible = generator != top_generator subgraph_ui.get_node("Label").text = generator.label center_view() if generator.get_parent() is MMGenGraph: button_transmits_seed.visible = true button_transmits_seed.pressed = generator.transmits_seed else: button_transmits_seed.visible = false func clear_material() -> void: if top_generator != null: remove_child(top_generator) top_generator.free() top_generator = null generator = null send_changed_signal() func update_graph(generators, connections) -> Array: var rv = [] for g in generators: var node = node_factory.create_node(g.get_type()) if node != null: node.name = "node_"+g.name add_node(node) node.generator = g node.offset = g.position rv.push_back(node) for c in connections: .connect_node("node_"+c.from, c.from_port, "node_"+c.to, c.to_port) return rv func new_material() -> void: clear_material() top_generator = mm_loader.create_gen({nodes=[{name="Material", type="material","parameters":{"size":11}}], connections=[]}) if top_generator != null: add_child(top_generator) move_child(top_generator, 0) update_view(top_generator) center_view() set_save_path(null) set_need_save(false) func get_free_name(type) -> String: var i = 0 while true: var node_name = type+"_"+str(i) if !has_node(node_name): return node_name i += 1 return "" func create_nodes(data, position : Vector2 = Vector2(0, 0)) -> Array: if !data is Dictionary: return [] if data.has("type"): data = { nodes=[data], connections=[] } if data.has("nodes") and typeof(data.nodes) == TYPE_ARRAY and data.has("connections") and typeof(data.connections) == TYPE_ARRAY: var new_stuff = mm_loader.add_to_gen_graph(generator, data.nodes, data.connections) for g in new_stuff.generators: g.position += position return update_graph(new_stuff.generators, new_stuff.connections) return [] func create_gen_from_type(gen_name) -> void: create_nodes({ type=gen_name, parameters={} }, scroll_offset+0.5*rect_size) func load_file(filename) -> void: clear_material() top_generator = mm_loader.load_gen(filename) if top_generator != null: add_child(top_generator) move_child(top_generator, 0) update_view(top_generator) center_view() set_save_path(filename) set_need_save(false) func save_file(filename) -> void: var data = top_generator.serialize() var file = File.new() if file.open(filename, File.WRITE) == OK: file.store_string(JSON.print(data, "\t", true)) file.close() set_save_path(filename) set_need_save(false) func export_textures() -> void: if save_path != null: var prefix = save_path.left(save_path.rfind(".")) for g in top_generator.get_children(): if g.has_method("render_textures"): g.render_textures() if g.has_method("export_textures"): g.export_textures(prefix, editor_interface) # Cut / copy / paste / duplicate func get_selected_nodes() -> Array: var selected_nodes = [] for n in get_children(): if n is GraphNode and n.selected: selected_nodes.append(n) return selected_nodes func remove_selection() -> void: for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode and c.selected and c.name != "Material": remove_node(c) # Maybe move this to gen_graph... func serialize_selection() -> Dictionary: var data = { nodes = [], connections = [] } var nodes = [] for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode and c.selected and c.name != "Material": nodes.append(c) if nodes.empty(): return {} var center = Vector2(0, 0) for n in nodes: center += n.offset+0.5*n.rect_size center /= nodes.size() for n in nodes: var s = n.generator.serialize() var p = n.offset-center s.node_position = { x=p.x, y=p.y } data.nodes.append(s) for c in get_connection_list(): var from = get_node(c.from) var to = get_node(c.to) if from != null and from.selected and to != null and to.selected: var connection = c.duplicate(true) connection.from = from.generator.name connection.to = to.generator.name data.connections.append(connection) return data func can_copy() -> bool: for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode and c.selected and c.name != "Material": return true return false func cut() -> void: copy() remove_selection() func copy() -> void: OS.clipboard = to_json(serialize_selection()) func do_paste(data) -> void: var position = scroll_offset+0.5*rect_size if Rect2(Vector2(0, 0), rect_size).has_point(get_local_mouse_position()): position = offset_from_global_position(get_global_transform().xform(get_local_mouse_position())) for c in get_children(): if c is GraphNode: c.selected = false var new_nodes = create_nodes(data, position) if new_nodes != null: for c in new_nodes: c.selected = true func paste() -> void: do_paste(parse_json(OS.clipboard)) func duplicate_selected() -> void: do_paste(serialize_selection()) # Delay after graph update func send_changed_signal() -> void: set_need_save(true) timer.stop() timer.start(0.2) func do_send_changed_signal() -> void: emit_signal("graph_changed") # Drag and drop func can_drop_data(position, data) -> bool: return typeof(data) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and (data.has('type') or (data.has('nodes') and data.has('connections'))) func drop_data(position, data) -> void: # The following mitigates the SpinBox problem (captures mouse while dragging) if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED: Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) create_nodes(data, offset_from_global_position(get_global_transform().xform(position))) func on_ButtonUp_pressed() -> void: if generator != top_generator && generator.get_parent() is MMGenGraph: call_deferred("update_view", generator.get_parent()) func _on_Label_text_changed(new_text) -> void: generator.label = new_text # Create subgraph func create_subgraph() -> void: var generators = [] for n in get_selected_nodes(): generators.push_back(n.generator) var subgraph = generator.create_subgraph(generators) if subgraph != null: update_view(subgraph) func _on_ButtonShowTree_pressed() -> void: var graph_tree : Popup = preload("res://material_maker/widgets/graph_tree/graph_tree.tscn").instance() add_child(graph_tree) graph_tree.init("Top", top_generator) graph_tree.connect("item_double_clicked", self, "edit_subgraph") graph_tree.popup_centered() func edit_subgraph(g : MMGenGraph) -> void: if !g.is_editable(): g.toggle_editable() update_view(g) func _on_ButtonTransmitsSeed_toggled(button_pressed) -> void: if button_pressed != generator.transmits_seed: generator.transmits_seed = button_pressed func _on_GraphEdit_node_selected(node) -> void: set_last_selected(node) func set_last_selected(node) -> void: if node is GraphNode: last_selected = node else: last_selected = null func _on_GraphEdit_gui_input(event) -> void: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_library_popup") && get_rect().has_point(get_local_mouse_position()): node_popup.rect_global_position = get_global_mouse_position() node_popup.show() if event is InputEventMouseButton: call_deferred("check_last_selected") func request_popup(from, from_slot, release_position) -> void: node_popup.rect_global_position = get_global_mouse_position() node_popup.show() node_popup.set_quick_connect(from, from_slot) func check_last_selected() -> void: if last_selected != null and !(is_instance_valid(last_selected) and last_selected.selected): last_selected = null emit_signal("node_selected", null)