Pattern node ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pattern node outputs a pattern texture generated from common waveform shapes. .. image:: images/node_pattern.png Inputs ++++++ The Pattern node does not accept any input. Outputs +++++++ The Pattern node provides a grayscale texture obtained by mixing a horizontal and a vertical pattern. Many different patterns can be created using this node, do not hesitate to experiment. .. image:: images/pattern.png Parameters ++++++++++ The Pattern node accepts the following parameters: * the *X* and *Y* parameters define the pattern and their number of repetitions that will be propagated along the X axis and Y. The following patterns are available: * Sine: the value follows a sinus waveform * Triangle: the value follows a triangle waveform (changes linearly from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0) * Square: the value follows a square waveform (stays constant at 0, then 1) * Sawtooth: the value follows a sawtooth waveform (hanges linearly from 0 to 1, then jumps back to 0) * constant: the value is 1 * the *Combiner* parameter is the function used to combine the *X* and *Y* patterns. The available functions are *multiply*, *add*, *max*, *min*, *xor* and *pow*