tool extends VBoxContainer var label = null var buttons = null var linked_widgets = [] var links = null const Link = preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/linked_widgets/") const WIDGETS = { SpinBox={ attrs=[ "min_value", "max_value", "step" ], value_attr="value", sig="value_changed", sig_handler="_on_value_changed" }, HSlider={ attrs=[ "min_value", "max_value", "step" ], value_attr="value", sig="value_changed", sig_handler="_on_value_changed" }, ColorPickerButton={ attrs=[ "edit_alpha", ], value_attr="color", sig="color_changed", sig_handler="_on_color_changed" }, OptionButton={ attrs=[ ], value_attr="selected", sig="item_selected", sig_handler="_on_item_selected" }, GradientEditor={ attrs=[ ], value_attr="value", sig="updated", sig_handler="_on_gradient_updated" } } func get_widget_type(widget): if widget is SpinBox: return "SpinBox" elif widget is ColorPickerButton: return "ColorPickerButton" elif widget is Control && widget.filename == "res://addons/material_maker/widgets/gradient_editor.tscn": return "GradientEditor" elif widget is HSlider: return "HSlider" elif widget is OptionButton: return "OptionButton" else: return null func _ready(): set_process_input(false) func add_linked(node, widget): pass func can_link_to(c): return c != null func get_associated_controls(): label = preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/linked_widgets/editable_label.tscn").instance() label.set_text("Unnamed") buttons = preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/linked_widgets/linked_control_buttons.tscn").instance() buttons.control = self return { label=label, buttons=buttons } func delete(): var parent = get_parent() label.queue_free() buttons.queue_free() queue_free() func _on_mouse_entered(): _on_mouse_exited() get_graph_edit() if graph_edit == null: return links = [] var viewport = get_viewport() for w in linked_widgets: var link = link.clip(graph_edit.rect_global_position, graph_edit.rect_size) link.source = self = w.widget graph_edit.add_child(link) links.append(link) func _on_mouse_exited(): if links != null: for l in links: l.queue_free() links = null # Capture mouse to link to a control var link = null var graph_edit = null var pointed_control = null func get_graph_edit(): graph_edit = get_parent() while graph_edit != null && !(graph_edit is GraphEdit): graph_edit = graph_edit.get_parent() func find_control(gp): for c in graph_edit.get_children(): if c is GraphNode: if c.get("controls") != null: for w in c.controls: if Rect2(w.rect_global_position, w.rect_size*w.get_global_transform().get_scale()).has_point(gp): return { node=c, widget=w } return null func _input(event): if event is InputEventKey: if event.scancode == KEY_ESCAPE: set_process_input(false) link.queue_free() link = null elif event is InputEventMouseMotion: var control = find_control(event.global_position) link.end = event.global_position = control.widget if control != null && can_link_to(control.widget) else null link.update() elif event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.pressed: if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT: var control = find_control(event.global_position) if control != null: add_linked(control.node, control.widget) set_process_input(false) link.queue_free() link = null get_tree().set_input_as_handled() func pick_linked(): # Verify we are in a graph edit get_graph_edit() if graph_edit == null: return # Create line that will be shown when looking for a target var viewport = get_viewport() link = link.clip(graph_edit.rect_global_position, graph_edit.rect_size) link.source = self link.end = rect_global_position+0.5*rect_size*get_global_transform().get_scale() graph_edit.add_child(link) set_process_input(true) pointed_control = null func serialize(): var data = { label=label.text, linked_widgets=[] } for w in linked_widgets: data.linked_widgets.append( {, } ) return data func deserialize(data): if data.has("label"): label.text = data.label if !data.has("linked_widgets"): return var graph_edit = get_parent() while !(graph_edit is GraphEdit): graph_edit = graph_edit.get_parent() for w in data.linked_widgets: var node = graph_edit.get_node(w.node) if node != null && node.get("property_widgets") != null: for widget in node.property_widgets: if == w.widget: add_linked(node, widget)