tool extends "res://addons/material_maker/widgets/linked_widgets/" var configurations = {} var current = null onready var button = null const Types = preload("res://addons/material_maker/types/") func _ready(): update_options() func update_options(): # Seems "clear" might cause crashes, so we create a new button... if button != null: button.hide() button.queue_free() button = button.connect("item_selected", self, "_on_item_selected") button.connect("mouse_entered", self, "_on_mouse_entered") button.connect("mouse_exited", self, "_on_mouse_exited") add_child(button) # Create list of configurations var keys = configurations.keys() keys.sort() # if no configuration is selected, select the first one if current == null and !keys.empty(): current = keys[0] for c in keys: button.add_item(c) button.add_separator() button.add_item("") if current != null: button.add_separator() button.add_item("") button.add_item("") for i in range(button.get_item_count()): if button.get_item_text(i) == current: button.selected = i break func add_linked(node, widget): linked_widgets.append({ node=node, widget=widget }) func duplicate_value(value): if typeof(value) == TYPE_OBJECT and value.has_method("duplicate"): value = value.duplicate() return value func apply_configuration(c): for w in configurations[c]: var value = duplicate_value(w.value) w.widget.set(WIDGETS[get_widget_type(w.widget)].value_attr, value) w.node.generator.set_parameter(, value) var graph_node = get_parent() while !(graph_node is GraphNode): graph_node = graph_node.get_parent() graph_node.update_shaders() func do_update_configuration(name): var configuration = [] for w in linked_widgets: configuration.append({ node=w.node, widget=w.widget, value=duplicate_value(w.node.parameters[]) }) configurations[name] = configuration current = name update_options() func update_configuration(): var dialog = preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/line_dialog.tscn").instance() add_child(dialog) dialog.set_texts("Configuration", "Enter a name for the new configuration") dialog.connect("ok", self, "do_update_configuration", []) dialog.popup_centered() func _on_item_selected(ID): var count = configurations.keys().size() if ID >= 0 && ID < count: current = button.get_item_text(ID) update_options() apply_configuration(current) elif ID == count+1: button.selected = 0 update_configuration() elif ID == count+3: do_update_configuration(current) else: configurations.erase(current) current = null update_options() func serialize(): var data = .serialize() data.type = "config_control" var data_configurations = {} var keys = configurations.keys() for k in keys: var c = configurations[k] var data_configuration = [] for e in c: data_configuration.append({,, value=Types.serialize_value(e.value) }) data_configurations[k] = data_configuration data.configurations = data_configurations return data func deserialize(data): .deserialize(data) graph_edit = get_parent() while graph_edit != null && !(graph_edit is GraphEdit): graph_edit = graph_edit.get_parent() if graph_edit == null: return var keys = data.configurations.keys() for k in keys: var c = data.configurations[k] var configuration = [] for e in c: var node = graph_edit.get_node("node_"+e.node) print(e.widget) var widget = null for w in node.controls: if == e.widget: widget = w break configuration.append({ node=node, widget=widget, value=Types.deserialize_value(e.value) }) configurations[k] = configuration update_options()