tool extends MMGraphNodeGeneric var fixed_lines : int = 0 func _ready() -> void: update_node() func update_preview_buttons(index : int) -> void: for i in range(generator.parameters.outputs): if i != index: var line = get_child(i) line.get_child(2).pressed = false func update_node() -> void: print("update_node") if generator == null or !generator.parameters.has("outputs") or !generator.parameters.has("choices"): return save_preview_widget() var new_fixed_lines = 3 if generator.editable else 1 if new_fixed_lines != fixed_lines: fixed_lines = new_fixed_lines # Remove all lines while get_child_count() > 0: var remove = get_child(0) remove_child(remove) var lines_list = [] if generator.editable: lines_list.push_back( { name="outputs", min=1, max=5 } ) lines_list.push_back( { name="choices", min=2, max=5 } ) lines_list.push_back( { name="source", min=0, max=generator.parameters.choices-1 } ) for l in lines_list: var sizer = var input_label = sizer.add_child(input_label) var control : HSlider = = control.value = generator.parameters[] control.min_value = l.min control.max_value = l.max control.step = 1 control.rect_min_size.x = 75 sizer.add_child(control) control.connect("value_changed", self, "_on_value_changed", [ ]) controls[] = control sizer.add_child(preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/preview_button.tscn").instance()) add_child(sizer) else: # Keep lines with controls while get_child_count() > output_count and get_child_count() > fixed_lines: var remove = get_child(get_child_count()-1) remove_child(remove) # Populate the GraphNode var output_count : int = generator.parameters.outputs var input_count : int = output_count * generator.parameters.choices controls["source"].max_value = generator.parameters.choices-1 while get_child_count() < input_count: var sizer = var input_label = sizer.add_child(input_label) if get_child_count() < 5: var space = space.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND | SIZE_FILL sizer.add_child(space) sizer.add_child(preload("res://addons/material_maker/widgets/preview_button.tscn").instance()) add_child(sizer) rect_size = Vector2(0, 0) for i in range(get_child_count()): var sizer = get_child(i) var has_input = true var has_output = false if i < 5: has_output = i < output_count sizer.get_child(2).visible = has_output sizer.get_child(2).connect("toggled", self, "on_preview_button", [ i ]) if i >= input_count: sizer.get_child(0).text = "" has_input = false else: sizer.get_child(0).text = PoolByteArray([65+i%int(output_count)]).get_string_from_ascii()+str(1+i/int(output_count)) sizer.get_child(0).add_color_override("font_color", Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if i/int(output_count) == generator.parameters.source else Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) set_slot(i, has_input, 0, Color(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5), has_output, 0, Color(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)) # Preview restore_preview_widget() print("update_node end")