Doc update (everything except nodes from the library)

This commit is contained in:
RodZill4 2019-11-14 08:49:10 +01:00
parent 2e97888437
commit cfca689e3f
31 changed files with 427 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Available nodes in base library
This section describes all nodes that can are provided in the base library
to describe procedural materials.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ Welcome to Material Maker's documentation!

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Available nodes
Nodes overview
This section describes all nodes that can be used in a procedural material.
Material Maker provides different node types to describe materials. Nodes may
have parameters, inputs and outputs.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Common properties of nodes
The nodes will always have outputs that will be connected to the inputs of other
nodes. They may also (and will probably) have parameters that can be modified
in the user interface, and inputs to receive data from other nodes.
.. image:: images/node_example.png
:align: center
Nodes can have several outputs that represent the images they provide. Each node output can be
connected to several node inputs. Each node output can be either **greyscale**, **color** or
**RGBA**. Greyscale ports are drawn in grey, color in blue and RGBA in semi-transparent green.
Next to the output, an (open or closed) eye icon indicates that a preview is available. Clicking
on it will show the preview at the bottom of the node. When a node has several outputs, only
one of them can be previewed at a time.
Inputs are images the node will transform (if any). An input is always connected to at most
an output. Inputs generally have a default image that is used when it is not connected.
Parameters are used to configure nodes. The following types are supported:
* **float** parameters are used whenever a real number is needed. Float parameters have
bounds, but it is possible to ignore them (at your own risk). To modify a float parameter,
click in the text field and enter a new value, or click and drag left or right to decrease
or decrease its value. When the lower or upper bound is reach, the value wil stick to it,
but dragging again from there makes it possible to go beyond the limit.
* **size** parameters are power of two values for the image size. They are used when
actually storing data in a texture, or when performing resolution dependent calculations
such as convolutions. They are shown as drop down list boxes.
* **enumerated** parameters are used when nodes have different named options and shown as
drop down list boxes.
* **boolean** parameters are shown as check boxes.
* **color** parameters are shown as Color selectors.
* **gradient** parameters are edited in dedicated editor widgets. Cursors can be added by
double-clicking in the lower part of the widget, dragged left and right using the left
mouse button, and removed using the right mouse button.
The drop down list box can be used to select one of the 4 interpolation options.
Double clicking in the upper part of the gradient editor will open a larger version of the
widget to move cursors mode precisely.
Finally, it is possible to drag and drop from the upper part of a gradient editor widget to
another to duplicate the gradient parameter, or from any **Colorize** node variant in the
library to a gradient editor widget.
.. image:: images/gradient_editor.png
:align: center
Nodes that provide random patterns have an implicit **seed** parameter. It is not possible
to edit it directly, but moving the node in the graph will change its value. It is possible
to freeze the seed value using the small dice button in the node's title bar in the graph.
.. image:: images/random_node.png
:align: center
Subgraphs also have their seed and transmit it to their children unless not configured to
do so, or the children's seeds are frozen.
Modifying nodes
Most nodes in Material Maker can be modified, but they first have to be made editable.
To do this, select a node, and use the **Tools -> Make the selected nodes editable**
menu item or the **Control+E** keyboard shortcut.
.. image:: images/editable_node.png
:align: center
When made editable, 3 buttons are shown at the bottom of the node:
* A pencil-shaped button to edit the node (the precise behavior of this button depends
on the node type)
* A folder-like button to load an existing node template
* A floppy disk button to save the node as a template
To be reusable directly, templates must be saved in the **generators** directory in
the install dir (or the **addon/material_maker/nodes** directory when using Material
Maker as a Godot addon). All nodes templates saved in this directory are shown in
the **Tools -> Create** menu.
It is absolutely not necessary to save newly created nodes as templates, but this
makes them a lot easier to access and results in smaller material files (only
references to the templates are saved and not the whole node description).
Consequently, modifying a template without ensuring compatibility with the old
version (i.e. removing or renaming parameters, removing or swapping inputs or

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Filter nodes
The filter nodes accept one or several inputs and generate one or several images.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Miscellaneous nodes
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ The noise nodes are nodes that do not accept any input and generate one or sever
made from random patterns.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Pattern nodes
The generator nodes are nodes that do not accept any input and generate one or several images.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Simple nodes
The simple nodes are nodes that do not accept any input and generate one or several simple shapes.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
Filter nodes
Transform nodes
The generator nodes are nodes that do not accept any input and generate one or several images.
The transform nodes are nodes that affect the geometry of their input.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Remote nodes
Remote nodes have no input or output. They are only used to control (remotely) the
parameters of other nodes. They can be used to either gather important parameters
of a complex graph or define the parameters of a subgraph node.
Creating a remote node
Remote nodes can be created by dragging a Miscellaneous/Remote node from the library
pane to a graph pane.
Configuring a remote node
Remote nodes provide two kinds of controls:
* linked widgets, that are associated to parameters in the graph and whose values are copied
into the target parameters
* configuration widgets, that can be used to define named configurations of the target
Linked widgets
.. |create_linked_widget| image:: images/create_linked_widget.png
.. |add_linked_widget| image:: images/add_linked_widget.png
.. |remove_linked_widget| image:: images/remove_linked_widget.png
Linked widgets can be used to modify at the same time several parameters from several nodes.
When hovering a linked widget, the user interface will show which parameters it controls.
.. image:: images/remote_create_linked_widget.gif
:align: center
To create a linked widget, click on the |create_linked_widget| button and select a parameter
to be controlled in another node. This will create a new linked widget whose type is the
same as the selected parameter.
More parameters can be controlled by the same linked widget. To add one, click on the
|add_linked_widget| button of the linked widget, and select the parameter. While
associating parameters to linked widgets, Material Maker will check compatibility.
To delete a linked widget, click on its |remove_linked_widget| button.
Configuration widgets
.. |create_configuration_widget| image:: images/create_configuration_widget.png
Configuration widgets are used to create named configurations for associated parameters
in the graph.
.. image:: images/remote_configuration_widget.gif
:align: center
To create a configuration widget, click on the |create_configuration_widget| button
and select a parameter to be controlled in another node. Then, link all other parameters
that should be controlled using the |add_linked_widget| button.
When all parameters are linked, you can create your first configuration. Set the values
of all parameters for this first configuration, then select the **add configuration**
option in the configuration's drop down button. you will be propted for a name for
the new configuration.
Repeat the same operation (set all parameters values, then **add configuration**) to
add all other configurations.
Selecting a configuration using the drop down button will recall the associated parameters
It is also possible to rename, update or delete a configuration using the drop down button.

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Shader nodes
Most nodes in Material Maker are shader nodes. Their outputs are not defined as images,
but as shader programs that calculates the color of a pixel from its coordinates.
When shader nodes are connected, Material Maker will combine their shader programs.
As a consequence, shader nodes are resolution independant.
Editing a shader node will show the **Node Editor** window.
Defining a shader node interface
A shader node will always have outputs that will be connected to the inputs of other
nodes. It may also (and will probably) have parameters that can be modified in the
user interface, and inputs to receive data from other nodes.
.. image:: images/node_editor_general.png
:align: center
Inputs and parameters can be added in the **General** tab, but first, you may want to
choose a nice name for your new node.
To add a parameter, just click on the green "+" button in the Parameters section.
A new parameter line will be created with a red "-" button on its left to delete
the new parameter. On this line:
* the first text field is the name of the parameter, that will be used in the shader code
* the second text field is an optional label that will be displayed in the user interface.
There are a few tricks with this label that can help tweaking the UI.
* the option button can be used to select a type for the parameter. The available types
are **float**, **size**, **enum**, **boolean**, **color** and **gradient**
* on the right of the type selector, controls can be used to define a default value and
constraints for the parameter
To use a parameter in your shader code it is necessary to prefix it with a dollar sign.
So a **foo** parameter can be refered to by **$foo** or **$(foo)** in the shader code.
Gradient parameters need to be used as functions with a single float parameter.
So **mygradient** should be refered to as **$mygradient($uv.x)** if you want to spread
the gradient on the x axis (**$uv** is an implicit variable used by Material Maker for
UV coordinates).
Inputs can be added and removed, have a name and a label (but no label trick) just
like parameters. they also have a type that can be **Greyscale**, **Color** or
Please note that Material Maker will convert automatically if you connect an input
to an output of a different type.
On the right of the input type, you must define a default value that will be used
if the input is not connected. The default value is a GLSL expression that must
evaluate to a **float** for **Greyscale**, a **vec3** for **Color** or a **vec4**
for **RGBA**. Inputs default values can use the **$uv** implicit variable. You may
want to define interesting default inputs for your nodes, so it is possible
to see their effect without connecting the inputs (the screenshot above is the
Blend filter and has a vertical and an horizontal gradient as default inputs).
In shader code, inputs are used as functions that take a single **vec2** parameter. For
example **$myinput(2.0*$uv+vec2(0.2, 0.3))** refers to **myinput**, scaled and translated.
Outputs are defined in the **Outputs** tab and are very similar to inputs, but instead
of a default value, the generated value of the output should be specified as a
GLSL expression (**float** for **Greyscale**, a **vec3** for **Color** or a
**vec4** for **RGBA**). This expression can use everything in the node (parameters,
inputs, main code, instance functions and global functions) except other outputs.
And generally, complex nodes mean complex output expressions. You may thus want to
write simple expressions in the **Outputs** tab and keep complex code in the 3
remaining tabs.
.. image:: images/node_editor_outputs.png
:align: center
Adding the actual GLSL code
Now the parameters, inputs and outputs are defined, the code that will actually
generate the texture will be in the 3 remaining tabs.
Global functions
The Global functions tab is used to define the functions that are necessary to
implement the texture generator. Those functions will be included only once (when
the node is used of course) and cannot use parameters or inputs. This is
typically where you will paste the code you prepared in Shadertoy.
.. image:: images/node_editor_global.png
:align: center
Instance functions
Instance functions are functions that are unique to an instance of the node.
They will typically depend on parameters, and those could either be used as
parameters when calling global functions, or to form global function names (as
shown in the screenshot below: the blend_type parameter is an enum whose value
is the suffix of one of the blend functions defined in the Global Functions pane).
Instance functions must also have a unique name, and the name implicit variable
can be used to do this: whenever $name or $(name) is used, it will be replaced
with a unique name that depends on the node instance.
.. image:: images/node_editor_instance.png
:align: center
Main code
This tab contains code that will be inserted into the main combined shader and
can be used to define variables that will be used in the outputs expressions.
This can be useful either to simplify the outputs or to define variables that
will be used by several outputs (hence optimizing the shader code).
Main code can use the node's parameters and inputs as well as instance and
global functions.
Since a node can be sampled for several different UV expressions in the same
combined shader, it is necessary for all variables declared in the main code section
to have a unique name for each (node instance, UV expression) pair. Material
Maker provides the name_uv implicit variable for this.
.. image:: images/node_editor_main.png
:align: center

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Subgraph nodes
Subgraphs are parts of a complex material graph that have been gathered into
their own level of hierarchy.
To create a subgraph, first select the nodes that must be grouped and use the
**Tools -> Create group** menu item or the **Control+G** keyboard shortcut.
This will replace all selected nodes with a single subgraph node, without
modifying the overall material description.
The subgraph node is not editable by default, but using the **Control+E**
shortcut will make it possible to edit its contents using the pencil button.
.. image:: images/subgraph.png
:align: center
The newly created subgraph contains:
* all nodes that have been grouped
* an **Input** and an **Output** node that rep^resent the inputs and the outputs
of the subgraph. Selecting them and using the **Control+E** shortcut makes them
editable so the subgraph inputs and outputs can be added, removed reordered or
renamed. Please note that all those operations will (when possible) keep
connectivity inside and outside the subgraph.
* A **Parameters** node that is a **remote** can be edited to expose selected
parameters to the parent graph. When grouping nodes with a **remote**, the
remote will automatically be used as **Parameters** node in the nealy created

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Texture nodes
Texture nodes are nodes that actually hold and output an image (and as a consequence,
they are resolution dependant). There are two kinds of texture nodes: the image and
the buffer.
Image node
The image node outputs a single image from a file. Its unique parameter is
the path of the image file.
Buffer node
The buffer node has a single input and two outputs. It renders its input into a buffer,
and its outputs will read from that buffer. The first output emits the buffer in full
resolution, and the second output will generate a given level of detail.
The buffer node has two parameters:
* the size of the buffer
* the detail level of the second output
Buffer nodes are generally used as input of shader nodes that sample their inputs multiple
times (such as convolution nodes).

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@ -185,14 +185,15 @@ File menu
* *Save material as* prompts for a location and file name and saves the current material.
* *Save all materials* saves all currently open materials. Materials that were not already
saved ae ignored.
* *Save all materials* saves all currently open materials. Materials that were already
saved are ignored.
* *Export material* generates PNG image files for all elements of the material. File names are
defined using the path of the material and their role (albedo, emission...) in the material.
The Ambient occlusion, roughness and metallic textures are merged into a single file whose
defined using the path of the **.ptex** material file and their role (albedo, emission...)
in the material.
The Ambient occlusion, roughness and metallic textures are saved into a single file whose
suffix is **orm**.
If the material contains export nodes, their textures will be exported as well.
If the material contains **export** nodes, their textures will be exported as well.
* *Close material* closes the current material.
@ -210,19 +211,32 @@ Edit menu
Pasting also unselects all previously selected nodes and selects all newly created nodes,
so they can easily be moved around.
View menu
* *Center view* Centers the current material graph view
* *Reset zoom* Resets the zoom level of the current material graph view
Tools menu
* The *Create* submenu can be used to create any of the node templates
* *Create group* Creates a subgraph node with the currently selected nodes
* *Add selected node to user library* first prompts for an item name. If a name is entered and
confirmed, the selected nodes in the current material will be added to the user library under
that name. Don't forget to use the *Save user library* item, otherwise the newly created library
not be available anymore when the software is restarted.
* *Save user library* saves the user library.
that name. The user library is saved automatically.
Help menu
* *User manual* opens an external web browser to show this manual
* *Show selected library item documentation* opens an external web browser to show
documentation from the User Manual for the current library item
* *Report a bug* opens a web browser on the Issues page of Material Maker's GitHub project. Please
do not hesitate to use it to suggest improvements for Material Maker.