# mat_maker_gd My goal with this project is to take Material Maker's ( https://github.com/RodZill4/material-maker ) code, and make it an in-godot texture/image generator. If it turns out well I'll probably turn it into a c++ engine module eventually. Multi threading uses my threadpool engine module for now. ## Status: Missing ~ 60 nodes from ~ 195. ## TODOS - [ ] Go through the current MaterialMaker and add the code from all the new nodes. - [ ] Go through the current MaterialMaker and update any old code. - [ ] Add note to all files that has code from MaterialMaker. - [ ] Proper readme.md. - [ ] Per node seed like in the original. - [ ] Port all the nodes. Missing ~ 60 from ~ 195 - [ ] Somehow get ctrl-s to always just save the edited material, instead of having to double click it (for the inspector to update), and then clicking the save icon and selecting save.