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#include "voxel_map.h"
#include "voxel_mesher.h"
#include "voxel_mesher_smooth.h"
#include "voxel_provider.h"
#include "zprofiling.h"
#include <scene/main/node.h>
// Infinite static terrain made of voxels.
// It is loaded around VoxelTerrainStreamers.
class VoxelTerrain : public Node /*, public IVoxelMapObserver*/ {
GDCLASS(VoxelTerrain, Node)
void set_provider(Ref<VoxelProvider> provider);
Ref<VoxelProvider> get_provider() const;
void set_voxel_library(Ref<VoxelLibrary> library);
Ref<VoxelLibrary> get_voxel_library() const;
void force_load_blocks(Vector3i center, Vector3i extents);
int get_block_update_count();
void make_block_dirty(Vector3i bpos);
void make_blocks_dirty(Vector3i min, Vector3i size);
void make_voxel_dirty(Vector3i pos);
bool is_block_dirty(Vector3i bpos);
void set_generate_collisions(bool enabled);
bool get_generate_collisions() const { return _generate_collisions; }
int get_view_distance() const;
void set_view_distance(int distance_in_voxels);
void set_viewer_path(NodePath path);
NodePath get_viewer_path() const;
void set_material(int id, Ref<Material> material);
Ref<Material> get_material(int id) const;
Ref<VoxelMesher> get_mesher() { return _mesher; }
Ref<VoxelMap> get_map() { return _map; }
void _notification(int p_what);
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const;
void _process();
void update_blocks();
void update_block_mesh(Vector3i block_pos);
void make_all_view_dirty();
Spatial *get_viewer(NodePath path) const;
// Observer events
//void block_removed(VoxelBlock & block);
static void _bind_methods();
// Convenience
Vector3 _voxel_to_block_binding(Vector3 pos) { return Vector3i(VoxelMap::voxel_to_block(pos)).to_vec3(); }
Vector3 _block_to_voxel_binding(Vector3 pos) { return Vector3i(VoxelMap::block_to_voxel(pos)).to_vec3(); }
void _force_load_blocks_binding(Vector3 center, Vector3 extents) { force_load_blocks(center, extents); }
void _make_block_dirty_binding(Vector3 bpos) { make_block_dirty(bpos); }
void _make_blocks_dirty_binding(Vector3 min, Vector3 size) { make_blocks_dirty(min, size); }
void _make_voxel_dirty_binding(Vector3 pos) { make_voxel_dirty(pos); }
Variant _raycast_binding(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, real_t max_distance);
void set_voxel(Vector3 pos, int value, int c);
int get_voxel(Vector3 pos, int c);
// Voxel storage
Ref<VoxelMap> _map;
// How many blocks to load around the viewer
int _view_distance_blocks;
// TODO Terrains only need to handle the visible portion of voxels, which reduces the bounds blocks to handle.
// Therefore, could a simple grid be better to use than a hashmap?
Vector<Vector3i> _block_update_queue;
HashMap<Vector3i, bool, Vector3iHasher> _dirty_blocks; // only the key is relevant
Ref<VoxelMesher> _mesher;
// TODO I'm not sure it will stay here... refactoring ahead
Ref<VoxelMesherSmooth> _mesher_smooth;
Ref<VoxelProvider> _provider;
NodePath _viewer_path;
bool _generate_collisions;
ZProfiler _zprofiler;
Dictionary get_profiling_info() { return _zprofiler.get_all_serialized_info(); }