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synced 2025-03-22 19:07:33 +01:00
987 lines
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987 lines
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#include "voxel_terrain.h"
#include "../providers/voxel_provider_test.h"
#include "../util/utility.h"
#include "../util/voxel_raycast.h"
#include "voxel_block.h"
#include "voxel_map.h"
#include "voxel_provider_thread.h"
#include <core/engine.h>
#include <core/os/os.h>
#include <scene/3d/mesh_instance.h>
VoxelTerrain::VoxelTerrain() {
_map = Ref<VoxelMap>(memnew(VoxelMap));
_view_distance_blocks = 8;
_last_view_distance_blocks = 0;
_provider_thread = NULL;
_block_updater = NULL;
_generate_collisions = false;
_run_in_editor = false;
_smooth_meshing_enabled = false;
VoxelTerrain::~VoxelTerrain() {
print_line("Destroying VoxelTerrain");
if (_provider_thread) {
if (_block_updater) {
// TODO See if there is a way to specify materials in voxels directly?
bool VoxelTerrain::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
if (p_name.operator String().begins_with("material/")) {
int idx = p_name.operator String().get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx >= VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS || idx < 0, false);
set_material(idx, p_value);
return true;
return false;
bool VoxelTerrain::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
if (p_name.operator String().begins_with("material/")) {
int idx = p_name.operator String().get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx >= VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS || idx < 0, false);
r_ret = get_material(idx);
return true;
return false;
void VoxelTerrain::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
for (int i = 0; i < VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS; ++i) {
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "material/" + itos(i), PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ShaderMaterial,SpatialMaterial"));
void VoxelTerrain::set_provider(Ref<VoxelProvider> provider) {
if (provider != _provider) {
if (_provider_thread) {
_provider_thread = NULL;
_provider = provider;
_provider_thread = memnew(VoxelProviderThread(_provider, _map->get_block_size_pow2()));
// Ref<VoxelProviderTest> test;
// test.instance();
// _provider_thread = memnew(VoxelProviderThread(test, _map->get_block_size_pow2()));
// The whole map might change, so make all area dirty
// TODO Actually, we should regenerate the whole map, not just update all its blocks
Ref<VoxelProvider> VoxelTerrain::get_provider() const {
return _provider;
Ref<VoxelLibrary> VoxelTerrain::get_voxel_library() const {
return _library;
void VoxelTerrain::set_voxel_library(Ref<VoxelLibrary> library) {
if (library != _library) {
if (library->get_voxel_count() == 0) {
_library = library;
// Voxel appearance might completely change
void VoxelTerrain::set_generate_collisions(bool enabled) {
_generate_collisions = enabled;
int VoxelTerrain::get_view_distance() const {
return _view_distance_blocks * _map->get_block_size();
void VoxelTerrain::set_view_distance(int distance_in_voxels) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(distance_in_voxels < 0)
int d = distance_in_voxels / _map->get_block_size();
if (d != _view_distance_blocks) {
print_line(String("View distance changed from ") + String::num(_view_distance_blocks) + String(" blocks to ") + String::num(d));
_view_distance_blocks = d;
// Blocks too far away will be removed in _process, same for blocks to load
void VoxelTerrain::set_viewer_path(NodePath path) {
_viewer_path = path;
NodePath VoxelTerrain::get_viewer_path() const {
return _viewer_path;
Spatial *VoxelTerrain::get_viewer(NodePath path) const {
if (path.is_empty())
return NULL;
Node *node = get_node(path);
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
return Object::cast_to<Spatial>(node);
void VoxelTerrain::set_material(int id, Ref<Material> material) {
// TODO Update existing block surfaces
ERR_FAIL_COND(id < 0 || id >= VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS);
_materials[id] = material;
Ref<Material> VoxelTerrain::get_material(int id) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(id < 0 || id >= VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS, Ref<Material>());
return _materials[id];
bool VoxelTerrain::is_smooth_meshing_enabled() const {
return _smooth_meshing_enabled;
void VoxelTerrain::set_smooth_meshing_enabled(bool enabled) {
if (_smooth_meshing_enabled != enabled) {
_smooth_meshing_enabled = enabled;
void VoxelTerrain::make_block_dirty(Vector3i bpos) {
// TODO Immediate update viewer distance?
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(bpos);
if (state == NULL) {
// The block is not dirty, so it will either be loaded or updated
if (_map->has_block(bpos)) {
_dirty_blocks[bpos] = BLOCK_UPDATE_NOT_SENT;
} else {
_dirty_blocks[bpos] = BLOCK_LOAD;
} else if (*state == BLOCK_UPDATE_SENT) {
// The updater is already processing the block,
// but the block was modified again so we schedule another update
//OS::get_singleton()->print("Dirty (%i, %i, %i)", bpos.x, bpos.y, bpos.z);
// TODO What if a block is made dirty, goes through threaded update, then gets changed again before it gets updated?
// this will make the second change ignored, which is not correct!
void VoxelTerrain::immerge_block(Vector3i bpos) {
// TODO Schedule block saving when supported
_map->remove_block(bpos, VoxelMap::NoAction());
// Blocks in the update queue will be cancelled in _process,
// because it's too expensive to linear-search all blocks for each block
Dictionary VoxelTerrain::get_statistics() const {
Dictionary provider = VoxelProviderThread::to_dictionary(_stats.provider);
provider["dropped_blocks"] = _stats.dropped_provider_blocks;
Dictionary updater = VoxelMeshUpdater::to_dictionary(_stats.updater);
updater["updated_blocks"] = _stats.updated_blocks;
updater["mesh_alloc_time"] = _stats.mesh_alloc_time;
updater["dropped_blocks"] = _stats.dropped_updater_blocks;
updater["remaining_main_thread_blocks"] = _stats.remaining_main_thread_blocks;
Dictionary d;
d["provider"] = provider;
d["updater"] = updater;
// Breakdown of time spent in _process
d["time_detect_required_blocks"] = _stats.time_detect_required_blocks;
d["time_send_load_requests"] = _stats.time_send_load_requests;
d["time_process_load_responses"] = _stats.time_process_load_responses;
d["time_send_update_requests"] = _stats.time_send_update_requests;
d["time_process_update_responses"] = _stats.time_process_update_responses;
return d;
bool VoxelTerrain::is_block_dirty(Vector3i bpos) const {
return _dirty_blocks.has(bpos);
//void VoxelTerrain::make_blocks_dirty(Vector3i min, Vector3i size) {
// Vector3i max = min + size;
// Vector3i pos;
// for (pos.z = min.z; pos.z < max.z; ++pos.z) {
// for (pos.y = min.y; pos.y < max.y; ++pos.y) {
// for (pos.x = min.x; pos.x < max.x; ++pos.x) {
// make_block_dirty(pos);
// }
// }
// }
void VoxelTerrain::make_all_view_dirty_deferred() {
// This trick will regenerate all chunks in view, according to the view distance found during block updates.
// The point of doing this instead of immediately scheduling updates is that it will
// always use an up-to-date view distance, which is not necessarily loaded yet on initialization.
_last_view_distance_blocks = 0;
// Vector3i radius(_view_distance_blocks, _view_distance_blocks, _view_distance_blocks);
// make_blocks_dirty(-radius, 2*radius);
void VoxelTerrain::reset_updater() {
if (_block_updater) {
_block_updater = NULL;
// TODO Thread-safe way to change those parameters
VoxelMeshUpdater::MeshingParams params;
params.smooth_surface = _smooth_meshing_enabled;
_block_updater = memnew(VoxelMeshUpdater(_library, params));
// TODO Revert any pending update states!
inline int get_border_index(int x, int max) {
return x == 0 ? 0 : x != max ? 1 : 2;
void VoxelTerrain::make_voxel_dirty(Vector3i pos) {
// Update the block in which the voxel is
Vector3i bpos = _map->voxel_to_block(pos);
//OS::get_singleton()->print("Dirty (%i, %i, %i)\n", bpos.x, bpos.y, bpos.z);
// Update neighbor blocks if the voxel is touching a boundary
Vector3i rpos = _map->to_local(pos);
// TODO Thread-safe way of getting this parameter
bool check_corners = true; //_mesher->get_occlusion_enabled();
const int max = _map->get_block_size() - 1;
if (rpos.x == 0)
make_block_dirty(bpos - Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
else if (rpos.x == max)
make_block_dirty(bpos + Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
if (rpos.y == 0)
make_block_dirty(bpos - Vector3i(0, 1, 0));
else if (rpos.y == max)
make_block_dirty(bpos + Vector3i(0, 1, 0));
if (rpos.z == 0)
make_block_dirty(bpos - Vector3i(0, 0, 1));
else if (rpos.z == max)
make_block_dirty(bpos + Vector3i(0, 0, 1));
// We might want to update blocks in corners in order to update ambient occlusion
if (check_corners) {
// 24------25------26
// /| /|
// / | / |
// 21 | 23 |
// / 15 / 17
// / | / |
// 18------19------20 |
// | | | |
// | 6-------7-|-----8
// | / | /
// 9 / 11 /
// | 3 | 5
// | / | / y z
// |/ |/ |/
// 0-------1-------2 o--x
// I'm not good at writing piles of ifs
static const int normals[27][3] = {
{ -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, -1, -1 }, { 1, -1, -1 },
{ -1, -1, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { 1, -1, 0 },
{ -1, -1, 1 }, { 0, -1, 1 }, { 1, -1, 1 },
{ -1, 0, -1 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { 1, 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 },
{ -1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1 },
{ -1, 1, -1 }, { 0, 1, -1 }, { 1, 1, -1 },
{ -1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1, 0 },
{ -1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }
static const int ce_counts[27] = {
4, 1, 4,
1, 0, 1,
4, 1, 4,
1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 1,
4, 1, 4,
1, 0, 1,
4, 1, 4
static const int ce_indexes_lut[27][4] = {
{ 0, 1, 3, 9 }, { 1 }, { 2, 1, 5, 11 },
{ 3 }, {}, { 5 },
{ 6, 3, 7, 15 }, { 7 }, { 8, 7, 5, 17 },
{ 9 }, {}, { 11 },
{}, {}, {},
{ 15 }, {}, { 17 },
{ 18, 9, 19, 21 }, { 19 }, { 20, 11, 19, 23 },
{ 21 }, {}, { 23 },
{ 24, 15, 21, 25 }, { 25 }, { 26, 17, 23, 25 }
int m = get_border_index(rpos.x, max) + 3 * get_border_index(rpos.z, max) + 9 * get_border_index(rpos.y, max);
const int *ce_indexes = ce_indexes_lut[m];
int ce_count = ce_counts[m];
//OS::get_singleton()->print("m=%i, rpos=(%i, %i, %i)\n", m, rpos.x, rpos.y, rpos.z);
for (int i = 0; i < ce_count; ++i) {
// TODO Because it's about ambient occlusion across 1 voxel only,
// we could optimize it even more by looking at neighbor voxels,
// and discard the update if we know it won't change anything
const int *normal = normals[ce_indexes[i]];
Vector3i nbpos(bpos.x + normal[0], bpos.y + normal[1], bpos.z + normal[2]);
//OS::get_singleton()->print("Corner dirty (%i, %i, %i)\n", nbpos.x, nbpos.y, nbpos.z);
void VoxelTerrain::make_area_dirty(Rect3i box) {
Vector3i min_pos = box.pos;
Vector3i max_pos = box.pos + box.size - Vector3(1, 1, 1);
// TODO Thread-safe way of getting this parameter
bool check_corners = true; //_mesher->get_occlusion_enabled();
if (check_corners) {
min_pos -= Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
max_pos += Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
} else {
Vector3i min_rpos = _map->to_local(min_pos);
if (min_rpos.x == 0)
if (min_rpos.y == 0)
if (min_rpos.z == 0)
const int max = _map->get_block_size() - 1;
Vector3i max_rpos = _map->to_local(max_pos);
if (max_rpos.x == max)
if (max_rpos.y == max)
if (max_rpos.z == max)
Vector3i min_block_pos = _map->voxel_to_block(min_pos);
Vector3i max_block_pos = _map->voxel_to_block(max_pos);
Vector3i bpos;
for (bpos.z = min_block_pos.z; bpos.z <= max_block_pos.z; ++bpos.z) {
for (bpos.x = min_block_pos.x; bpos.x <= max_block_pos.x; ++bpos.x) {
for (bpos.y = min_block_pos.y; bpos.y <= max_block_pos.y; ++bpos.y) {
namespace {
struct EnterWorldAction {
World *world;
EnterWorldAction(World *w) :
world(w) {}
void operator()(VoxelBlock *block) {
struct ExitWorldAction {
void operator()(VoxelBlock *block) {
struct SetVisibilityAction {
bool visible;
SetVisibilityAction(bool v) :
visible(v) {}
void operator()(VoxelBlock *block) {
} // namespace
void VoxelTerrain::_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() || _run_in_editor)
} break;
// TODO Listen for transform changes
static void remove_positions_outside_box(
Vector<Vector3i> &positions,
Rect3i box,
HashMap<Vector3i, VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState, Vector3iHasher> &state_map) {
for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i bpos = positions[i];
if (!box.contains(bpos)) {
int last = positions.size() - 1;
positions.write[i] = positions[last];
void VoxelTerrain::_process() {
// TODO Should be able to run without library, tho!
if (_library.is_null()) {
OS &os = *OS::get_singleton();
Engine &engine = *Engine::get_singleton();
uint64_t time_before = os.get_ticks_usec();
// Get viewer location
// TODO Transform to local (Spatial Transform)
Vector3i viewer_block_pos;
if (engine.is_editor_hint()) {
// TODO Use editor's camera here
viewer_block_pos = Vector3i();
} else {
// TODO Use viewport camera, much easier
Spatial *viewer = get_viewer(_viewer_path);
if (viewer)
viewer_block_pos = _map->voxel_to_block(viewer->get_translation());
viewer_block_pos = Vector3i();
// Find out which blocks need to appear and which need to be unloaded
//Vector3i viewer_block_pos_delta = _last_viewer_block_pos - viewer_block_pos;
Rect3i new_box = Rect3i::from_center_extents(viewer_block_pos, Vector3i(_view_distance_blocks));
Rect3i prev_box = Rect3i::from_center_extents(_last_viewer_block_pos, Vector3i(_last_view_distance_blocks));
if (prev_box != new_box) {
//print_line(String("Loaded area changed: from ") + prev_box.to_string() + String(" to ") + new_box.to_string());
Rect3i bounds = Rect3i::get_bounding_box(prev_box, new_box);
Vector3i max = bounds.pos + bounds.size;
// TODO There should be a way to only iterate relevant blocks
Vector3i pos;
for (pos.z = bounds.pos.z; pos.z < max.z; ++pos.z) {
for (pos.y = bounds.pos.y; pos.y < max.y; ++pos.y) {
for (pos.x = bounds.pos.x; pos.x < max.x; ++pos.x) {
bool prev_contains = prev_box.contains(pos);
bool new_contains = new_box.contains(pos);
if (prev_contains && !new_contains) {
// Unload block
} else if (!prev_contains && new_contains) {
// Load or update block
// Eliminate pending blocks that aren't needed
remove_positions_outside_box(_blocks_pending_load, new_box, _dirty_blocks);
remove_positions_outside_box(_blocks_pending_update, new_box, _dirty_blocks);
_stats.time_detect_required_blocks = os.get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
_last_view_distance_blocks = _view_distance_blocks;
_last_viewer_block_pos = viewer_block_pos;
time_before = os.get_ticks_usec();
// Send block loading requests
VoxelProviderThread::InputData input;
input.priority_block_position = viewer_block_pos;
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks_pending_load.size(); ++i) {
VoxelProviderThread::EmergeInput input_block;
input_block.block_position = _blocks_pending_load[i];
input_block.lod = 0;
//print_line(String("Sending {0} block requests").format(varray(input.blocks_to_emerge.size())));
_stats.time_send_load_requests = os.get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
time_before = os.get_ticks_usec();
// Get block loading responses
// Note: if block loading is too fast, this can cause stutters. It should only happen on first load, though.
const unsigned int bs = _map->get_block_size();
const Vector3i block_size(bs, bs, bs);
VoxelProviderThread::OutputData output;
//print_line(String("Receiving {0} blocks").format(varray(output.emerged_blocks.size())));
_stats.provider = output.stats;
_stats.dropped_provider_blocks = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < output.emerged_blocks.size(); ++i) {
const VoxelProviderThread::EmergeOutput &o = output.emerged_blocks[i];
Vector3i block_pos = _map->voxel_to_block(o.origin_in_voxels);
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(block_pos);
if (state == NULL || *state != BLOCK_LOAD) {
// That block was not requested, drop it
// Check return
// TODO Shouldn't halt execution though, as it can bring the map in an invalid state!
ERR_FAIL_COND(o.voxels->get_size() != block_size);
// TODO Discard blocks out of range
// Store buffer
bool update_neighbors = !_map->has_block(block_pos);
_map->set_block_buffer(block_pos, o.voxels);
// Trigger mesh updates
if (update_neighbors) {
// All neighbors have to be checked. If they are now surrounded, they can be updated
Vector3i ndir;
for (ndir.z = -1; ndir.z < 2; ++ndir.z) {
for (ndir.x = -1; ndir.x < 2; ++ndir.x) {
for (ndir.y = -1; ndir.y < 2; ++ndir.y) {
Vector3i npos = block_pos + ndir;
// TODO What if the map is really composed of empty blocks?
if (_map->is_block_surrounded(npos)) {
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(npos);
if (state && *state == BLOCK_UPDATE_NOT_SENT) {
// Assuming it is scheduled to be updated already.
// In case of BLOCK_UPDATE_SENT, we'll have to resend it.
_dirty_blocks[npos] = BLOCK_UPDATE_NOT_SENT;
} else {
// Only update the block, neighbors will probably follow if needed
_dirty_blocks[block_pos] = BLOCK_UPDATE_NOT_SENT;
//OS::get_singleton()->print("Update (%i, %i, %i)\n", block_pos.x, block_pos.y, block_pos.z);
_stats.time_process_load_responses = os.get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
time_before = os.get_ticks_usec();
// Send mesh updates
VoxelMeshUpdater::Input input;
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks_pending_update.size(); ++i) {
Vector3i block_pos = _blocks_pending_update[i];
// Check if the block is worth meshing
// Smooth meshing works on more neighbors, so checking a single block isn't enough to ignore it,
// but that will slow down meshing a lot.
// TODO This is one reason to separate terrain systems between blocky and smooth (other reason is LOD)
if (!_smooth_meshing_enabled) {
VoxelBlock *block = _map->get_block(block_pos);
if (block == NULL) {
} else {
int air_type = 0;
if (
block->voxels->is_uniform(Voxel::CHANNEL_TYPE) &&
block->voxels->is_uniform(Voxel::CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL) &&
block->voxels->get_voxel(0, 0, 0, Voxel::CHANNEL_TYPE) == air_type) {
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *block_state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(block_pos);
CRASH_COND(block_state == NULL);
// The block contains empty voxels
block->set_mesh(Ref<Mesh>(), Ref<World>());
// Optional, but I guess it might spare some memory
block->voxels->clear_channel(Voxel::CHANNEL_TYPE, air_type);
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *block_state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(block_pos);
CRASH_COND(block_state == NULL);
// Create buffer padded with neighbor voxels
Ref<VoxelBuffer> nbuffer;
// TODO Make the buffer re-usable
unsigned int block_size = _map->get_block_size();
unsigned int padding = _block_updater->get_required_padding();
nbuffer->create(block_size + 2 * padding, block_size + 2 * padding, block_size + 2 * padding);
unsigned int channels_mask = (1 << VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_TYPE) | (1 << VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL);
_map->get_buffer_copy(_map->block_to_voxel(block_pos) - Vector3i(padding), **nbuffer, channels_mask);
VoxelMeshUpdater::InputBlock iblock;
iblock.voxels = nbuffer;
iblock.position = block_pos;
*block_state = BLOCK_UPDATE_SENT;
_stats.time_send_update_requests = os.get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
time_before = os.get_ticks_usec();
// Get mesh updates
VoxelMeshUpdater::Output output;
_stats.updater = output.stats;
_stats.updated_blocks = output.blocks.size();
_stats.dropped_updater_blocks = 0;
Ref<World> world = get_world();
uint32_t time_before = os.get_ticks_msec();
uint32_t timeout = os.get_ticks_msec() + 10;
int queue_index = 0;
// The following is done on the main thread because Godot doesn't really support multithreaded Mesh allocation.
// This also proved to be very slow compared to the meshing process itself...
// hopefully Vulkan will allow us to upload graphical resources without stalling rendering as they upload?
for (; queue_index < _blocks_pending_main_thread_update.size() && os.get_ticks_msec() < timeout; ++queue_index) {
const VoxelMeshUpdater::OutputBlock &ob = _blocks_pending_main_thread_update[queue_index];
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(ob.position);
if (state && *state == BLOCK_UPDATE_SENT) {
VoxelBlock *block = _map->get_block(ob.position);
if (block == NULL) {
// That block is no longer loaded, drop the result
Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh;
int surface_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ob.blocky_surfaces.surfaces.size(); ++i) {
Array surface = ob.blocky_surfaces.surfaces[i];
if (surface.empty()) {
CRASH_COND(surface.size() != Mesh::ARRAY_MAX);
mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(ob.blocky_surfaces.primitive_type, surface);
mesh->surface_set_material(surface_index, _materials[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ob.smooth_surfaces.surfaces.size(); ++i) {
Array surface = ob.smooth_surfaces.surfaces[i];
if (surface.empty()) {
CRASH_COND(surface.size() != Mesh::ARRAY_MAX);
mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(ob.smooth_surfaces.primitive_type, surface);
mesh->surface_set_material(surface_index, _materials[i]);
if (is_mesh_empty(mesh)) {
mesh = Ref<Mesh>();
block->set_mesh(mesh, world);
shift_up(_blocks_pending_main_thread_update, queue_index);
uint32_t time_taken = os.get_ticks_msec() - time_before;
_stats.mesh_alloc_time = time_taken;
_stats.time_process_update_responses = os.get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
//print_line(String("d:") + String::num(_dirty_blocks.size()) + String(", q:") + String::num(_block_update_queue.size()));
//void VoxelTerrain::block_removed(VoxelBlock & block) {
// MeshInstance * mesh_instance = block.get_mesh_instance(*this);
// if (mesh_instance) {
// mesh_instance->queue_delete();
// }
struct _VoxelTerrainRaycastContext {
VoxelTerrain &terrain;
//unsigned int channel_mask;
static bool _raycast_binding_predicate(Vector3i pos, void *context_ptr) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(context_ptr == NULL, false);
_VoxelTerrainRaycastContext *context = (_VoxelTerrainRaycastContext *)context_ptr;
VoxelTerrain &terrain = context->terrain;
//unsigned int channel = context->channel;
Ref<VoxelMap> map = terrain.get_map();
int v0 = map->get_voxel(pos, Voxel::CHANNEL_TYPE);
Ref<VoxelLibrary> lib_ref = terrain.get_voxel_library();
if (lib_ref.is_null())
return false;
const VoxelLibrary &lib = **lib_ref;
if (lib.has_voxel(v0) == false)
return false;
const Voxel &voxel = lib.get_voxel_const(v0);
if (voxel.is_transparent() == false)
return true;
float v1 = map->get_voxel_f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Voxel::CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL);
return v1 < 0;
void VoxelTerrain::_make_area_dirty_binding(AABB aabb) {
make_area_dirty(Rect3i(aabb.position, aabb.size));
Variant VoxelTerrain::_raycast_binding(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, real_t max_distance) {
// TODO Transform input if the terrain is rotated (in the future it can be made a Spatial node)
Vector3i hit_pos;
Vector3i prev_pos;
_VoxelTerrainRaycastContext context = { *this };
if (voxel_raycast(origin, direction, _raycast_binding_predicate, &context, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos)) {
Dictionary hit = Dictionary();
hit["position"] = hit_pos.to_vec3();
hit["prev_position"] = prev_pos.to_vec3();
return hit;
} else {
return Variant(); // Null dictionary, no alloc
Vector3 VoxelTerrain::_voxel_to_block_binding(Vector3 pos) {
return Vector3i(_map->voxel_to_block(pos)).to_vec3();
Vector3 VoxelTerrain::_block_to_voxel_binding(Vector3 pos) {
return Vector3i(_map->block_to_voxel(pos)).to_vec3();
// For debugging purpose
VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState VoxelTerrain::get_block_state(Vector3 p_bpos) const {
Vector3i bpos = p_bpos;
const VoxelTerrain::BlockDirtyState *state = _dirty_blocks.getptr(bpos);
if (state) {
return *state;
} else {
if (!_map->has_block(bpos))
return BLOCK_NONE;
return BLOCK_IDLE;
void VoxelTerrain::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_provider", "provider"), &VoxelTerrain::set_provider);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_provider"), &VoxelTerrain::get_provider);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_voxel_library", "library"), &VoxelTerrain::set_voxel_library);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_voxel_library"), &VoxelTerrain::get_voxel_library);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_view_distance", "distance_in_voxels"), &VoxelTerrain::set_view_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_view_distance"), &VoxelTerrain::get_view_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_generate_collisions"), &VoxelTerrain::get_generate_collisions);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_generate_collisions", "enabled"), &VoxelTerrain::set_generate_collisions);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_viewer_path"), &VoxelTerrain::get_viewer_path);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_viewer_path", "path"), &VoxelTerrain::set_viewer_path);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_smooth_meshing_enabled"), &VoxelTerrain::is_smooth_meshing_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_smooth_meshing_enabled", "enabled"), &VoxelTerrain::set_smooth_meshing_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_storage"), &VoxelTerrain::get_map);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("voxel_to_block", "voxel_pos"), &VoxelTerrain::_voxel_to_block_binding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("block_to_voxel", "block_pos"), &VoxelTerrain::_block_to_voxel_binding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("make_voxel_dirty", "pos"), &VoxelTerrain::_make_voxel_dirty_binding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("make_area_dirty", "aabb"), &VoxelTerrain::_make_area_dirty_binding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("raycast", "origin", "direction", "max_distance"), &VoxelTerrain::_raycast_binding, DEFVAL(100));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_statistics"), &VoxelTerrain::get_statistics);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_block_state", "block_pos"), &VoxelTerrain::get_block_state);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "provider", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "VoxelProvider"), "set_provider", "get_provider");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "voxel_library", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "VoxelLibrary"), "set_voxel_library", "get_voxel_library");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "view_distance"), "set_view_distance", "get_view_distance");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::NODE_PATH, "viewer_path"), "set_viewer_path", "get_viewer_path");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "generate_collisions"), "set_generate_collisions", "get_generate_collisions");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "smooth_meshing_enabled"), "set_smooth_meshing_enabled", "is_smooth_meshing_enabled");