#include "voxel.h" #include "meshers/blocky/voxel_mesher_blocky.h" // TODO Only required because of MAX_MATERIALS... could be enough inverting that dependency #include "voxel_library.h" #define STRLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) Voxel::Voxel() : _library(0), _id(-1), _material_id(0), _is_transparent(false), _color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), _geometry_type(GEOMETRY_NONE), _cube_geometry_padding_y(0) {} static Cube::Side name_to_side(const String &s) { if (s == "left") return Cube::SIDE_LEFT; if (s == "right") return Cube::SIDE_RIGHT; if (s == "top") return Cube::SIDE_TOP; if (s == "bottom") return Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM; if (s == "front") return Cube::SIDE_FRONT; if (s == "back") return Cube::SIDE_BACK; return Cube::SIDE_COUNT; // Invalid } bool Voxel::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; // TODO Eventualy these could be Rect2 for maximum flexibility? if (name.begins_with("cube_tiles/")) { String s = name.substr(STRLEN("cube_tiles/") - 1, name.length()); Cube::Side side = name_to_side(s); if (side != Cube::SIDE_COUNT) { Vector2 v = p_value; set_cube_uv_side(side, v); return true; } } else if (name == "cube_geometry/padding_y") { _cube_geometry_padding_y = p_value; set_cube_geometry(_cube_geometry_padding_y); return true; } return false; } bool Voxel::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("cube_tiles/")) { String s = name.substr(STRLEN("cube_tiles/") - 1, name.length()); Cube::Side side = name_to_side(s); if (side != Cube::SIDE_COUNT) { r_ret = _cube_tiles[side]; return true; } } else if (name == "cube_geometry/padding_y") { r_ret = _cube_geometry_padding_y; return true; } return false; } void Voxel::_get_property_list(List *p_list) const { if (_geometry_type == GEOMETRY_CUBE) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "cube_geometry/padding_y")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/left")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/right")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/bottom")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/top")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/back")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cube_tiles/front")); } } Ref Voxel::set_voxel_name(String name) { _name = name; return Ref(this); } Ref Voxel::set_id(int id) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(id < 0 || id >= 256, Ref(this)); // Cannot modify ID after creation ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_id != -1, Ref(this)); _id = id; return Ref(this); } Ref Voxel::set_color(Color color) { _color = color; return Ref(this); } Ref Voxel::set_material_id(unsigned int id) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(id >= VoxelMesherBlocky::MAX_MATERIALS, Ref(this)); _material_id = id; return Ref(this); } Ref Voxel::set_transparent(bool t) { _is_transparent = t; return Ref(this); } void Voxel::set_geometry_type(GeometryType type) { _geometry_type = type; switch (_geometry_type) { case GEOMETRY_NONE: { // Clear all geometry _model_positions.resize(0); _model_normals.resize(0); _model_uvs.resize(0); _model_indices.resize(0); for (int side = 0; side < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++side) { _model_side_positions[side].resize(0); _model_side_uvs[side].resize(0); _model_side_indices[side].resize(0); } } break; case GEOMETRY_CUBE: set_cube_geometry(_cube_geometry_padding_y); update_cube_uv_sides(); break; default: print_line("Wtf? Unknown geometry type"); break; } } Voxel::GeometryType Voxel::get_geometry_type() const { return _geometry_type; } void Voxel::set_library(Ref lib) { if (lib.is_null()) _library = 0; else _library = lib->get_instance_id(); // Update model UVs because atlas size is defined by the library update_cube_uv_sides(); } VoxelLibrary *Voxel::get_library() const { if (_library == 0) return NULL; Object *v = ObjectDB::get_instance(_library); if (v) return Object::cast_to(v); return NULL; } Ref Voxel::set_cube_geometry(float sy) { sy = 1.0 + sy; for (unsigned int side = 0; side < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++side) { { _model_side_positions[side].resize(4); PoolVector::Write w = _model_side_positions[side].write(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { int corner = Cube::g_side_corners[side][i]; Vector3 p = Cube::g_corner_position[corner]; if (p.y > 0.9) p.y = sy; w[i] = p; } } { _model_side_indices[side].resize(6); PoolVector::Write w = _model_side_indices[side].write(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { w[i] = Cube::g_side_quad_triangles[side][i]; } } } return Ref(this); } void Voxel::set_cube_uv_side(int side, Vector2 tile_pos) { _cube_tiles[side] = tile_pos; // TODO Better have a dirty flag, otherwise UVs will be needlessly updated at least 6 times everytime a Voxel resource is loaded! update_cube_uv_sides(); } void Voxel::update_cube_uv_sides() { VoxelLibrary *library = get_library(); //ERR_FAIL_COND(library == NULL); if (library == NULL) { // Not an error, the Voxel might have been created before the library, and can't be used without anyways print_line("VoxelLibrary not set yet"); return; } float e = 0.001; // Winding is the same as the one chosen in Cube:: vertices // I am confused. I read in at least 3 OpenGL tutorials that texture coordinates start at bottom-left (0,0). // But even though Godot is said to follow OpenGL's convention, the engine starts at top-left! const Vector2 uv[4] = { Vector2(e, 1.f - e), Vector2(1.f - e, 1.f - e), Vector2(1.f - e, e), Vector2(e, e), }; float atlas_size = (float)library->get_atlas_size(); CRASH_COND(atlas_size <= 0); float s = 1.0 / atlas_size; for (unsigned int side = 0; side < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++side) { _model_side_uvs[side].resize(4); PoolVector::Write w = _model_side_uvs[side].write(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { w[i] = (_cube_tiles[side] + uv[i]) * s; } } } //Ref Voxel::set_xquad_geometry(Vector2 atlas_pos) { // // TODO // return Ref(this); //} void Voxel::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_voxel_name", "name"), &Voxel::set_voxel_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_voxel_name"), &Voxel::get_voxel_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_id", "id"), &Voxel::set_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_id"), &Voxel::get_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_color", "color"), &Voxel::set_color); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_color"), &Voxel::get_color); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_transparent", "transparent"), &Voxel::set_transparent, DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_transparent"), &Voxel::is_transparent); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_material_id", "id"), &Voxel::set_material_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_material_id"), &Voxel::get_material_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_geometry_type", "type"), &Voxel::set_geometry_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_geometry_type"), &Voxel::get_geometry_type); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "voxel_name"), "set_name", "get_name"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "color"), "set_color", "get_color"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "transparent"), "set_transparent", "is_transparent"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "material_id"), "set_material_id", "get_material_id"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "geometry_type", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "None,Cube"), "set_geometry_type", "get_geometry_type"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEOMETRY_NONE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEOMETRY_CUBE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEOMETRY_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CHANNEL_TYPE) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL) BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(CHANNEL_DATA) }