#ifndef FASTNOISE_NOISE_H #define FASTNOISE_NOISE_H #include #include "lib/FastNoise.h" typedef fastnoise::FastNoise _FastNoise; class FastNoise : public Reference { OBJ_TYPE(FastNoise, Reference); public: // Enums Godot-style (same values) enum Type { TYPE_VALUE = _FastNoise::Value, TYPE_VALUE_FRACTAL = _FastNoise::ValueFractal, TYPE_GRADIENT = _FastNoise::Gradient, TYPE_GRADIENT_FRACTAL = _FastNoise::GradientFractal, TYPE_SIMPLEX = _FastNoise::Simplex, TYPE_SIMPLEX_FRACTAL = _FastNoise::SimplexFractal, TYPE_CELLULAR = _FastNoise::Cellular, TYPE_CELLULAR_HQ = _FastNoise::CellularHQ, TYPE_WHITE_NOISE = _FastNoise::WhiteNoise }; enum Interpolation { INTERP_LINEAR = _FastNoise::InterpLinear, INTERP_QUINTIC = _FastNoise::InterpQuintic, INTERP_HERMITE = _FastNoise::InterpHermite }; enum FractalType { FRACTAL_FBM = _FastNoise::FBM, FRACTAL_BILLOW = _FastNoise::Billow, FRACTAL_RIGID_MULTI = _FastNoise::RigidMulti }; enum CellularDistanceFunction { DISTANCE_EUCLIDEAN = _FastNoise::Euclidean, DISTANCE_MANHATTAN = _FastNoise::Manhattan, DISTANCE_NATURAL = _FastNoise::Natural }; enum CellularReturnType { RETURN_CELL_VALUE = _FastNoise::CellValue, RETURN_NOISE_LOOKUP = _FastNoise::NoiseLookup, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_CENTER = _FastNoise::Distance2Center, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_CENTER_X_VALUE = _FastNoise::Distance2CenterXValue, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_CENTER_SQ = _FastNoise::Distance2CenterSq, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_CENTER_SQ_X_VALUE = _FastNoise::Distance2CenterSqXValue, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_EDGE = _FastNoise::Distance2Edge, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_EDGE_X_VALUE = _FastNoise::Distance2EdgeXValue, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_EDGE_SQ = _FastNoise::Distance2EdgeSq, RETURN_DISTANCE_2_EDGE_SQ_X_VALUE = _FastNoise::Distance2EdgeSqXValue }; FastNoise(); // Methods (Godot-style mappings to FastNoise) int get_seed() { return _noise.GetSeed(); } // TODO should be const void set_seed(int seed) { _noise.SetSeed(seed); } void set_noise_type(Type noise_type) { _noise.SetNoiseType((_FastNoise::NoiseType)noise_type); } void set_interpolation(Interpolation interp) { _noise.SetInterp((_FastNoise::Interp)interp); } void set_frequency(float freq) { _noise.SetFrequency(freq); } void set_fractal_gain(float gain) { _noise.SetFractalGain(gain); } void set_fractal_type(FractalType type) { _noise.SetFractalType((_FastNoise::FractalType)type); } void set_fractal_octaves(unsigned int octave_count) { _noise.SetFractalOctaves(octave_count); } void set_fractal_lacunarity(float lacunarity) { _noise.SetFractalLacunarity(lacunarity); } void set_cellular_distance_function(CellularDistanceFunction func) { _noise.SetCellularDistanceFunction((_FastNoise::CellularDistanceFunction)func); } void set_cellular_return_type(CellularReturnType ret) { _noise.SetCellularReturnType((_FastNoise::CellularReturnType)ret); } // TODO Q: how can I do that properly? void set_cellular_noise_lookup(Ref other_noise); // 2D float get_noise_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetNoise(x, y); } //float get_gradient_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetGradient(x, y); } //float get_simplex_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetSimplex(x, y); } //float get_cellular_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetCellular(x, y); } //float get_cellular_hq_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetCellularHQ(x, y); } //float get_white_noise_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetWhiteNoise(x, y); } //float get_value_2d(float x, float y) { return _noise.GetValue(x, y); } // 3D float get_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetNoise(x, y, z); } //float get_gradient_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetGradient(x, y, z); } //float get_simplex_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetSimplex(x, y, z); } //float get_cellular_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetCellular(x, y, z); } //float get_cellular_hq_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetCellularHQ(x, y, z); } //float get_white_noise_3d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetWhiteNoise(x, y, z); } //float get_value_2d(float x, float y, float z) { return _noise.GetValue(x, y, z); } // 4D float get_simplex_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w) { return _noise.GetSimplex(x, y, z, w); } float get_white_noise_4d(float x, float y, float z, float w) { return _noise.GetWhiteNoise(x, y, z, w); } // Convenience float get_noise_2dv(Vector2 pos) { return _noise.GetNoise(pos.x, pos.y); } float get_noise_3dv(Vector3 pos) { return _noise.GetNoise(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } protected: static void _bind_methods(); private: _FastNoise _noise; Ref _cellular_lookup_ref; }; // Make Variant happy with custom enums VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FastNoise::Type); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FastNoise::FractalType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FastNoise::Interpolation); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FastNoise::CellularDistanceFunction); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(FastNoise::CellularReturnType); #endif // FASTNOISE_NOISE_H