mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 06:27:19 +01:00
150 lines
3.5 KiB
150 lines
3.5 KiB
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[node name="ClassOverview" type="PanelContainer"]
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[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="."]
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[node name="Body" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Panel"]
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margin/right = 10.0
margin/bottom = 10.0
alignment = 0
[node name="ClassPropertiesLabel" type="Label" parent="Panel/Body"]
visibility/visible = false
focus/ignore_mouse = true
focus/stop_mouse = true
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margin/top = 0.0
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custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 3 )
text = "Static Class Properties"
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[node name="HSeparator" type="HSeparator" parent="Panel/Body"]
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[node name="Control" type="Control" parent="Panel/Body"]
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[node name="Scroll" type="ScrollContainer" parent="Panel/Body"]
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[node name="Statics" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Panel/Body/Scroll"]
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[node name="NoStaticsPropertiesLabel" type="Label" parent="Panel/Body/Scroll/Statics"]
visibility/visible = false
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focus/stop_mouse = true
size_flags/horizontal = 3
size_flags/vertical = 0
margin/left = 0.0
margin/top = 0.0
margin/right = 1246.0
margin/bottom = 14.0
text = "There are no static properties for this class. Click below to add one."
percent_visible = 1.0
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[node name="AddStaticPropertyButton" type="Button" parent="Panel/Body/Scroll/Statics"]
visibility/visible = false
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size_flags/horizontal = 2
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margin/left = 0.0
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margin/bottom = 38.0
toggle_mode = false
enabled_focus_mode = 2
shortcut = null
text = "Add static property"
flat = false