# Item Tree tool extends Control var dummy_root = null onready var tree = get_node("Panel/VBox/Tree") # The item tree onready var class_context_menu = get_node("ClassContextMenu") # Context menu when right clicking on a class onready var instance_context_menu = get_node("InstanceContextMenu") # Context menu when right clicking on an instance onready var filter_control = get_node("Panel/VBox/Margin/HBoxContainer/Filter") var item_manager = null # Item Manager, used to load, modify and save items var tree_roots = {} # Holds a copy of all tree roots, i.e. classes, accessible by class name var tree_elements = {} # Reference to all tree elements, accessible by ["_roots"][item_class] (for the roots) and [item_class][id] for the items signal on_delete_pressed # Emitted when item is deleted signal on_rename_pressed # Emitted when item is renamed signal on_duplicate_pressed # Emitted when item is duplicated signal on_new_item_pressed # Emitted when new item is created signal on_open # Emitted when item is opened in OS signal on_item_selected(item, is_leaf) # Emitted when a tree item is selected, carries the item and wheter or not it is a leaf element var last_selected = null # Reference to last selected item var last_selected_id = "" # Name/id of last selected item var last_selected_class = "" # Name/id of last selected class var plugin_config var filter = "" # Load the tree when ready func _ready(): # test = EditorPlugin.new() tree.set_hide_root(true) tree.set_select_mode(Tree.SELECT_SINGLE) tree.set_allow_rmb_select(true) load_tree() func load_tree(is_reload = false): plugin_config = ConfigFile.new() plugin_config.load("res://addons/godot_data_editor/plugin.cfg") self.item_manager = Globals.get("item_manager") tree_elements = {} tree_roots = {} #filter_control.set_text("") #filter = "" last_selected_id = "" last_selected_class = "" last_selected = null var tree_element_to_be_selected = null # Store the class and name of the last selected item, in case the tree is reloaded last_selected = tree.get_selected() if last_selected: if last_selected.has_meta("item"): if last_selected.get_meta("item").get("_id"): self.last_selected_id = last_selected.get_meta("item")._id else: self.last_selected_id = null self.last_selected_class = last_selected.get_meta("class") #print(last_selected_id) #print(last_selected_class) tree.clear() # Create the roots for each item class, e.g. actors, monsters, crystals... dummy_root = tree.create_item() tree_elements["_roots"] = {} var classes = item_manager.class_names for item_class in classes: var root = create_item_root(item_class) tree_elements["_roots"][item_class] = root pass # Populate the list with items classes.sort() for item_class in classes: tree_elements[item_class] = {} if item_manager.invalid_classes.has(item_class): continue var ids = item_manager.items[item_class].keys() ids.sort() for id in ids: var item = item_manager.get_item(item_class, id) if filter == "" or id.find(filter) != -1: var tree_item = add_leaf(item, false) pass pass if last_selected_id: tree_element_to_be_selected = get_tree_item(last_selected_class, last_selected_id) elif last_selected_class: tree_element_to_be_selected = get_tree_item(last_selected_class) elif tree.get_root().get_children(): tree_element_to_be_selected = tree.get_root().get_children() else: tree_element_to_be_selected = null # No elements to be selected last_selected # Handle filter if tree_element_to_be_selected and not filter_control.has_focus(): tree.grab_focus() tree_element_to_be_selected.select(0) func create_item_root(item_class): var tree_item = tree.create_item(dummy_root) tree_item.set_selectable(0, true) tree_item.set_icon(0, load(plugin_config.get_value("custom", "class_directory") + "/" + item_class + ".png")) tree_item.set_text(0, item_class.capitalize()) tree_item.set_meta("class", item_class) tree_roots[item_class] = tree_item return tree_item func select_first_element(): var first_element = tree.get_root().get_children() if first_element: first_element.select(0) first_element = first_element.get_children() last_selected = first_element.get_meta("item") last_selected_id = last_selected._id last_selected_class = last_selected._class return last_selected # Creates a new tree item, optionally with an existing item func add_leaf(item, update_order): var id = item._id var item_class = item._class var tree_item = tree.create_item(tree_roots[item_class]) set_tree_item_label_text(item, tree_item) tree_item.set_selectable(0, true) tree_item.set_meta("class", item_class) tree_item.set_meta("item", item) tree_elements[item_class][id] = tree_item # Don't order the tree in the beginning as the ids will already be sorted if update_order: # Move the items which come before in the alphabet to the top var elements_name_array = tree_elements[item_class].keys() elements_name_array.sort() tree_item.move_to_top() var to_be_reordered = [] for element_name in elements_name_array: if str(id) > str(element_name) or str(id) == str(element_name): to_be_reordered.append(element_name) else: break pass to_be_reordered.invert() for element_name in to_be_reordered: tree_elements[item_class][element_name].move_to_top() pass tree_item.select(0) return tree_item func set_tree_item_label_text(item, tree_item = null): if tree_item == null: tree_item = get_tree_item(item._class, item._id) if item._dirty or not item._persistent: tree_item.set_text(0, " " + item._display_name + " (*)") tree_item.set_custom_color(0, Color(1, 0.5, 0.5)) else: tree_item.set_text(0, " " + item._display_name) tree_item.set_custom_color(0, Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) func get_selected_item_root(): var selected = tree.get_selected() if selected.has_meta("item"): return selected.get_parent() else: return selected # A tree element in the tree was selected (either class or item) func _on_Tree_cell_selected(): emit_signal("on_item_selected", get_selected_item(), get_selected_class()) func get_selected_item(): var selected = tree.get_selected() if selected.has_meta("item"): return selected.get_meta("item") else: return null func get_selected_class(): return tree.get_selected().get_meta("class") func get_tree_item(item_class, id = ""): if id != "": if tree_elements.has(item_class) and tree_elements[item_class].has(id): return tree_elements[item_class][id] else: return null else: if tree_elements["_roots"].has(item_class): return tree_elements["_roots"][item_class] else: return null # Sets the selection to a specific tree item func select_item(item): if tree_elements.has(item._class) and tree_elements[item._class].has(item._id): tree_elements[item._class][item._id].select(0) # Sets the selection to a specific class func select_class(item_class): if tree_elements["_roots"].has(item_class): tree_elements["_roots"][item_class].select(0) func _on_Filter_text_changed( text ): self.filter = text load_tree() # Right click context menu on leafs # 0 = Add | 1 = Rename | 2 = Delete | 3 = Duplicate | 4 = Open func _on_InstanceContextMenu_item_pressed(index): if index == 0: emit_signal("on_new_item_pressed") elif index == 1: emit_signal("on_rename_pressed") elif index == 2: emit_signal("on_delete_pressed") elif index == 3: emit_signal("on_duplicate_pressed") elif index == 4: emit_signal("on_open") ########################################################### # CLASS CONTEXT MENU # ########################################################### func _on_ClassContextMenu_about_to_show(): class_context_menu.set_item_text(0, tr("Add") + " " + get_selected_class().capitalize()) func _on_InstanceContextMenu_about_to_show(): pass # Right click context menu on class branch # 0 = Add | 1 = Delete Class func _on_ClassContextMenu_item_pressed(index): if index == 0: emit_signal("on_new_item_pressed") elif index == 1: emit_signal("on_delete_pressed") elif index == 2: emit_signal("on_rename_pressed") func _on_Tree_item_rmb_selected(pos): var is_leaf = get_selected_item() != null if is_leaf: instance_context_menu.set_pos(get_global_mouse_pos()) instance_context_menu.popup() else: class_context_menu.set_pos(get_global_mouse_pos()) class_context_menu.popup() func _on_DeleteItemDialog_confirmed(): var selected_item = get_selected_item() if selected_item != null: item_manager.delete_item(selected_item) load_tree() #TODO: Proper memory management?