[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=1] [ext_resource path="res://addons/DataEditor/style/light_gray_panel.tres" type="StyleBox" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://addons/DataEditor/class_properties.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://addons/DataEditor/fonts/droid_serif_bold.tres" type="DynamicFont" id=3] [node name="ClassProperties" type="Panel"] anchor/right = 1 anchor/bottom = 1 focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 3 size_flags/vertical = 3 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 0.0 margin/right = 0.0 margin/bottom = 0.0 custom_styles/panel = ExtResource( 1 ) script/script = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="Body" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] anchor/right = 1 anchor/bottom = 1 focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = false size_flags/horizontal = 3 size_flags/vertical = 3 margin/left = 10.0 margin/top = 10.0 margin/right = 10.0 margin/bottom = 10.0 alignment = 0 [node name="TitleLabel" type="Label" parent="Body"] focus/ignore_mouse = true focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 0 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 0.0 margin/right = 1260.0 margin/bottom = 2.0 custom_fonts/font = ExtResource( 3 ) text = "Class Properties" uppercase = true percent_visible = 1.0 lines_skipped = 0 max_lines_visible = -1 [node name="HSeparator" type="HSeparator" parent="Body"] focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 6.0 margin/right = 1260.0 margin/bottom = 9.0 [node name="Spacer" type="Control" parent="Body"] rect/min_size = Vector2( 0, 15 ) focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 13.0 margin/right = 1260.0 margin/bottom = 28.0 [node name="Scroll" type="ScrollContainer" parent="Body"] focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 3 size_flags/vertical = 3 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 32.0 margin/right = 1260.0 margin/bottom = 580.0 scroll/horizontal = true scroll/vertical = true [node name="ClassProperties" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Body/Scroll"] focus/ignore_mouse = false focus/stop_mouse = false size_flags/horizontal = 2 size_flags/vertical = 2 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 0.0 margin/right = 454.0 margin/bottom = 14.0 alignment = 0 [node name="NoClassPropertiesLabel" type="Label" parent="Body/Scroll/ClassProperties"] focus/ignore_mouse = true focus/stop_mouse = true size_flags/horizontal = 3 size_flags/vertical = 0 margin/left = 0.0 margin/top = 0.0 margin/right = 454.0 margin/bottom = 14.0 text = "There are currently no class properties. Edit the Class to add new ones." percent_visible = 1.0 lines_skipped = 0 max_lines_visible = -1