/* * Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * @fileoverview This file provides a BrowserChecker Javascript class. * Users can create a BrowserChecker object, invoke checkBrowser(|version|), * and then use getIsValidBrowser() and getBrowserSupportStatus() * to determine if the browser version is greater than |version| * and if the Native Client plugin is found. */ // Create a namespace object var browser_version = browser_version || {}; /** * Class to provide checking for version and NativeClient. * @param {integer} arg1 An argument that indicates major version of Chrome we * require, such as 14. */ /** * Constructor for the BrowserChecker. Sets the major version of * Chrome that is required to |minChromeVersion|. * @param minChromeVersion The earliest major version of chrome that * is supported. If the Chrome browser version is less than * |minChromeVersion| then |isValidBrowswer| will be set to false. * @param opt_maxChromeVersion Ignored. Retained for backwards compatibility. * @param appVersion The application version string. * @param plugins The plugins that exist in the browser. * @constructor */ browser_version.BrowserChecker = function(minChromeVersion, appVersion, plugins, opt_maxChromeVersion) { /** * Version specified by the user. This class looks to see if the browser * version is >= |minChromeVersion_|. * @type {integer} * @private */ this.minChromeVersion_ = minChromeVersion; /** * List of Browser plugin objects. * @type {Ojbect array} * @private */ this.plugins_ = plugins; /** * Application version string from the Browser. * @type {integer} * @private */ this.appVersion_ = appVersion; /** * Flag used to indicate if the browser has Native Client and is if the * browser version is recent enough. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.isValidBrowser_ = false; /** * Actual major version of Chrome -- found by querying the browser. * @type {integer} * @private */ this.chromeVersion_ = null; /** * Browser support status. This allows the user to get a detailed status * rather than using this.browserSupportMessage. */ this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.UNKNOWN; } /** * The values used for BrowserChecker status to indicate success or * a specific error. * @enum {id} */ browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues = { UNKNOWN: 0, NACL_ENABLED: 1, UNKNOWN_BROWSER: 2, CHROME_VERSION_TOO_OLD: 3, NACL_NOT_ENABLED: 4, NOT_USING_SERVER: 5 }; /** * Determines if the plugin with name |name| exists in the browser. * @param {string} name The name of the plugin. * @param {Object array} plugins The plugins in this browser. * @return {bool} |true| if the plugin is found. */ browser_version.BrowserChecker.prototype.pluginExists = function(name, plugins) { for (var index=0; index < plugins.length; index++) { var plugin = this.plugins_[index]; var plugin_name = plugin['name']; // If the plugin is not found, you can use the Javascript console // to see the names of the plugins that were found when debugging. if (plugin_name.indexOf(name) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns browserSupportStatus_ which indicates if the browser supports * Native Client. Values are defined as literals in * browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues. * @ return {int} Level of NaCl support. */ browser_version.BrowserChecker.prototype.getBrowserSupportStatus = function() { return this.browserSupportStatus_; } /** * Returns isValidBrowser (true/false) to indicate if the browser supports * Native Client. * @ return {bool} If this browser has NativeClient and correct version. */ browser_version.BrowserChecker.prototype.getIsValidBrowser = function() { return this.isValidBrowser_; } /** * Checks to see if this browser can support Native Client applications. * For Chrome browsers, checks to see if the "Native Client" plugin is * enabled. */ browser_version.BrowserChecker.prototype.checkBrowser = function() { var versionPatt = /Chrome\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/; var result = this.appVersion_.match(versionPatt); // |result| stores the Chrome version number. if (!result) { this.isValidBrowser_ = false; this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.UNKNOWN_BROWSER; } else { this.chromeVersion_ = result[1]; // We know we have Chrome, check version and/or plugin named Native Client if (this.chromeVersion_ >= this.minChromeVersion_) { var found_nacl = this.pluginExists('Native Client', this.plugins_); if (found_nacl) { this.isValidBrowser_ = true; this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.NACL_ENABLED; } else { this.isValidBrowser_ = false; this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.NACL_NOT_ENABLED; } } else { // We are in a version that is less than |minChromeVersion_| this.isValidBrowser_ = false; this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.CHROME_VERSION_TOO_OLD; } } var my_protocol = window.location.protocol; if (my_protocol.indexOf('file') == 0) { this.isValidBrowser_ = false; this.browserSupportStatus_ = browser_version.BrowserChecker.StatusValues.NOT_USING_SERVER; } }