extends Node2D # Wraps the ships' positions around the world border, and controls their rendering clones. onready var ShipType := preload("res://demos/PursueSeek/Ship.gd") onready var ships := [$Player, $Pursuer, $Seeker] var _clones := {} var _world_bounds: Vector2 func _ready() -> void: _world_bounds = Vector2( ProjectSettings["display/window/size/width"], ProjectSettings["display/window/size/height"] ) for i in range(ships.size()): var ship: Node2D = ships[i] var world_pos := ship.position for i in range(3): var ship_clone := ShipType.new() ship_clone.position.x = world_pos.x if i == 1 else (world_pos.x - _world_bounds.x) ship_clone.position.y = world_pos.y if i == 0 else (world_pos.y - _world_bounds.y) ship_clone.rotation = ship.rotation ship_clone.tag = i ship_clone.name = ship.name + "Clone" add_child(ship_clone) ship_clone.generate_sprite(ship.get_node("Sprite")) _clones[ship_clone] = ship func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: for clone in _clones.keys(): var original: Node2D = _clones[clone] var world_pos: Vector2 = original.position if world_pos.y < 0: original.position.y = _world_bounds.y + world_pos.y elif world_pos.y > _world_bounds.y: original.position.y = (world_pos.y - _world_bounds.y) if world_pos.x < 0: original.position.x = _world_bounds.x + world_pos.x elif world_pos.x > _world_bounds.x: original.position.x = (world_pos.x - _world_bounds.x) var tag: int = clone.tag if tag != 2: if world_pos.x < _world_bounds.x/2: clone.position.x = world_pos.x + _world_bounds.x else: clone.position.x = world_pos.x - _world_bounds.x else: clone.position.x = world_pos.x if tag != 0: if world_pos.y < _world_bounds.y/2: clone.position.y = world_pos.y + _world_bounds.y else: clone.position.y = world_pos.y - _world_bounds.y else: clone.position.y = world_pos.y clone.rotation = original.rotation