extends Node2D export var member: PackedScene func follower_input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int, follower:KinematicBody2D): if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed: for other in get_children(): if other.draw_proximity: other.draw_proximity = false other.update() follower.draw_proximity = true follower.update() move_child(follower,get_children().size()) func setup( linear_speed_max: float, linear_accel_max: float, proximity_radius: float, separation_decay_coefficient: float, cohesion_strength: float, separation_strength: float, show_proximity_radius: bool ) -> void: var followers := [] for i in range(19): var follower : KinematicBody2D = member.instance() add_child(follower) follower.position += Vector2(rand_range(-60, 60), rand_range(-60, 60)) followers.append(follower) follower.setup( linear_speed_max, linear_accel_max, proximity_radius, separation_decay_coefficient, cohesion_strength, separation_strength ) if i == 0 and show_proximity_radius: follower.draw_proximity = true follower.update() follower.connect("input_event",self,"follower_input_event",[follower]) var agents := [] for i in followers: agents.append(i.agent) for i in followers: i.proximity.agents = agents func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.agent.linear_speed_max = value func set_linear_accel_max(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value func set_proximity_radius(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.proximity.radius = value if child == get_child(0): child.update() func set_show_proximity_radius(value: bool) -> void: get_child(0).draw_proximity = value get_child(0).update() func set_separation_decay_coef(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.separation.decay_coefficient = value func set_cohesion_strength(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.blend.get_behavior_at(1).weight = value func set_separation_strength(value: float) -> void: for child in get_children(): child.blend.get_behavior_at(0).weight = value