class_name GSAIBlend extends GSAISteeringBehavior # Blends multiple steering behaviors into one, and returns a weighted # acceleration from their calculations. # # Stores the behaviors internally as dictionaries of the form # { # behavior : GSAISteeringBehavior, # weight : float # } # @category - Combination behaviors var _behaviors : Array = Array() var _accel : GSAITargetAcceleration = # Appends a behavior to the internal array along with its `weight`. func add_behavior(behavior : GSAISteeringBehavior, weight : float) -> void: behavior.agent = agent var dict : Dictionary = Dictionary() dict["behavior"] = behavior; dict["weight"] = weight; _behaviors.append(dict) # Returns the behavior at the specified `index`, or an empty `Dictionary` if # none was found. func get_behavior(index : int) -> Dictionary: if _behaviors.size() > index: return _behaviors[index] printerr("Tried to get index " + str(index) + " in array of size " + str(_behaviors.size())) return Dictionary() func remove_behavior(index : int) -> void: if _behaviors.size() > index: _behaviors.remove(index) return printerr("Tried to get index " + str(index) + " in array of size " + str(_behaviors.size())) return func get_behaviour_count() -> int: return _behaviors.size() func get_accel() -> GSAITargetAcceleration: return _accel func _calculate_steering(blended_accel: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void: blended_accel.set_zero() for i in range(_behaviors.size()): var bw : Dictionary = _behaviors[i] bw.behavior.calculate_steering(_accel) blended_accel.add_scaled_accel(_accel, bw.weight) blended_accel.linear = GSAIUtils.clampedv3(blended_accel.linear, agent.linear_acceleration_max) blended_accel.angular = clamp(blended_accel.angular, -agent.angular_acceleration_max, agent.angular_acceleration_max)