class_name GSTBlend extends GSTSteeringBehavior # Blends multiple steering behaviors into one, and returns acceleration combining all of them. # # Each behavior is associated with a weight - a modifier by which the result will be multiplied by, # then added to a total acceleration. # # Each behavior is stored internally as a `Dictionary` with a `behavior` key with a value of type # `GSTSteeringBehavior` and a `weight` key with a value of type float. var _behaviors := [] var _accel := func _init(agent: GSTSteeringAgent).(agent) -> void: pass # Adds a behavior to the next index and gives it a `weight` by which its results will be multiplied func add(behavior: GSTSteeringBehavior, weight: float) -> void: behavior.agent = agent _behaviors.append({behavior = behavior, weight = weight}) # Returns the behavior at the specified `index`. Returns an empty `Dictionary` if none was found. func get_behavior_at(index: int) -> Dictionary: if _behaviors.size() > index: return _behaviors[index] printerr("Tried to get index " + str(index) + " in array of size " + str(_behaviors.size())) return {} func _calculate_steering(blended_accel: GSTTargetAcceleration) -> GSTTargetAcceleration: blended_accel.set_zero() for i in range(_behaviors.size()): var bw: Dictionary = _behaviors[i] bw.behavior.calculate_steering(_accel) blended_accel.add_scaled_accel(_accel, bw.weight) blended_accel.linear = GSTUtils.clampedv3(blended_accel.linear, agent.linear_acceleration_max) blended_accel.angular = clamp( blended_accel.angular, -agent.angular_acceleration_max, agent.angular_acceleration_max ) return blended_accel