# Changelog # This document lists new features, improvements, changes, and bug fixes in every release of the add-on. ## Godot Steering Toolkit 1.0.0 ## This is the first major release of the framework. It comes with: - All the essential steering behaviors: `Arrive`, `AvoidCollisions`, `Blend`, `Cohesion`, `Evade`, `Face`, `Flee`, `FollowPath`, `LookWhereYouGo`, `MatchOrientation`, `Priority`, `Pursue`, `Seek`, `Separation`. - Group behaviors and detecting neighbors. - Blending and prioritized behaviors. - Specialized types to code agents based on physics bodies: - For 2D games, `KinematicBody2DAgent` and `RigidBody2DAgent`. - For 3D games, `KinematicBody3DAgent` and `RigidBody3DAgent`. - 9 Godot demos to learn straight from the code. ### Manual ### To get started, check out the framework's [manual](https://www.gdquest.com/docs/godot-steering-toolkit/). There, you can also find the full [code reference](https://www.gdquest.com/docs/godot-steering-toolkit/reference/). *Note*: we generate the code reference from docstrings in the source code with [GDScript Docs Maker](https://github.com/GDQuest/gdscript-docs-maker).