extends Reference class_name GSTPath # Represents a path made up of Vector3 waypoints, split into path segments for use by path # following algorithms. # # Keeping it updated requires calling `create_path` to update the path. var open: bool var path_length: float var _segments: Array var _nearest_point_on_segment: Vector3 var _nearest_point_on_path: Vector3 func _init(waypoints: Array, is_open: = false) -> void: self.is_open = is_open create_path(waypoints) _nearest_point_on_segment = waypoints[0] _nearest_point_on_path = waypoints[0] func create_path(waypoints: Array) -> void: if not waypoints or waypoints.size() < 2: printerr("Waypoints cannot be null and must contain at least two (2) waypoints.") _segments = [] path_length = 0 var current: Vector3 = _segments[0] var previous: Vector3 for i in range(1, waypoints.size(), 1): previous = current if i < waypoints.size(): current = waypoints[i] elif open: break else: current = waypoints[0] var segment: = GSTSegment.new(previous, current) path_length += segment.length segment.cumulative_length = path_length _segments.append(segment) func calculate_distance(agent_current_position: Vector3, path_parameter: Dictionary) -> float: var smallest_distance_squared: float = INF var nearest_segment: GSTSegment for i in range(_segments.size()): var segment: GSTSegment = _segments[i] var distance_squared: = _calculate_point_segment_distance_squared( segment.begin, segment.end, agent_current_position) if distance_squared < smallest_distance_squared: _nearest_point_on_path = _nearest_point_on_segment smallest_distance_squared = distance_squared nearest_segment = segment path_parameter.segment_index = i var length_on_path: = ( nearest_segment.cumulative_length - _nearest_point_on_path.distance_to(nearest_segment.end)) path_parameter.distance = length_on_path return length_on_path func calculate_target_position(param: Dictionary, target_distance: float) -> Vector3: if open: target_distance = clamp(target_distance, 0, path_length) else: if target_distance < 0: target_distance = path_length + fmod(target_distance, path_length) elif target_distance > path_length: target_distance = fmod(target_distance, path_length) var desired_segment: GSTSegment for i in range(_segments.size()): var segment: GSTSegment = _segments[i] if segment.cumulative_length >= target_distance: desired_segment = segment break var distance: = desired_segment.cumulative_length - target_distance return ( (desired_segment.begin - desired_segment.end) * (distance / desired_segment.length) + desired_segment.end) func get_start_point() -> Vector3: return _segments.front().begin func get_end_point() -> Vector3: return _segments.back().end func _calculate_point_segment_distance_squared(start: Vector3, end: Vector3, position: Vector3) -> float: _nearest_point_on_segment = start var start_end: = end - start var start_end_length_squared: = start_end.length_squared() if start_end_length_squared != 0: var t = (position - start).dot(start_end) / start_end_length_squared _nearest_point_on_segment += start_end * clamp(t, 0, 1) return _nearest_point_on_segment.distance_squared_to(position) class GSTSegment: var begin: Vector3 var end: Vector3 var length: float var cumulative_length: float func _init(begin: Vector3, end: Vector3) -> void: self.begin = begin self.end = end length = begin.distance_to(end)