mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 15:56:22 +01:00
Format the code using gdformat
gdformat follows the official style guide, and handles line length and wrapping lines for us.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
extends Node
export(float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 800.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 200, 2.0) var linear_acceleration_max := 80.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export(float, 0, 100, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 25.0 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export(float, 0, 500, 10) var deceleration_radius := 125.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
export (float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 800.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 200, 2.0) var linear_acceleration_max := 80.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export (float, 0, 100, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 25.0 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export (float, 0, 500, 10) var deceleration_radius := 125.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
onready var arriver := $Arriver
onready var target_drawer := $TargetDrawer
func _ready() -> void:
arriver.setup(linear_speed_max, linear_acceleration_max, arrival_tolerance, deceleration_radius)
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
@ -29,7 +23,7 @@ func set_arrival_tolerance(value: float) -> void:
arrival_tolerance = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.arrive.arrival_tolerance = value
@ -37,7 +31,7 @@ func set_deceleration_radius(value: float) -> void:
deceleration_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.arrive.deceleration_radius = value
@ -45,7 +39,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.linear_speed_max = value
@ -53,5 +47,5 @@ func set_linear_acceleration_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_acceleration_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var agent := GSAIKinematicBody2DAgent.new(self)
var target := GSAIAgentLocation.new()
var arrive := GSAIArrive.new(agent, target)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends Node2D
const COLORS := {
deceleration_radius = Color(1.0, 0.419, 0.592, 0.5),
arrival_tolerance = Color(0.278, 0.231, 0.47, 0.3)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends Camera
var target: Spatial
onready var ray := $RayCast
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
extends Node
export(float, 0, 50, 0.1) var linear_speed_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 50, 0.1) var linear_acceleration_max := 1.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export(float, 0, 50, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 0.5 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export(float, 0, 50, 0.1) var deceleration_radius := 5.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_speed_max := 270 setget set_angular_speed_max
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_accel_max := 45 setget set_angular_accel_max
export(int, 0, 180, 2) var align_tolerance := 5 setget set_align_tolerance
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_deceleration_radius := 45 setget set_angular_deceleration_radius
export (float, 0, 50, 0.1) var linear_speed_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 50, 0.1) var linear_acceleration_max := 1.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export (float, 0, 50, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 0.5 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export (float, 0, 50, 0.1) var deceleration_radius := 5.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_speed_max := 270 setget set_angular_speed_max
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_accel_max := 45 setget set_angular_accel_max
export (int, 0, 180, 2) var align_tolerance := 5 setget set_align_tolerance
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_deceleration_radius := 45 setget set_angular_deceleration_radius
onready var target := $MouseTarget
onready var arriver := $Arriver
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ func set_align_tolerance(value: int) -> void:
align_tolerance = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.face.alignment_tolerance = deg2rad(value)
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ func set_angular_deceleration_radius(value: int) -> void:
deceleration_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.face.deceleration_radius = deg2rad(value)
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ func set_angular_accel_max(value: int) -> void:
angular_accel_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.angular_acceleration_max = deg2rad(value)
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ func set_angular_speed_max(value: int) -> void:
angular_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.angular_speed_max = deg2rad(value)
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ func set_arrival_tolerance(value: float) -> void:
arrival_tolerance = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.arrive.arrival_tolerance = value
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ func set_deceleration_radius(value: float) -> void:
deceleration_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.arrive.deceleration_radius = value
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.linear_speed_max = value
@ -89,5 +88,5 @@ func set_linear_acceleration_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_acceleration_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
arriver.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody
var target_node: Spatial
onready var agent := GSAIKinematicBody3DAgent.new(self)
@ -19,29 +18,29 @@ func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
func setup(
align_tolerance: float,
angular_deceleration_radius: float,
angular_accel_max: float,
angular_speed_max: float,
deceleration_radius: float,
arrival_tolerance: float,
linear_acceleration_max: float,
linear_speed_max: float,
_target: Spatial
) -> void:
align_tolerance: float,
angular_deceleration_radius: float,
angular_accel_max: float,
angular_speed_max: float,
deceleration_radius: float,
arrival_tolerance: float,
linear_acceleration_max: float,
linear_speed_max: float,
_target: Spatial
) -> void:
agent.linear_speed_max = linear_speed_max
agent.linear_acceleration_max = linear_acceleration_max
agent.linear_drag_percentage = 0.05
agent.angular_acceleration_max = angular_accel_max
agent.angular_speed_max = angular_speed_max
agent.angular_drag_percentage = 0.1
arrive.arrival_tolerance = arrival_tolerance
arrive.deceleration_radius = deceleration_radius
face.alignment_tolerance = align_tolerance
face.deceleration_radius = angular_deceleration_radius
target_node = _target
self.target.position = target_node.transform.origin
blend.add(arrive, 1)
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
extends Node
export(float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 350.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 100, 2) var linear_acceleration_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export(float, 0, 500, 10) var proximity_radius := 140.0 setget set_proximity_radius
export (float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 350.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 100, 2) var linear_acceleration_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export (float, 0, 500, 10) var proximity_radius := 140.0 setget set_proximity_radius
export var draw_proximity := true setget set_draw_proximity
onready var spawner := $Spawner
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ func set_linear_accel_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_acceleration_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ func set_proximity_radius(value: float) -> void:
proximity_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -37,5 +36,5 @@ func set_draw_proximity(value: bool) -> void:
draw_proximity = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var draw_proximity: bool
var _boundary_right: float
@ -27,39 +26,39 @@ func _draw() -> void:
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
target.position.x = agent.position.x + _direction.x*_radius
target.position.y = agent.position.y + _direction.y*_radius
target.position.x = agent.position.x + _direction.x * _radius
target.position.y = agent.position.y + _direction.y * _radius
agent._apply_steering(_accel, delta)
func setup(
linear_speed_max: float,
linear_accel_max: float,
proximity_radius: float,
boundary_right: float,
boundary_bottom: float,
_draw_proximity: bool,
rng: RandomNumberGenerator
) -> void:
linear_speed_max: float,
linear_accel_max: float,
proximity_radius: float,
boundary_right: float,
boundary_bottom: float,
_draw_proximity: bool,
rng: RandomNumberGenerator
) -> void:
_direction = Vector2(rng.randf_range(-1, 1), rng.randf_range(-1, 1)).normalized()
agent.linear_speed_max = linear_speed_max
agent.linear_acceleration_max = linear_accel_max
proximity.radius = proximity_radius
_boundary_bottom = boundary_bottom
_boundary_right = boundary_right
_radius = collision.shape.radius
agent.bounding_radius = _radius
agent.linear_drag_percentage = _drag
self.draw_proximity = _draw_proximity
@ -75,15 +74,18 @@ func set_random_nonoverlapping_position(others: Array, distance_from_boundary_mi
while tries_max > 0:
tries_max -= 1
global_position.x = rng.randf_range(
distance_from_boundary_min, _boundary_right-distance_from_boundary_min
distance_from_boundary_min, _boundary_right - distance_from_boundary_min
global_position.y = rng.randf_range(
distance_from_boundary_min, _boundary_bottom-distance_from_boundary_min
distance_from_boundary_min, _boundary_bottom - distance_from_boundary_min
var done := true
for i in range(others.size()):
var other: Node2D = others[i]
if other.global_position.distance_to(position) <= _radius*2 + distance_from_boundary_min:
if (
<= _radius * 2 + distance_from_boundary_min
done = false
if done:
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends Node2D
export var avoider_template: PackedScene
export var inner_color := Color()
export var outer_color := Color()
@ -11,22 +10,22 @@ var boundaries: Vector2
func _ready() -> void:
boundaries = Vector2(
var rng: = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
ProjectSettings["display/window/size/width"], ProjectSettings["display/window/size/height"]
var rng := RandomNumberGenerator.new()
var avoiders := []
var avoider_agents := []
for i in range(agent_count):
var avoider := avoider_template.instance()
true if i == 0 and owner.draw_proximity else false,
true if i == 0 and owner.draw_proximity else false,
avoider.set_random_nonoverlapping_position(avoiders, 16)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
class_name DemoPickerUI
extends Control
# warning-ignore:unused_signal
signal demo_requested
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
func set_demo_path(value: String) -> void:
demo_path = value
func _on_ItemList_item_activated(_index: int) -> void:
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends Node
onready var demo_picker: DemoPickerUI = $DemoPickerUI
onready var demo_player := $DemoPlayer
onready var button_go_back: Button = $ButtonGoBack
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
extends Node
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_speed_max := 120 setget set_angular_speed_max
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_accel_max := 10 setget set_angular_accel_max
export(int, 0, 180, 2) var align_tolerance := 5 setget set_align_tolerance
export(int, 0, 359, 2) var deceleration_radius := 45 setget set_deceleration_radius
export(float, 0, 1000, 40) var player_speed := 600.0 setget set_player_speed
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_speed_max := 120 setget set_angular_speed_max
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var angular_accel_max := 10 setget set_angular_accel_max
export (int, 0, 180, 2) var align_tolerance := 5 setget set_align_tolerance
export (int, 0, 359, 2) var deceleration_radius := 45 setget set_deceleration_radius
export (float, 0, 1000, 40) var player_speed := 600.0 setget set_player_speed
onready var player := $Player
onready var turret := $Turret
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ func set_align_tolerance(value: int) -> void:
align_tolerance = value
if not is_inside_tree():
turret.face.alignment_tolerance = deg2rad(value)
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ func set_deceleration_radius(value: int) -> void:
deceleration_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
turret.face.deceleration_radius = deg2rad(value)
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ func set_angular_accel_max(value: int) -> void:
angular_accel_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
turret.agent.angular_acceleration_max = deg2rad(value)
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ func set_angular_speed_max(value: int) -> void:
angular_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
turret.agent.angular_speed_max = deg2rad(value)
@ -58,5 +57,5 @@ func set_player_speed(value: float) -> void:
player_speed = value
if not is_inside_tree():
player.speed = player_speed
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var speed: float
onready var agent := GSAIAgentLocation.new()
@ -14,5 +13,6 @@ func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
func _get_movement() -> Vector2:
return Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_down") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_up"))
Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_down") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_up")
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var face: GSAIFace
var agent := GSAIKinematicBody2DAgent.new(self)
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ onready var collision_shape := $CollisionShape2D
func _ready() -> void:
var radius = collision_shape.shape.radius
_cannon = Rect2(Vector2(-5, 0), Vector2(10, -radius*2))
_cannon = Rect2(Vector2(-5, 0), Vector2(10, -radius * 2))
_color = collision_shape.outer_color
@ -35,10 +34,10 @@ func setup(
angular_speed_max: float
) -> void:
face = GSAIFace.new(agent, player_agent)
face.alignment_tolerance = align_tolerance
face.deceleration_radius = deceleration_radius
agent.angular_acceleration_max = angular_accel_max
agent.angular_speed_max = angular_speed_max
agent.angular_drag_percentage = _angular_drag
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
extends Node2D
signal path_established(points)
var active_points := []
var is_drawing := false
var distance_threshold := 100.0
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
extends Node
export(float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 600.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 200, 10.0) var linear_acceleration_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export(float, 0, 100, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 10.0 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export(float, 0, 500, 10) var deceleration_radius := 100.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
export(float, 0, 5, 0.1) var predict_time := 0.3 setget set_predict_time
export(float, 0, 200, 10.0) var path_offset := 20.0 setget set_path_offset
export (float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 600.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 200, 10.0) var linear_acceleration_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_acceleration_max
export (float, 0, 100, 0.1) var arrival_tolerance := 10.0 setget set_arrival_tolerance
export (float, 0, 500, 10) var deceleration_radius := 100.0 setget set_deceleration_radius
export (float, 0, 5, 0.1) var predict_time := 0.3 setget set_predict_time
export (float, 0, 200, 10.0) var path_offset := 20.0 setget set_path_offset
onready var drawer := $Drawer
onready var follower := $PathFollower
@ -14,12 +13,12 @@ onready var follower := $PathFollower
func _ready() -> void:
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.agent.linear_speed_max = value
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ func set_linear_acceleration_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_acceleration_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ func set_arrival_tolerance(value: float) -> void:
arrival_tolerance = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.follow.arrival_tolerance = value
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ func set_deceleration_radius(value: float) -> void:
deceleration_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.follow.deceleration_radius = value
@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ func set_predict_time(value: float) -> void:
predict_time = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.follow.prediction_time = value
@ -67,5 +66,5 @@ func set_path_offset(value: float) -> void:
path_offset = value
if not is_inside_tree():
follower.follow.path_offset = value
@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var _velocity := Vector2.ZERO
var _accel := GSAITargetAcceleration.new()
var _valid := false
var _drag := 0.1
onready var agent := GSAIKinematicBody2DAgent.new(self)
onready var path := GSAIPath.new([
onready var path := GSAIPath.new(
Vector3(global_position.x, global_position.y, 0),
Vector3(global_position.x, global_position.y, 0)
], true)
onready var follow := GSAIFollowPath.new(agent, path, 0, 0)
func setup(
path_offset: float,
predict_time: float,
accel_max: float,
speed_max: float,
decel_radius: float,
arrival_tolerance: float
) -> void:
path_offset: float,
predict_time: float,
accel_max: float,
speed_max: float,
decel_radius: float,
arrival_tolerance: float
) -> void:
owner.drawer.connect("path_established", self, "_on_Drawer_path_established")
follow.path_offset = path_offset
follow.prediction_time = predict_time
follow.deceleration_radius = decel_radius
follow.arrival_tolerance = arrival_tolerance
agent.linear_acceleration_max = accel_max
agent.linear_speed_max = speed_max
agent.linear_drag_percentage = _drag
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
extends Node
onready var spawner := $Spawner
export(float, 0, 2000, 40.0) var linear_speed_max := 600.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 200, 2.0) var linear_accel_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export(float, 0, 300, 2.0) var proximity_radius := 140.0 setget set_proximity_radius
export(float, 0, 10000, 100) var separation_decay_coefficient := 2000.0 setget set_separation_decay_coef
export(float, 0, 2, 0.1) var cohesion_strength := 0.1 setget set_cohesion_strength
export(float, 0, 6, 0.1) var separation_strength := 1.5 setget set_separation_strength
export (float, 0, 2000, 40.0) var linear_speed_max := 600.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 200, 2.0) var linear_accel_max := 40.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export (float, 0, 300, 2.0) var proximity_radius := 140.0 setget set_proximity_radius
export (float, 0, 10000, 100) var separation_decay_coefficient := 2000.0 setget set_separation_decay_coef
export (float, 0, 2, 0.1) var cohesion_strength := 0.1 setget set_cohesion_strength
export (float, 0, 6, 0.1) var separation_strength := 1.5 setget set_separation_strength
export var show_proximity_radius := true setget set_show_proximity_radius
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ func set_linear_accel_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_accel_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ func set_proximity_radius(value: float) -> void:
proximity_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ func set_show_proximity_radius(value: bool) -> void:
show_proximity_radius = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ func set_separation_decay_coef(value: float) -> void:
separation_decay_coefficient = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ func set_cohesion_strength(value: float) -> void:
cohesion_strength = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -76,5 +75,5 @@ func set_separation_strength(value: float) -> void:
separation_strength = value
if not is_inside_tree():
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var separation: GSAISeparation
var cohesion: GSAICohesion
var proximity: GSAIRadiusProximity
@ -16,20 +15,20 @@ onready var collision_shape := $CollisionShape2D
func setup(
linear_speed_max: float,
linear_accel_max: float,
proximity_radius: float,
separation_decay_coefficient: float,
cohesion_strength: float,
separation_strength: float
) -> void:
linear_speed_max: float,
linear_accel_max: float,
proximity_radius: float,
separation_decay_coefficient: float,
cohesion_strength: float,
separation_strength: float
) -> void:
_color = Color(rand_range(0.5, 1), rand_range(0.25, 1), rand_range(0, 1))
collision_shape.inner_color = _color
agent.linear_acceleration_max = linear_accel_max
agent.linear_speed_max = linear_speed_max
agent.linear_drag_percentage = 0.1
proximity = GSAIRadiusProximity.new(agent, [], proximity_radius)
separation = GSAISeparation.new(agent, proximity)
separation.decay_coefficient = separation_decay_coefficient
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends Node2D
export var member: PackedScene
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends ItemList
signal demo_selected(scene_path)
var file_paths := PoolStringArray()
@ -28,15 +27,17 @@ func sentencify(line: String) -> String:
var regex := RegEx.new()
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
line = line.split(".", true, 1)[0]
line = regex.sub(line, " $0", true)
return line
func _find_files(dirpath := "", patterns := PoolStringArray(), is_recursive := false, do_skip_hidden := true) -> PoolStringArray:
var paths: = PoolStringArray()
var directory: = Directory.new()
func _find_files(
dirpath := "", patterns := PoolStringArray(), is_recursive := false, do_skip_hidden := true
) -> PoolStringArray:
var paths := PoolStringArray()
var directory := Directory.new()
if not directory.dir_exists(dirpath):
printerr("The directory does not exist: %s" % dirpath)
@ -47,10 +48,10 @@ func _find_files(dirpath := "", patterns := PoolStringArray(), is_recursive := f
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
directory.list_dir_begin(true, do_skip_hidden)
var file_name: = directory.get_next()
var file_name := directory.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if directory.current_is_dir() and is_recursive:
var subdirectory: = dirpath.plus_file(file_name)
var subdirectory := dirpath.plus_file(file_name)
paths.append_array(_find_files(subdirectory, patterns, is_recursive))
for pattern in patterns:
@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
extends Node2D
# Wraps the ships' positions around the world border.
var _world_bounds: Vector2
func _ready() -> void:
_world_bounds = Vector2(
ProjectSettings["display/window/size/width"], ProjectSettings["display/window/size/height"]
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
# Controls the player ship's movements based on player input.
export var thruster_strength := 175.0
export var side_thruster_strength := 10.0
export var velocity_max := 300.0
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
rotation += _angular_velocity * delta
_linear_velocity = _calculate_linear_velocity(
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
_linear_velocity = move_and_slide(_linear_velocity)
@ -54,9 +53,9 @@ func _calculate_angular_velocity(
velocity = lerp(velocity, 0, ship_drag)
return velocity
@ -73,17 +72,19 @@ func _calculate_linear_velocity(
if vertical_movement > 0:
actual_strength = strength
elif vertical_movement < 0:
actual_strength = -strength/1.5
actual_strength = -strength / 1.5
var velocity := current_velocity + facing_direction * actual_strength * delta
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector2.ZERO, ship_drag_coefficient)
return velocity.clamped(speed_max)
func _get_movement() -> Vector2:
return Vector2( Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_up") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_down"))
return Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_up") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_down")
func _update_agent() -> void:
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
extends Node
export(float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 120.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 200, 2) var linear_accel_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export(float, 0, 5, 0.1) var predict_time := 1.0 setget set_predict_time
export (float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 120.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 200, 2) var linear_accel_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export (float, 0, 5, 0.1) var predict_time := 1.0 setget set_predict_time
onready var pursuer := $BoundaryManager/Pursuer
onready var seeker := $BoundaryManager/Seeker
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
pursuer.agent.linear_speed_max = value
seeker.agent.linear_speed_max = value
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ func set_linear_accel_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_accel_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
pursuer.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
seeker.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
@ -36,5 +35,5 @@ func set_predict_time(value: float) -> void:
predict_time = value
if not is_inside_tree():
pursuer._behavior.predict_time_max = value
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
# Represents a ship that chases after the player.
export var use_seek: bool = false
var _blend: GSAIBlend
@ -22,28 +21,23 @@ func _ready() -> void:
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
_direction_face.position = agent.position + accel.linear.normalized()
agent.angular_velocity = clamp(
agent.angular_velocity + accel.angular,
agent.angular_velocity + accel.angular, -agent.angular_speed_max, agent.angular_speed_max
agent.angular_velocity = lerp(agent.angular_velocity, 0, _angular_drag)
rotation += agent.angular_velocity * delta
var linear_velocity := (
GSAIUtils.to_vector2(agent.linear_velocity) +
(GSAIUtils.angle_to_vector2(rotation) * -agent.linear_acceleration_max)
+ (GSAIUtils.angle_to_vector2(rotation) * -agent.linear_acceleration_max)
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.clamped(agent.linear_speed_max)
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.linear_interpolate(
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector2.ZERO, _linear_drag_coefficient)
linear_velocity = move_and_slide(linear_velocity)
agent.linear_velocity = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(linear_velocity)
@ -54,18 +48,18 @@ func setup(predict_time: float, linear_speed_max: float, linear_accel_max: float
behavior = GSAISeek.new(agent, player_agent)
behavior = GSAIPursue.new(agent, player_agent, predict_time)
var orient_behavior := GSAIFace.new(agent, _direction_face)
orient_behavior.alignment_tolerance = deg2rad(5)
orient_behavior.deceleration_radius = deg2rad(5)
_blend = GSAIBlend.new(agent)
_blend.add(behavior, 1)
_blend.add(orient_behavior, 1)
agent.angular_acceleration_max = deg2rad(40)
agent.angular_speed_max = deg2rad(90)
agent.linear_acceleration_max = linear_accel_max
agent.linear_speed_max = linear_speed_max
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
# Maximum possible linear velocity
export var speed_max := 450.0
# Maximum change in linear velocity
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
# Face turns the agent to keep looking towards its target. It will be enabled while the agent
# is not fleeing due to low health. It tries to arrive 'on alignment' with 0 remaining velocity.
var face := GSAIFace.new(agent, player_agent)
# We use deg2rad because the math in the toolkit assumes radians.
# How close for the agent to be 'aligned', if not exact.
face.alignment_tolerance = deg2rad(5)
@ -119,22 +118,20 @@ func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# We add the discovered acceleration to our linear velocity. The toolkit does not limit
# velocity, just acceleration, so we clamp the result ourselves here.
velocity = (velocity + Vector2(
acceleration.linear.x, acceleration.linear.y)
velocity = (velocity + Vector2(acceleration.linear.x, acceleration.linear.y)).clamped(
# This applies drag on the agent's motion, helping it to slow down naturally.
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector2.ZERO, linear_drag)
# And since we're using a KinematicBody2D, we use Godot's excellent move_and_slide to actually
# apply the final movement, and record any change in velocity the physics engine discovered.
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
# We then do something similar to apply our agent's rotational speed.
angular_velocity = clamp(
angular_velocity + acceleration.angular,
angular_velocity + acceleration.angular, -agent.angular_speed_max, agent.angular_speed_max
# This applies drag on the agent's rotation, helping it slow down naturally.
angular_velocity = lerp(angular_velocity, 0, angular_drag)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
export var speed := 1500.0
var velocity := Vector2.ZERO
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
export var speed_max := 650.0
export var acceleration_max := 70.0
export var rotation_speed_max := 240
@ -25,27 +24,27 @@ func _ready() -> void:
agent.angular_acceleration_max = deg2rad(rotation_accel_max)
agent.bounding_radius = calculate_radius($CollisionPolygon2D.polygon)
var mouse_pos := get_global_mouse_position()
proxy_target.position.x = mouse_pos.x
proxy_target.position.y = mouse_pos.y
face.alignment_tolerance = deg2rad(5)
face.deceleration_radius = deg2rad(45)
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
var movement := get_movement()
direction = GSAIUtils.angle_to_vector2(rotation)
velocity += direction * acceleration_max * movement
velocity = velocity.clamped(speed_max)
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector2.ZERO, 0.1)
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
angular_velocity += accel.angular
angular_velocity = clamp(angular_velocity, -agent.angular_speed_max, agent.angular_speed_max)
@ -60,8 +59,11 @@ func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
proxy_target.position.y = mouse_pos.y
elif event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
var next_bullet: = bullet.instance()
next_bullet.global_position = global_position - direction * (agent.bounding_radius-5)
var next_bullet := bullet.instance()
next_bullet.global_position = (
- direction * (agent.bounding_radius - 5)
next_bullet.player = self
@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
extends Node2D
const COLOR := Color("8fde5d")
func _ready() -> void:
get_tree().root.connect("size_changed", self, "_on_SceneTree_size_changed")
func _draw() -> void:
for b in get_children():
var extents: Vector2 = b.get_node("CollisionShape2D").shape.extents
draw_rect(Rect2(b.global_position-extents, extents*2), COLOR)
draw_rect(Rect2(b.global_position - extents, extents * 2), COLOR)
func _on_SceneTree_size_changed() -> void:
var size := Vector2(
ProjectSettings["display/window/size/width"], ProjectSettings["display/window/size/height"]
for b in get_children():
var boundary: String = b.name.rsplit("Boundary")[0]
match boundary:
b.global_position = Vector2(0, size.y/2)
b.global_position = Vector2(0, size.y / 2)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x, size.y/2)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x, size.y / 2)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x/2, 0)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x / 2, 0)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x/2, size.y)
b.global_position = Vector2(size.x / 2, size.y)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
# Class to control the player in basic left/right up/down movement.
var speed: float
onready var agent := GSAIAgentLocation.new()
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
var movement := _get_movement()
if movement.length_squared() < 0.01:
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
move_and_slide(movement * speed)
agent.position = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(global_position)
@ -22,5 +21,6 @@ func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
func _get_movement() -> Vector2:
return Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_down") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_up"))
Input.get_action_strength("sf_right") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_left"),
Input.get_action_strength("sf_down") - Input.get_action_strength("sf_up")
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
extends Node
# Access helper class for children to access window boundaries.
enum Mode { FLEE, SEEK }
export(Mode) var behavior_mode := Mode.SEEK setget set_behavior_mode
export(float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 200.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export(float, 0, 500, 0.5) var linear_accel_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export(float) var player_speed := 600.0 setget set_player_speed
export (Mode) var behavior_mode := Mode.SEEK setget set_behavior_mode
export (float, 0, 2000, 40) var linear_speed_max := 200.0 setget set_linear_speed_max
export (float, 0, 500, 0.5) var linear_accel_max := 10.0 setget set_linear_accel_max
export (float) var player_speed := 600.0 setget set_player_speed
var camera_boundaries: Rect2
@ -21,18 +20,18 @@ func _ready() -> void:
var rng := RandomNumberGenerator.new()
player.speed = player_speed
for i in range(spawner.entity_count):
var new_pos := Vector2(
rng.randf_range(0, camera_boundaries.size.x),
rng.randf_range(0, camera_boundaries.size.y)
rng.randf_range(0, camera_boundaries.size.x),
rng.randf_range(0, camera_boundaries.size.y)
var entity: KinematicBody2D = spawner.Entity.instance()
entity.global_position = new_pos
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ func set_behavior_mode(mode: int) -> void:
behavior_mode = mode
if not is_inside_tree():
match mode:
for child in spawner.get_children():
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ func set_linear_speed_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_speed_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
for child in spawner.get_children():
child.agent.linear_speed_max = value
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ func set_linear_accel_max(value: float) -> void:
linear_accel_max = value
if not is_inside_tree():
for child in spawner.get_children():
child.agent.linear_acceleration_max = value
@ -79,5 +78,5 @@ func set_player_speed(value: float) -> void:
player_speed = value
if not is_inside_tree():
player.speed = player_speed
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
var player_agent: GSAIAgentLocation
var velocity := Vector2.ZERO
var start_speed: float
@ -21,10 +20,10 @@ func _ready() -> void:
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if not player_agent:
if use_seek:
agent._apply_steering(accel, delta)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
extends Node2D
# Holds data to instantiate and configure a number of agent entities.
export(PackedScene) var Entity: PackedScene
export var entity_count:= 10
export var entity_color:= Color.blue
export (PackedScene) var Entity: PackedScene
export var entity_count := 10
export var entity_color := Color.blue
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
extends CollisionShape2D
export(Color) var inner_color := Color() setget set_inner_color
export(Color) var outer_color := Color() setget set_outer_color
export(float) var stroke := 0.0 setget set_stroke
export (Color) var inner_color := Color() setget set_inner_color
export (Color) var outer_color := Color() setget set_outer_color
export (float) var stroke := 0.0 setget set_stroke
func _draw() -> void:
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
extends PanelContainer
export(String, MULTILINE) var text_bbcode := "" setget set_text_bbcode
export (String, MULTILINE) var text_bbcode := "" setget set_text_bbcode
onready var rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = $MarginContainer/RichTextLabel
func set_text_bbcode(value: String)-> void:
func set_text_bbcode(value: String) -> void:
text_bbcode = value
if not rich_text_label:
yield(self, "ready")
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
extends Line2D
export(Color) var inner_color := Color() setget set_inner_color
export (Color) var inner_color := Color() setget set_inner_color
func _draw() -> void:
@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
extends GSAISpecializedAgent
class_name GSAIKinematicBody2DAgent
# SLIDE uses `move_and_slide`
# COLLIDE uses `move_and_collide`
# POSITION changes the `global_position` directly
enum MovementType { SLIDE, COLLIDE, POSITION }
# The KinematicBody2D to keep track of
var body: KinematicBody2D setget _set_body
@ -22,10 +20,10 @@ var _last_position: Vector2
func _init(_body: KinematicBody2D, _movement_type: int = MovementType.SLIDE) -> void:
if not _body.is_inside_tree():
yield(_body, "ready")
self.body = _body
self.movement_type = _movement_type
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
body.get_tree().connect("physics_frame", self, "_on_SceneTree_physics_frame")
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ func _apply_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, delta: float) -> void
_apply_position_steering(acceleration.linear, delta)
_apply_orientation_steering(acceleration.angular, delta)
@ -57,10 +55,7 @@ func _apply_sliding_steering(accel: Vector3) -> void:
func _apply_collide_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
var velocity := GSAIUtils.clampedv3(linear_velocity + accel, linear_speed_max)
if apply_linear_drag:
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage)
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
body.move_and_collide(GSAIUtils.to_vector2(velocity) * delta)
if calculate_velocities:
@ -70,10 +65,7 @@ func _apply_collide_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
func _apply_position_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
var velocity := GSAIUtils.clampedv3(linear_velocity + accel, linear_speed_max)
if apply_linear_drag:
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage)
body.global_position += GSAIUtils.to_vector2(velocity) * delta
if calculate_velocities:
linear_velocity = velocity
@ -90,10 +82,10 @@ func _apply_orientation_steering(angular_acceleration: float, delta: float) -> v
func _set_body(value: KinematicBody2D) -> void:
body = value
_last_position = body.global_position
_last_orientation = body.rotation
position = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(_last_position)
orientation = _last_orientation
@ -101,36 +93,28 @@ func _set_body(value: KinematicBody2D) -> void:
func _on_SceneTree_physics_frame() -> void:
var current_position := body.global_position
var current_orientation := body.rotation
position = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(current_position)
orientation = current_orientation
if calculate_velocities:
if _applied_steering:
_applied_steering = false
linear_velocity = GSAIUtils.clampedv3(
GSAIUtils.to_vector3(_last_position - current_position),
GSAIUtils.to_vector3(_last_position - current_position), linear_speed_max
if apply_linear_drag:
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.linear_interpolate(
Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage
angular_velocity = clamp(
_last_orientation - current_orientation,
_last_orientation - current_orientation, -angular_speed_max, angular_speed_max
if apply_angular_drag:
angular_velocity = lerp(
angular_velocity = lerp(angular_velocity, 0, angular_drag_percentage)
_last_position = current_position
_last_orientation = current_orientation
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ class_name GSAIKinematicBody3DAgent
# POSITION changes the global_position directly
enum MovementType { SLIDE, COLLIDE, POSITION }
# The KinematicBody to keep track of
var body: KinematicBody setget _set_body
@ -21,10 +20,10 @@ var _last_position: Vector3
func _init(_body: KinematicBody, _movement_type: int = MovementType.SLIDE) -> void:
if not _body.is_inside_tree():
yield(_body, "ready")
self.body = _body
self.movement_type = _movement_type
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
self.body.get_tree().connect("physics_frame", self, "_on_SceneTree_physics_frame")
@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ func _apply_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, delta: float) -> void
_apply_position_steering(acceleration.linear, delta)
_apply_orientation_steering(acceleration.angular, delta)
@ -56,10 +55,7 @@ func _apply_sliding_steering(accel: Vector3) -> void:
func _apply_collide_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
var velocity := GSAIUtils.clampedv3(linear_velocity + accel, linear_speed_max)
if apply_linear_drag:
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage)
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
body.move_and_collide(velocity * delta)
if calculate_velocities:
@ -69,10 +65,7 @@ func _apply_collide_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
func _apply_position_steering(accel: Vector3, delta: float) -> void:
var velocity := GSAIUtils.clampedv3(linear_velocity + accel, linear_speed_max)
if apply_linear_drag:
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(
velocity = velocity.linear_interpolate(Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage)
body.global_position += velocity * delta
if calculate_velocities:
linear_velocity = velocity
@ -89,10 +82,10 @@ func _apply_orientation_steering(angular_acceleration: float, delta: float) -> v
func _set_body(value: KinematicBody) -> void:
body = value
_last_position = body.transform.origin
_last_orientation = body.rotation.y
position = _last_position
orientation = _last_orientation
@ -100,36 +93,28 @@ func _set_body(value: KinematicBody) -> void:
func _on_SceneTree_physics_frame() -> void:
var current_position := body.transform.origin
var current_orientation := body.rotation.y
position = current_position
orientation = current_orientation
if calculate_velocities:
if _applied_steering:
_applied_steering = false
linear_velocity = GSAIUtils.clampedv3(
_last_position - current_position,
_last_position - current_position, linear_speed_max
if apply_linear_drag:
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.linear_interpolate(
Vector3.ZERO, linear_drag_percentage
angular_velocity = clamp(
_last_orientation - current_orientation,
_last_orientation - current_orientation, -angular_speed_max, angular_speed_max
if apply_angular_drag:
angular_velocity = lerp(
angular_velocity = lerp(angular_velocity, 0, angular_drag_percentage)
_last_position = current_position
_last_orientation = current_orientation
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
extends GSAISpecializedAgent
class_name GSAIRigidBody2DAgent
# The RigidBody2D to keep track of
var body: RigidBody2D setget _set_body
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ var _last_position: Vector2
func _init(_body: RigidBody2D) -> void:
if not _body.is_inside_tree():
yield(_body, "ready")
self.body = _body
@ -30,10 +29,10 @@ func _apply_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, _delta: float) -> voi
func _set_body(value: RigidBody2D) -> void:
body = value
_last_position = body.global_position
_last_orientation = body.rotation
position = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(_last_position)
orientation = _last_orientation
@ -47,10 +46,10 @@ func _on_body_ready() -> void:
func _on_SceneTree_frame() -> void:
var current_position := body.global_position
var current_orientation := body.rotation
position = GSAIUtils.to_vector3(current_position)
orientation = current_orientation
if calculate_velocities:
if _applied_steering:
_applied_steering = false
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
extends GSAISpecializedAgent
class_name GSAIRigidBody3DAgent
# The RigidBody to keep track of
var body: RigidBody setget _set_body
@ -13,11 +12,10 @@ var _last_position: Vector3
func _init(_body: RigidBody) -> void:
if not _body.is_inside_tree():
yield(_body, "ready")
self.body = _body
# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded
self.body.get_tree().connect("physics_frame", self, "_on_SceneTree_frame")
# Moves the agent's `body` by target `acceleration`.
@ -33,10 +31,10 @@ func _apply_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, _delta: float) -> voi
func _set_body(value: RigidBody) -> void:
body = value
_last_position = body.transform.origin
_last_orientation = body.rotation.y
position = _last_position
orientation = _last_orientation
@ -50,10 +48,10 @@ func _on_body_ready() -> void:
func _on_SceneTree_frame() -> void:
var current_position := body.transform.origin
var current_orientation := body.rotation.y
position = current_position
orientation = current_orientation
if calculate_velocities:
if _applied_steering:
_applied_steering = false
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
extends GSAISteeringAgent
class_name GSAISpecializedAgent
# If `true`, calculates linear and angular velocities based on the previous
# frame. When `false`, the user must keep those values updated.
var calculate_velocities := true
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAIArrive
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
# Target agent to arrive to.
var target: GSAIAgentLocation
# Distance from the target for the agent to be considered successfully
@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ func _arrive(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, target_position: Vector3) ->
if distance <= deceleration_radius:
desired_speed *= distance / deceleration_radius
var desired_velocity := to_target * desired_speed/distance
var desired_velocity := to_target * desired_speed / distance
desired_velocity = (desired_velocity - agent.linear_velocity) * 1.0 / time_to_reach
desired_velocity = ((desired_velocity - agent.linear_velocity) * 1.0 / time_to_reach)
acceleration.linear = GSAIUtils.clampedv3(desired_velocity, agent.linear_acceleration_max)
acceleration.angular = 0
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAIAvoidCollisions
extends GSAIGroupBehavior
var _first_neighbor: GSAISteeringAgent
var _shortest_time: float
var _first_minimum_separation: float
@ -27,14 +26,18 @@ func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
if neighbor_count == 0 or not _first_neighbor:
_first_minimum_separation <= 0 or
_first_distance < agent.bounding_radius + _first_neighbor.bounding_radius):
if (
_first_minimum_separation <= 0
or _first_distance < agent.bounding_radius + _first_neighbor.bounding_radius
acceleration.linear = _first_neighbor.position - agent.position
acceleration.linear = _first_relative_position + (_first_relative_velocity * _shortest_time)
acceleration.linear = (
+ (_first_relative_velocity * _shortest_time)
acceleration.linear = acceleration.linear.normalized() * -agent.linear_acceleration_max
acceleration.linear = (acceleration.linear.normalized() * -agent.linear_acceleration_max)
acceleration.angular = 0
@ -55,7 +58,10 @@ func _report_neighbor(neighbor: GSAISteeringAgent) -> bool:
return false
var distance = relative_position.length()
var minimum_separation: float = distance - sqrt(relative_speed_squared) * time_to_collision
var minimum_separation: float = (
- sqrt(relative_speed_squared) * time_to_collision
if minimum_separation > agent.bounding_radius + neighbor.bounding_radius:
return false
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
class_name GSAIBlend
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
var _behaviors := []
var _accel := GSAITargetAcceleration.new()
@ -44,7 +43,5 @@ func _calculate_steering(blended_accel: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
blended_accel.linear = GSAIUtils.clampedv3(blended_accel.linear, agent.linear_acceleration_max)
blended_accel.angular = clamp(
blended_accel.angular, -agent.angular_acceleration_max, agent.angular_acceleration_max
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAICohesion
extends GSAIGroupBehavior
var _center_of_mass: Vector3
@ -17,7 +16,10 @@ func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
var neighbor_count = proximity._find_neighbors(_callback)
if neighbor_count > 0:
_center_of_mass *= 1.0 / neighbor_count
acceleration.linear = (_center_of_mass - agent.position).normalized() * agent.linear_acceleration_max
acceleration.linear = (
(_center_of_mass - agent.position).normalized()
* agent.linear_acceleration_max
# Callback for the proximity to call when finding neighbors. Adds `neighbor`'s position
@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ class_name GSAIEvade
extends GSAIPursue
func _init(
agent: GSAISteeringAgent,
target: GSAISteeringAgent,
predict_time_max := 1.0).(agent, target, predict_time_max):
func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, target: GSAISteeringAgent, predict_time_max := 1.0).(
agent, target, predict_time_max
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ class_name GSAIFace
extends GSAIMatchOrientation
func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, target: GSAIAgentLocation, use_z := false).(agent, target, use_z) -> void:
func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, target: GSAIAgentLocation, use_z := false).(
agent, target, use_z
) -> void:
@ -15,7 +17,8 @@ func _face(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, target_position: Vector3) -> vo
if distance_squared < agent.zero_linear_speed_threshold:
var orientation = (GSAIUtils.vector3_to_angle(to_target)
var orientation = (
if use_z
else GSAIUtils.vector2_to_angle(GSAIUtils.to_vector2(to_target))
@ -9,5 +9,7 @@ func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, target: GSAIAgentLocation).(agent, target)
func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
acceleration.linear = (
(agent.position - target.position).normalized() * agent.linear_acceleration_max)
(agent.position - target.position).normalized()
* agent.linear_acceleration_max
acceleration.angular = 0
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
class_name GSAIFollowPath
extends GSAIArrive
# The path to follow and travel along.
var path: GSAIPath
# The distance along the path to generate the next target position.
@ -15,11 +14,9 @@ var is_arrive_enabled := true
var prediction_time := 0.0
func _init(
agent: GSAISteeringAgent,
_path: GSAIPath,
_path_offset := 0.0,
_prediction_time := 0.0).(agent, null) -> void:
func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, _path: GSAIPath, _path_offset := 0.0, _prediction_time := 0.0).(
agent, null
) -> void:
self.path = _path
self.path_offset = _path_offset
self.prediction_time = _prediction_time
@ -27,18 +24,20 @@ func _init(
func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
var location := (
agent.position if prediction_time == 0
else agent.position + (agent.linear_velocity * prediction_time))
if prediction_time == 0
else agent.position + (agent.linear_velocity * prediction_time)
var distance := path.calculate_distance(location)
var target_distance := distance + path_offset
if prediction_time > 0 and path.is_open:
if target_distance < path.calculate_distance(agent.position):
target_distance = path.length
var target_position := path.calculate_target_position(target_distance)
if is_arrive_enabled and path.is_open:
if path_offset >= 0:
if target_distance > path.length - deceleration_radius:
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ func _calculate_steering(accel: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
if agent.linear_velocity.length_squared() < agent.zero_linear_speed_threshold:
var orientation := (GSAIUtils.vector3_to_angle(agent.linear_velocity)
var orientation := (
if use_z
else GSAIUtils.vector2_to_angle(GSAIUtils.to_vector2(agent.linear_velocity))
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
class_name GSAIMatchOrientation
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
# The target orientation for the behavior to try and match rotations to.
var target: GSAIAgentLocation
# The amount of distance in radians for the behavior to consider itself close
@ -39,11 +38,11 @@ func _match_orientation(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration, desired_orientatio
desired_rotation *= rotation / rotation_size
acceleration.angular = (desired_rotation - agent.angular_velocity) / time_to_reach
acceleration.angular = ((desired_rotation - agent.angular_velocity) / time_to_reach)
var limited_acceleration := abs(acceleration.angular)
if limited_acceleration > agent.angular_acceleration_max:
acceleration.angular *= agent.angular_acceleration_max / limited_acceleration
acceleration.angular *= (agent.angular_acceleration_max / limited_acceleration)
acceleration.linear = Vector3.ZERO
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAIPriority
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
var _behaviors := []
# The index of the last behavior the container prioritized.
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAIPursue
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
# The target agent that the behavior is trying to intercept.
var target: GSAISteeringAgent
# The maximum amount of time in the future the behavior predicts the target's
@ -11,10 +10,7 @@ var target: GSAISteeringAgent
var predict_time_max: float
func _init(
agent: GSAISteeringAgent,
_target: GSAISteeringAgent,
_predict_time_max := 1.0).(agent) -> void:
func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, _target: GSAISteeringAgent, _predict_time_max := 1.0).(agent) -> void:
self.target = _target
self.predict_time_max = _predict_time_max
@ -31,8 +27,7 @@ func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
if predict_time_squared < predict_time_max * predict_time_max:
predict_time = sqrt(predict_time_squared)
acceleration.linear = ((
target_position + (target.linear_velocity * predict_time))-agent.position).normalized()
acceleration.linear = ((target_position + (target.linear_velocity * predict_time)) - agent.position).normalized()
acceleration.linear *= _get_modified_acceleration()
acceleration.angular = 0
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAISeek
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
# The target that the behavior aims to move the agent to.
var target: GSAIAgentLocation
@ -14,5 +13,7 @@ func _init(agent: GSAISteeringAgent, _target: GSAIAgentLocation).(agent) -> void
func _calculate_steering(acceleration: GSAITargetAcceleration) -> void:
acceleration.linear = (
(target.position - agent.position).normalized() * agent.linear_acceleration_max)
(target.position - agent.position).normalized()
* agent.linear_acceleration_max
acceleration.angular = 0
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
class_name GSAISeparation
extends GSAIGroupBehavior
# The coefficient to calculate how fast the separation strength decays with distance.
var decay_coefficient := 1.0
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Represents an agent with only a location and an orientation.
class_name GSAIAgentLocation
# The agent's position in space.
var position := Vector3.ZERO
# The agent's orientation on its Y axis rotation.
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
class_name GSAIGroupBehavior
extends GSAISteeringBehavior
# Container to find neighbors of the agent and calculate group behavior.
var proximity: GSAIProximity
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class_name GSAIPath
extends Reference
# If `false`, the path loops.
var is_open: bool
# Total length of the path.
@ -56,10 +55,8 @@ func calculate_distance(agent_current_position: Vector3) -> float:
for i in range(_segments.size()):
var segment: GSAISegment = _segments[i]
var distance_squared := _calculate_point_segment_distance_squared(
segment.begin, segment.end, agent_current_position
if distance_squared < smallest_distance_squared:
_nearest_point_on_path = _nearest_point_on_segment
@ -67,8 +64,9 @@ func calculate_distance(agent_current_position: Vector3) -> float:
nearest_segment = segment
var length_on_path := (
nearest_segment.cumulative_length -
- _nearest_point_on_path.distance_to(nearest_segment.end)
return length_on_path
@ -96,8 +94,9 @@ func calculate_target_position(target_distance: float) -> Vector3:
var distance := desired_segment.cumulative_length - target_distance
return (
(desired_segment.begin - desired_segment.end) *
(distance / desired_segment.length) + desired_segment.end)
((desired_segment.begin - desired_segment.end) * (distance / desired_segment.length))
+ desired_segment.end
# Returns the position of the first point on the path.
@ -127,7 +126,6 @@ class GSAISegment:
var length: float
var cumulative_length: float
func _init(_begin: Vector3, _end: Vector3) -> void:
self.begin = _begin
self.end = _end
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
extends GSAIAgentLocation
class_name GSAISteeringAgent
# The amount of velocity to be considered effectively not moving.
var zero_linear_speed_threshold := 0.01
# The maximum speed at which the agent can move.
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
# Individual steering behaviors encapsulate the steering logic.
class_name GSAISteeringBehavior
# If `false`, all calculations return zero amounts of acceleration.
var is_enabled := true
# The AI agent on which the steering behavior bases its calculations.
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# system.
class_name GSAITargetAcceleration
# Linear acceleration
var linear := Vector3.ZERO
# Angular acceleration
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Math and vector utility functions.
class_name GSAIUtils
# Returns the `vector` with its length capped to `limit`.
static func clampedv3(vector: Vector3, limit: float) -> Vector3:
var length_squared := vector.length_squared()
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@ static func clampedv3(vector: Vector3, limit: float) -> Vector3:
vector *= sqrt(limit_squared / length_squared)
return vector
# Returns an angle in radians between the positive X axis and the `vector`.
# This assumes orientation for 3D agents that are upright and rotate
@ -18,12 +16,10 @@ static func clampedv3(vector: Vector3, limit: float) -> Vector3:
static func vector3_to_angle(vector: Vector3) -> float:
return atan2(vector.x, vector.z)
# Returns an angle in radians between the positive X axis and the `vector`.
static func vector2_to_angle(vector: Vector2) -> float:
return atan2(vector.x, -vector.y)
# Returns a directional vector from the given orientation angle.
# This assumes orientation for 2D agents or 3D agents that are upright and
@ -31,12 +27,10 @@ static func vector2_to_angle(vector: Vector2) -> float:
static func angle_to_vector2(angle: float) -> Vector2:
return Vector2(sin(-angle), cos(angle))
# Returns a vector2 with `vector`'s x and y components.
static func to_vector2(vector: Vector3) -> Vector2:
return Vector2(vector.x, vector.y)
# Returns a vector3 with `vector`'s x and y components and 0 in z.
static func to_vector3(vector: Vector2) -> Vector3:
return Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
extends Reference
class_name GSAIProximity
# The owning agent whose neighbors are found in the group
var agent: GSAISteeringAgent
# The agents who are part of this group and could be potential neighbors
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
extends GSAIProximity
class_name GSAIRadiusProximity
# The radius around the owning agent to find neighbors in
var radius := 0.0
Reference in New Issue
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